Did a quick run with 4231v5 noname as well! I will make later with positive/Balanced check even how the rules of the roles impact with the tactics as well!
I used the FYS IF in some tests and Girona save and it performed well. However I did change one DM to defend in the Girona save as the team is still not great overall and we won the league. I also dont have a SC at all really and used 17 and 18 year olds with potential but currently weak stats. So I feel its really good and it seems in your test for an elite side, almost like you will win every game.
I also changed attacking corners, free kicks and throw-ins as players were all over the place?
keithb said: I used the FYS IF in some tests and Girona save and it performed well. However I did change one DM to defend in the Girona save as the team is still not great overall and we won the league. I also dont have a SC at all really and used 17 and 18 year olds with potential but currently weak stats. So I feel its really good and it seems in your test for an elite side, almost like you will win every game.
I also changed attacking corners, free kicks and throw-ins as players were all over the place? Expand
set pieces are killing my brain ... it's like a visual bug always showing up
So,i passed the last days to make a testing league as a tool and checking every combination :
This 4231 Islam Focus Strike V4 is the last version that i am trying to figure out if i am wrong or not about the SS, i did more then 100 test about it, but i am losing my brain somewhere and this one was the best perfomed on my test league.
Sorry for the italian language on screens but my FM23 is getting xml.parsing something everytime i change language :|
I've runned vacation on City just for the shows.
Gonna release a IWB and WB version and one mixed thing that i've in mind.
I don't know if it's better to make a post for each version or is cool enough to keep them in here. Just won't spam the whole forum out..
Ok, so here i am.. I am facing a wall of datas, that were released here : that i am gonna call the Bibble, just because for me was really a good work.
So i posted 2 tactics : one that i would used/assembled with the pre-bibble of datas and one post that and to me something is quite strange, i don't know if that is something that the staff would test or not but to me is something strange,beside that i guess everyone knows that vacation taken as test is something full of rng and variation, but to preset a tactic we have to do something so here the vacation test:
On the first pictures 1pre 2pre you can see a tactic that if you analyze the meta around you would use/make/create, based on my previous knowdledge of the "meta", since is a game i guess we can call it like that to make things easier.
On the second post that is something i would make after the released of the datas,i know that is rng i don't even know how the hell that happened but that made me laugh a bit because somehow both of the tactics ended up at 97 points.
Someone could say : you used City,is normal that the team wins: Will clarify this,i can make more vacation test with others teams with those tactics but i am pretty sure the results on vacation will be the pretty similar.
I've putted new sp's that i find more efficent around the web(maybe because none is getting datas about sp's stats), gonna find away to test them as well later.
How are those PI's and tactic istruction working? that's something i gonna test later, but would like a help from the science as well!
Sorry for the wall of text, it's ok even if those tactics won't get tested i am just trying to figure out this mistery!
For now i will put on pause(guess waiting for the patch is a must)the offensive story,going to assemble positive or balanced tactics.
@Ajax depends if you wanna play it or test it! CWBH137 is focused on the striker, if you want a overall good one then the "pre" or "post". Lemme know your results with it
The test doesn't evaluate the effectiveness of tactics for low or medium teams, does it? I try all taties with 2 attackers up front, be it 424 or 41212 and I have a lot of failures against the big teams.
But with his tactics with just one striker and two defensive midfielders I get more consistency and positive results.
Eddie said: The test doesn't evaluate the effectiveness of tactics for low or medium teams, does it? I try all taties with 2 attackers up front, be it 424 or 41212 and I have a lot of failures against the big teams.
But with his tactics with just one striker and two defensive midfielders I get more consistency and positive results. Expand
Sorry for the late response, i was under arrest... i am totaly glad that is working for you. 4231 is the most solid way to play and transition at the moment, that's why i am focused on it, because once i've found a good/optimal setup i will move on others things easily.
I am having problems with the expulsions. Despite withdrawing or aggressively disarming when they are with yellow cards, sometimes direct expulsions or hair second yellow happen.
