How do you handle player contracts?

by famulor, May 6, 2021

Hi everyone.

So many of us have tried it. Players (including during transfers) demanding higher and higher wages to the point where it seems unreasonable and almost spins out of control.

How do you handle it? Any tips?

Do you guys increase their wages but lower their bonuses? Increase bonuses but lower base salary?


famulor said: Hi everyone.

So many of us have tried it. Players (including during transfers) demanding higher and higher wages to the point where it seems unreasonable and almost spins out of control.

How do you handle it? Any tips?

Do you guys increase their wages but lower their bonuses? Increase bonuses but lower base salary?

I always remove all clauses and try to get the wage as low as I can. If the player only wants to sign for an unreasonable price, then I let him go, unless I feel like I can't hire anyone in the same level or better. I also usually add a relegation release clause of zero, since it usually makes the player lower his demands.

P.S.: I also like to keep a "maximum wage allowed" depending on my club stature, to make sure I don't hire players that would cause me financial trouble. It's not so important in the higher leagues, but very important when you start as a semi-professional team.

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