Uploaded Date
Oct 9, 2022
Not Tested Yet

Hello guys, first time for me here,since usually i just play few months(per year). This time i did try to make something different affter a guy Babemocni shared Attack_Monster tactic.
I didnt like some parts of the tactic like it was really "meta" dependent not mandatory but more taller guy you had the better. So i did start to collect data around the web from the best tactics and their roles/duties etcetc. And i did assemble those tactics (in reality are more then 20 some of them went to the bin). But those were the best in terms of results.
I will upload another one but is different shape but it did good as well.
About the originality of the "tactic" i dont know how it works(i mean its not just a tweak of a role,its me tried every role everything about every good tactic with results,option etc),i dont even know who/what to mention, to be honest more then a tactic it is an assemble of what i did found good around the datas. Its just in the name of science.

First is TerzinoJob aka in english Fullback,i found this role only on some other tactic and i don't understand why. To me is pretty good to compete with the IWB and WB.

My problem is about testing,i've found around the web some test run and now i am using TT's one that seem be more accurate that what i needed.

Btw if someone is interested to run test or play it and have some ideas to how implement it. Feel free to share it.

My biggest problem are SP's but that guy babemocni did it self and i can say that there is no better sp's at least for this shape and i tried alot to implement. About Sp's i am more then opened to test em!

-Edit: I forgot to say that you can play it even on positive/offensive/Very Attacking you can understand from the base, you can tick and remove roles that you dont find good or adatable for your team. Imagine there is calculator or w/e want to call it,the funny thing i found out about those test is that some options will just kill your tactics in terms on points. It's like the lesser the better.

And all of those are on vacation i didnt play them or gave a training. And i didnt even preselected a formation so it was all IA doing. (because in italian that option is missleading...)

Hf ^^



@Delicious, hey.

Just a quick question

On your screenshot I see it says "Offensive" mentality... Would it be "Attacking" in English?



Yes mate @Bogeyman Positiva/Positive Offensiva/attacking and Molto offensiva  = VA


@Delicious, which of the tactics is the most attacking in your opinion?


@Nikko Terzino is more stable @F9jobless and foundajob are more offensive. But i dont know if you read the edit, you can make it w/e you like, i've tested even double Mezzala w/o losing that much on defense. Those are more test, to me they like all pretty similar but numbers DR(GD) are different.


Delicious said: @Nikko Terzino is more stable @F9jobless and foundajob are more offensive. But i dont know if you read the edit, you can make it w/e you like, i've tested even double Mezzala w/o losing that much on defense. Those are more test, to me they like all pretty similar but numbers DR(GD) are different.
Thanks, for the detailed explanation. :thup:


I've tried "Found a Job 4123 narrow" tactic with Man Utd and it looks very solid

Well done, pal.


@Delicious  Which one would you recommend more? F9Jobless or F9 found a job?


alex said: @Delicious  Which one would you recommend more? F9Jobless or F9 found a job?

They are pretty similar to be honest, but with found a job you will get like 2% more juice from your it. Depends even how good is your f9

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