Or what does it mean to do tactics with a lesser player? I retire which player or do I change my mentality?
Eddie said: I am having problems with the expulsions. Despite withdrawing or aggressively disarming when they are with yellow cards, sometimes direct expulsions or hair second yellow happen.
Or what does it mean to do tactics with a lesser player? I retire which player or do I change my mentality? Expand
That's the whole problem about this M.E. for some reason SI believes this way is more "realistic", depends what you are against,even if test scores i believe that you can move to positive/balanced without altering too much the Goaling score potential. But most of the time you need to tweak around to find a balance, Example: most of time i would sub-out AF/SS. rest is the Skeleton of the tactic
(I will remake the main post as well, to make some order)
So basically this version is :
-Applied the reliable Set pieces guideexcept the trown-ins because i found those one more affascinating. But since i am not really a set pieces expert, i might be wrong.
-GK changed to Attack (I've found out one of my old H137 now "focus striker", is doing pretty decent around the web even tho was old setup or even a mix between Pre and Post meta bibble(i know that is bible but i am italian so for me the double B sound more cool (i guess?))
-Applied all those rules that i've tested tons of time,but that found a place on the first rank, but since i am not really a fan of copy pasta i went trough my personal test and once again those results are (maybe yes? maybe no? I am talking about more then 10k games not 30) So that's why i need something with more science in it then a thing i did homemade. Talking about Underlaps,Stuck-in and Run to defense. UL is something i love, stuck-in is something i would prefer to live without it. Run to defense, i am not totaly sure if was tested on the bible, gonna check it later on.
Will follow 3 more.
With meta rules, the gk didn't perfom that different the (SU) and (DEF), but i am pretty sure the GK on (DEF) is doing weird things,i saw it with my eyes because i was sure something was wrong on it.
The only change is : GK from (Attack) to (Support); i am trying to point out trough test that even on GK there is something more that we really don't know about. I won't post a version with GK (def), because it was already tested on positive and balanced.
-Applied the Reliable Set pieces (Unfortunaly those stats are not showed on the results,but it might be interesting, for now i have noticed less goals from corners it's like -1/2 and didn't check yet on the maximum but those numbers are from vacation so i really don't know if we can call it "attendible".
-GK on (attack) i know that from the screen it might seem that was on def (I can assure you it was me just checking the differicies on the description,if that's a problem i can redo another test without any problem)
-Removed Stuck-in.
-Ball destribuition to full-backs.(Even if i really like long shot without any specific target,gonna test it more later)
Gonna post the GK(SU) later. Most likely i am testing GK(ATTACK) if even him like the (DEF) is under acid.
-Applied the Reliable Set pieces (Unfortunaly those stats are not showed on the results,but it might be interesting, for now i have noticed less goals from corners it's like -1/2 and didn't check yet on the maximum but those numbers are from vacation so i really don't know if we can call it "attendible".
-GK on (SU)
-Removed Stuck-in.
-Ball destribuition to full-backs.(Even if i really like long shot without any specific target,gonna test it more later)
Depends how the test will go, i have something more to show with different pivots!
Ok,so even if for the majority the last tests could might be seen as "failure", i see them in a different way, but i have to be sure about my last perplexities :
Ok, so somehow GK(AT) did 1 point better then GK(SU)at least in one test(but it might be rng but at least we know that we are don't gonna lose that point), since we already know more or less how the GK(DEF)perfoming, we gonna see a setup similar to Islam Champ,but with differencies.
Ball playing defender : it's not about anymore suspicious or stuff like that, but somehow the dribble more option at least on 4231 (offensive) and this shape setup is somehow under performing the tactic like no logic. So for the one didn't understand it, i've reverted it to just tackle more.
