Uploaded Date
Dec 2, 2023
latest patchPatch 24.4.0 (DB3.0)
not tested yet
Patch 24.2.0 (DB1.0)
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Basically the same tactial instructions as the 4-2-3-1 version, but with a slightly different setup. A 4-2-4 does not quite work on the same level as before, so I've tried to use two SS that act as some sort of half space wingers. I've noticed that this moves the tactic very close to some existing tactics (golden mean II and execute order 66), but it has some distinct characteristics with the CM + DLP role combination, instead of using DMs or overloading the half-spaces as much as order 66 does.
Nice one 59 with no dm's is crazy
My favourite tactic of FM24 so far, well done.
Player Instructions please