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Dec 27, 2022
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Patch 23.2.0
Patch 23.2.0 tests
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Test #1
Date: 29.12.2022
Test #2
Date: 29.12.2022
Test #3
Date: 29.12.2022
Test #4
Date: 29.12.2022
Test #5
Date: 29.12.2022
Test #6
Date: 29.12.2022

I will post here the variation of, 4231 pre/post meta bible in  here, (positive and balanced version since seem they are working better especially balanced), most likely i will just make runs with Bournemouth/City to run vacationtest

4231 Islam (Balanced)
Spoiler Here,i've just tried to use DLP = Focus play down "left or right", and some tweaks on BDP,the test was 50 (no clue if it could be restored...), so basically even if it might work for a vacation we do understand that in a long term run it's no showing the true power or even decreasing perfomance overall.

Tested with Bournemouth : 3rd 78 points

4231 Islam v2 (Positive)
Spoiler Changes is the mentality from Balance to Positive and few tweaks on set pieces.

Tested with Bournemouth: 4th place 74 points

4231 Islam v3 (Balanced)
Spoiler -Set pieces changes from Set pieces guide and tuned in more on the "rulesmeta".

-Want to be sure that Stuck-in is doing worst then good... because sometimes my personal test go sky-rocket and other times i get like 10+ goals more conceded. 

-The ball distrubition, wanna see if don't focusing flank can be better or not.

Tested with City : 1st place 99 points

4231 Islam v4
Spoiler -Mentality changes to Positive
-Same reason above about Stuck-in to check the impact on positive mentality
-Ball Distribution,i am unsure between roll out, long but with midfield range or focusing the flanks.(Before i woul say 100% focusing the flanks but we facing a wave of changes imho)

Tested with City : City 1st place 97 points

4231 Simple Positive Headache

It just trying to find, the difference between positive and attacking.
Spoiler Since everything is going to nuts at the moment in my brain .-.

4231 Simple Positive Headache v2


Spoiler :woot: :woot: :woot:

Ok,so normal positive 4231 it's giving 51! now we know that stuck-in and focus down is giving something but since we are really masochist we gonna add in it MORE,otherwise where is the fun?

Added: Stuck-in ; Focus down; Overlap; Run to defence and even counter-press! Old-meta into New-Meta! A mix!

4231 Alhamdulillah

Ok boys,we breaktrough 55! Now is the time to see if we can juice more from positive or not!
The lot of you didn't even understand what's going on, but that's not the matter! It's Test-time!


Spoiler -Remove overlap(just wanna be sure)
-Counterpress as well that's about min and max

The defensive line will stay "lowered", i am sure that's not even matter but we gonna face it later, i just putted it for easterEGG.

4231 The Hardy Boyz


Spoiler It's a tweak of 4231 Alhamdulillah just changed the mentality to Balanced

4231 Whisper in the Wind


Spoiler Tweak of 4231 simple positive HeadacheV2 mentality moved to Balanced.


Spoiler Changelog:

Just trying to fix out double volante on 4231. (for the smart asses that believe i am following someone or something about volantes here you can see was one of my first attempt, i just let them on bench because i went trough the bible).

This is licious meta + IWB+IF combo and underlaps. On this kind of version there are a bit of eastereggs around.



Spoiler IF into IW(attack)



Spoiler IF+WB combo

4231 ZKA Break Dance


Spoiler Vol on (A) IF on (SU)

4231 Lapdance


Spoiler Vol on (a)
AM on (su)
If (a)
WB (su)

Basically want to see if we can keep the stability with 3 (su) players instead of 4 since there is one less striker.

4231 Io vengo dalla Luna


Spoiler -Passing directness from shorter to standard
-Final Third = Mixed



Spoiler -Removed stuck-in
+adjusted set pieces
+standard pass dirictness
+Mix Crosses


4231 Simple Positive Headache v2: This tactic is amazing. The one I've had the most pleasure playing so far. The lower forwards participate very well in the game, as well as the wing-backs. Very consistent defensively and creates many scoring opportunities.

It would be interesting to develop a low-intensity tactic to save energy throughout the season. I made some adaptations and created one, so when I'm winning by more than 2 or 3 goals I put the low intensity tactic and the "game ends", because there are no more goal opportunities for the opposing team besides my team saving energy. I believe that Delicious can do better in this regard to save energy. hehe


Those tactics are just a base for you players and i am really glad that you play it and provide me feedbacks,once i am done with the test i will make even "save-engergy" but i am sure you doing a great job already ^^!

At the moment i am working on many tactics in order to gather more data possible and provide solid tactics and i really won't release something just to make "content"


4231 Simple Positive Headache v2

Player Istructions :

Rest all tackle harder.



A new best 4-2-3-1 tactic



57 Points and 4231

Are you kidding me?


A quick test with Arsenal


Newcastle, the 1st season


It works like a charm for Man Utd :cool:


We need 4231 60PTS

you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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