Set pieces: i've reverted the corner attack and adjustem them, as i said on other post,i've felt something wrong about it instastly. I've passed the last hours to just check set pieces and it's funny how the majority of the tactics using all the same setup. The biggest problem about those are the Inderect kicks and DFK, even conceding too many goals from corners. I will try to figure out but if there is a set pieces genius show up! Because atm we can say w/e we want but facts are the "meta" tactics using all the same setup. If someone wanna test those stuff with me or make a group dm me and we can try different setups alone will require really too much time and i have no that will. But understand it carefully, at moment most of the tactics losing points on set pieces more then anything else.
Ball distribuition, changed back to roll out.
Or this getting above the Islam champ or is going to hit less (due the GK(AT))
Got another one with the meta rules on it.
Depends on the results i've one last idea,i will release it later.
-Added all meta rules,except one that i will if the thing is going to turn into a success or not. At the moment the demon a.k.a Arena league is winning the game,is making The Assembler trembling,but fear not we got this!(maybe,almost sure we don't!But we can try again) -Underlaps -Run at defence -Stuck in -Ball distribuition : Short Kick (because i might be lunatic,i saw the gk getting better score with this one)
Losing the battles(test),like no toworrow but once again here am i standing still. The arena test is asking for mercy,the computing power already used is already over 9000(won't even calculate mine because imma get an headache.
-Stuck-in= i don't really understand why it's working for others tactics but the poor innocent 4231 can't... -Overlaps over underlaps,maybe one SS isn't enough for it... -GK on (DEF) guess it's self-explanotory after all of those test. -Changed the pass distruibuition,standard over all expect WBs/IFs/SS/AF -Sit Narrowed only for IF(i will think if is the case to put even on WB) -Add Focus play down the left and right (because on positive test it gave some results and because i want to give some colors as well to the istructions :woot
The vacation test went decent even tho the wild beast haaland got injuried and didn't play like 11-12 games and the mini-gnome Alverez tried to do his job...
Losing the battles(test),like no toworrow but once again here am i standing still. The arena test is asking for mercy,the computing power already used is already over 9000(won't even calculate mine because imma get an headache.
-Stuck-in= i don't really understand why it's working for others tactics but the poor innocent 4231 can't... -Overlaps over underlaps,maybe one SS isn't enough for it... -GK on (DEF) guess it's self-explanotory after all of those test. -Changed the pass distruibuition,standard over all expect WBs/IFs/SS/AF -Sit Narrowed only for IF(i will think if is the case to put even on WB) -Add Focus play down the left and right (because on positive test it gave some results and because i want to give some colors as well to the istructions :woot
The vacation test went decent even tho the wild beast haaland got injuried and didn't play like 11-12 games and the mini-gnome Alverez tried to do his job...
-Arena's server machine... in a while
Spoiler Expand
Underlaps are not for forwards, but to enhance IWB. Do u have roaming for the SS?
crizeKOS said: Underlaps are not for forwards, but to enhance IWB. Expand
It should works with SS as well, i wanted an option that was minimize the impact on the tactic at all but to give something back and .-. As you see on 4141 is working better because there are actually 2 SS. But if you don't have low wings i guess it's still a bit useless
Did a quick run with 4231v5 noname as well! I will make later with positive/Balanced check even how the rules of the roles impact with the tactics as well!
I used the FYS IF in some tests and Girona save and it performed well. However I did change one DM to defend in the Girona save as the team is still not great overall and we won the league. I also dont have a SC at all really and used 17 and 18 year olds with potential but currently weak stats. So I feel its really good and it seems in your test for an elite side, almost like you will win every game.
I also changed attacking corners, free kicks and throw-ins as players were all over the place?
keithb said: I used the FYS IF in some tests and Girona save and it performed well. However I did change one DM to defend in the Girona save as the team is still not great overall and we won the league. I also dont have a SC at all really and used 17 and 18 year olds with potential but currently weak stats. So I feel its really good and it seems in your test for an elite side, almost like you will win every game.
