Take More Risks ( Passing Risks )

by Zippo, Nov 17, 2022

Base Tactic:
Team Instructions: None
Player Instructions: Take More Risks

The tactical instruction was tested for 2,880 matches and then the result was translated into a standard season of 38 matches:


Oh my


ON/OFF? Isn’t this three options? Where you can also have both unselected?

Or maybe take fewer risks going to be a separate post


tom100000000000 said: ON/OFF? Isn’t this three options? Where you can also have both unselected?

Or maybe take fewer risks going to be a separate post

'Take Fewer Risks' is a separate PI and it requires testing separately.

tom100000000000 said: Where you can also have both unselected?
When they both unselected it's the "OFF" result.


Gotcha, thanks

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