I also changed attacking corners, free kicks and throw-ins as players were all over the place?
set pieces are killing my brain ... it's like a visual bug always showing up
Main Post
So,i passed the last days to make a testing league as a tool and checking every combination :
This 4231 Islam Focus Strike V4 is the last version that i am trying to figure out if i am wrong or not about the SS, i did more then 100 test about it, but i am losing my brain somewhere and this one was the best perfomed on my test league.
Sorry for the italian language on screens but my FM23 is getting xml.parsing something everytime i change language :|
I've runned vacation on City just for the shows.
Gonna release a IWB and WB version and one mixed thing that i've in mind.
I don't know if it's better to make a post for each version or is cool enough to keep them in here.
Just won't spam the whole forum out..
Where the bibble story beginning
Ok, so here i am.. I am facing a wall of datas, that were released here : that i am gonna call the Bibble, just because for me was really a good work.
So i posted 2 tactics : one that i would used/assembled with the pre-bibble of datas and one post that and to me something is quite strange, i don't know if that is something that the staff would test or not but to me is something strange,beside that i guess everyone knows that vacation taken as test is something full of rng and variation, but to preset a tactic we have to do something so here the vacation test:
On the first pictures 1pre 2pre you can see a tactic that if you analyze the meta around you would use/make/create, based on my previous knowdledge of the "meta", since is a game i guess we can call it like that to make things easier.
On the second post that is something i would make after the released of the datas,i know that is rng i don't even know how the hell that happened but that made me laugh a bit because somehow both of the tactics ended up at 97 points.
Someone could say : you used City,is normal that the team wins: Will clarify this,i can make more vacation test with others teams with those tactics but i am pretty sure the results on vacation will be the pretty similar.
I've putted new sp's that i find more efficent around the web(maybe because none is getting datas about sp's stats), gonna find away to test them as well later.
How are those PI's and tactic istruction working? that's something i gonna test later, but would like a help from the science as well!
Sorry for the wall of text, it's ok even if those tactics won't get tested i am just trying to figure out this mistery!
For now i will put on pause(guess waiting for the patch is a must)the offensive story,going to assemble positive or balanced tactics.
Main post

4231Post Meta Bibble v2
Yo, made the CWB version and going for the IWB one! And maybe later gonna release something strange
Main Post

4231Post Meta Bibble v3
That's the IWB version.
Hello, which version do you recommend? Because there are many. Thanks @Delicious
@Ajax depends if you wanna play it or test it! CWBH137 is focused on the striker, if you want a overall good one then the "pre" or "post". Lemme know your results with it
Post meta it's fantastic.
All games 3d match.
drumdeaf said: Post meta it's fantastic.
All games 3d match.
Glad is working! Imma try to make some "meta tweak" as well soon just to see how we can juice more perfomance out of it
Hey @Delicious

Which number do you think you should look for in your system? speed and the other general numbers?
Ralle said: Hey @Delicious

Which number do you think you should look for in your system? speed and the other general numbers?
Pace and acceleration imho are broken, rest is just a generic way to see if a player fit it or not
Hi I'm on xbox can u put player roles/instructions please for post meta bibble
paularmy1 said: Hi I'm on xbox can u put player roles/instructions please for post meta bibble
Here you go :
For players just put Tackle harder.
Main Posterino

4231 Islam Champ
-Set pieces
-Rules (forgot cbs with dribble more)
-Roll it out, that can be long pass really soon or focus flanks
I guess i will make those changes toworrow,now i am more focused on 4141 and 4132 and there is space for 4231N version as well!
Vacation test :
The test doesn't evaluate the effectiveness of tactics for low or medium teams, does it? I try all taties with 2 attackers up front, be it 424 or 41212 and I have a lot of failures against the big teams.
But with his tactics with just one striker and two defensive midfielders I get more consistency and positive results.
Eddie said: The test doesn't evaluate the effectiveness of tactics for low or medium teams, does it? I try all taties with 2 attackers up front, be it 424 or 41212 and I have a lot of failures against the big teams.
But with his tactics with just one striker and two defensive midfielders I get more consistency and positive results.
Sorry for the late response, i was under arrest... i am totaly glad that is working for you.
4231 is the most solid way to play and transition at the moment, that's why i am focused on it, because once i've found a good/optimal setup i will move on others things easily.
Good job!
This is the best 4231 I've tried in FM23
I am having problems with the expulsions. Despite withdrawing or aggressively disarming when they are with yellow cards, sometimes direct expulsions or hair second yellow happen.
Or what does it mean to do tactics with a lesser player? I retire which player or do I change my mentality?
Eddie said: I am having problems with the expulsions. Despite withdrawing or aggressively disarming when they are with yellow cards, sometimes direct expulsions or hair second yellow happen.
Or what does it mean to do tactics with a lesser player? I retire which player or do I change my mentality?
That's the whole problem about this M.E. for some reason SI believes this way is more "realistic", depends what you are against,even if test scores i believe that you can move to positive/balanced without altering too much the Goaling score potential.
But most of the time you need to tweak around to find a balance, Example: most of time i would sub-out AF/SS. rest is the Skeleton of the tactic
4231 Islam's Choke

(I will remake the main post as well, to make some order)
So basically this version is :
-Applied the reliable Set pieces guideexcept the trown-ins because i found those one more affascinating. But since i am not really a set pieces expert, i might be wrong.
-GK changed to Attack (I've found out one of my old H137 now "focus striker", is doing pretty decent around the web even tho was old setup or even a mix between Pre and Post meta bibble(i know that is bible but i am italian so for me the double B sound more cool (i guess?))
-Applied all those rules that i've tested tons of time,but that found a place on the first rank, but since i am not really a fan of copy pasta i went trough my personal test and once again those results are (maybe yes? maybe no? I am talking about more then 10k games not 30)
So that's why i need something with more science in it then a thing i did homemade.
Talking about Underlaps,Stuck-in and Run to defense. UL is something i love, stuck-in is something i would prefer to live without it. Run to defense, i am not totaly sure if was tested on the bible, gonna check it later on.
Will follow 3 more.
With meta rules, the gk didn't perfom that different the (SU) and (DEF), but i am pretty sure the GK on (DEF) is doing weird things,i saw it with my eyes because i was sure something was wrong on it.
4231 Khabib's choke
It's a tweak of 4231 Islam's Choke
The only change is : GK from (Attack) to (Support); i am trying to point out trough test that even on GK there is something more that we really don't know about. I won't post a version with GK (def), because it was already tested on positive and balanced.
4231 Islam Champ V2
Changes from 4231 Islam Champ:
-Applied the Reliable Set pieces (Unfortunaly those stats are not showed on the results,but it might be interesting, for now i have noticed less goals from corners it's like -1/2 and didn't check yet on the maximum but those numbers are from vacation so i really don't know if we can call it "attendible".
-GK on (attack) i know that from the screen it might seem that was on def (I can assure you it was me just checking the differicies on the description,if that's a problem i can redo another test without any problem)
-Removed Stuck-in.
-Ball destribuition to full-backs.(Even if i really like long shot without any specific target,gonna test it more later)
Gonna post the GK(SU) later. Most likely i am testing GK(ATTACK) if even him like the (DEF) is under acid.
4231 Islam Champ V3
Changes from 4231 Islam Champ
-Applied the Reliable Set pieces (Unfortunaly those stats are not showed on the results,but it might be interesting, for now i have noticed less goals from corners it's like -1/2 and didn't check yet on the maximum but those numbers are from vacation so i really don't know if we can call it "attendible".
-GK on (SU)
-Removed Stuck-in.
-Ball destribuition to full-backs.(Even if i really like long shot without any specific target,gonna test it more later)
Depends how the test will go, i have something more to show with different pivots!

4231 Islam Makhachev
Ok,so even if for the majority the last tests could might be seen as "failure", i see them in a different way, but i have to be sure about my last perplexities :
Spoiler GK:
Ok, so somehow GK(AT) did 1 point better then GK(SU)at least in one test(but it might be rng but at least we know that we are don't gonna lose that point), since we already know more or less how the GK(DEF)perfoming, we gonna see a setup similar to Islam Champ,but with differencies.
Ball playing defender : it's not about anymore suspicious or stuff like that, but somehow the dribble more option at least on 4231 (offensive) and this shape setup is somehow under performing the tactic like no logic.
So for the one didn't understand it, i've reverted it to just tackle more.
Set pieces: i've reverted the corner attack and adjustem them, as i said on other post,i've felt something wrong about it instastly. I've passed the last hours to just check set pieces and it's funny how the majority of the tactics using all the same setup. The biggest problem about those are the Inderect kicks and DFK, even conceding too many goals from corners. I will try to figure out but if there is a set pieces genius show up! Because atm we can say w/e we want but facts are the "meta" tactics using all the same setup. If someone wanna test those stuff with me or make a group dm me and we can try different setups alone will require really too much time and i have no that will.
But understand it carefully, at moment most of the tactics losing points on set pieces more then anything else.
Ball distribuition, changed back to roll out.
Or this getting above the Islam champ or is going to hit less (due the GK(AT))
Got another one with the meta rules on it.
Depends on the results i've one last idea,i will release it later.

4231 Jeff Hardy
It's basically a tweak of Islam Makhachev.
Changelog :
Spoiler -Added all meta rules,except one that i will if the thing is going to turn into a success or not.
At the moment the demon a.k.a Arena league is winning the game,is making The Assembler trembling,but fear not we got this!(maybe,almost sure we don't!But we can try again)
-Run at defence
-Stuck in
-Ball distribuition : Short Kick (because i might be lunatic,i saw the gk getting better score with this one)

4231 Nurmagomedov
Losing the battles(test),like no toworrow but once again here am i standing still. The arena test is asking for mercy,the computing power already used is already over 9000(won't even calculate mine because imma get an headache.
Spoiler -Stuck-in= i don't really understand why it's working for others tactics but the poor innocent 4231 can't...
-Overlaps over underlaps,maybe one SS isn't enough for it...
-GK on (DEF) guess it's self-explanotory after all of those test.
-Changed the pass distruibuition,standard over all expect WBs/IFs/SS/AF
-Sit Narrowed only for IF(i will think if is the case to put even on WB)
-Add Focus play down the left and right (because on positive test it gave some results and because i want to give some colors as well to the istructions :woot
The vacation test went decent even tho the wild beast haaland got injuried and didn't play like 11-12 games and the mini-gnome Alverez tried to do his job...
-Arena's server machine... in a while Spoiler
Delicious said: Index

4231 Nurmagomedov
Losing the battles(test),like no toworrow but once again here am i standing still. The arena test is asking for mercy,the computing power already used is already over 9000(won't even calculate mine because imma get an headache.
Spoiler -Stuck-in= i don't really understand why it's working for others tactics but the poor innocent 4231 can't...
-Overlaps over underlaps,maybe one SS isn't enough for it...
-GK on (DEF) guess it's self-explanotory after all of those test.
-Changed the pass distruibuition,standard over all expect WBs/IFs/SS/AF
-Sit Narrowed only for IF(i will think if is the case to put even on WB)
-Add Focus play down the left and right (because on positive test it gave some results and because i want to give some colors as well to the istructions :woot
The vacation test went decent even tho the wild beast haaland got injuried and didn't play like 11-12 games and the mini-gnome Alverez tried to do his job...
-Arena's server machine... in a while Spoiler
Underlaps are not for forwards, but to enhance IWB. Do u have roaming for the SS?
crizeKOS said: Underlaps are not for forwards, but to enhance IWB.
It should works with SS as well, i wanted an option that was minimize the impact on the tactic at all but to give something back and .-.
As you see on 4141 is working better because there are actually 2 SS. But if you don't have low wings i guess it's still a bit useless