Cautious is better starter mentality when you face those points :
vs Better team/Elite Teams. Doesn't matter if you are home or away.
On Away games is better because you will not get tons of counter-attack.
Since the IA adapt to you very fast you need to tweak the mentality during the game.
You should test this by your self. Take an underdog or medium table team and try.
There is a crucial point of the game that i do like to go V.A. just for All-in, just by that combination of words means that it can go well or not. I am going to release 4-5 Cautius,because i want to compare as well but :
Ye, in a scenario where teams are equal, and to me those results are pretty the same ( we don't know how RNG hitted them). If i am the underdog in a away game i would always start on cautious and check the game's flow. I do even start on cautious even if my team is "equal", but that's me, maybe i do like my placebo's dose. Tweak the mentality in order to get the result you want is more how you dare in order to win a game.
The days you could just plug a tactic and go afk are done for. Or at least i just play the game in a different way.
And i would even check how Cautious drain off your players compared to Balanced one. But that's just me.
@Delicious so then if you are suggesting that being an underdog does make a difference to how a tactic performs then @WestDoorBlowJ point about underdog testing in fm-gamers is valid even though there the number of games tested is no way near enough to minimize the RNG effect.
Maybe one day fm-arena will incorporate underdog testing too
Zeyad said: @Delicious so then if you are suggesting that being an underdog does make a difference to how a tactic performs then @WestDoorBlowJ point about underdog testing in fm-gamers is valid even though there the number of games tested is no way near enough to minimize the RNG effect.
Maybe one day fm-arena will incorporate underdog testing too Expand
I guess you are missundersting the whole point here. He said that ANCHOR role is giving more stability and consistency to a tactic when you do play as underdog.
But since you are trying to point out something, but you putting me in the situation that i can be missunderstood.
So, you basically saying that attacking mentality is solid for underdog as well? And we are all fools
Because from FM-Gamers you can see clearly that :
You can check by your self. I won't really go any futher.
If FM-Arena didn't bother to make a test-league like previous edition, "Team A" ; "Team B" on the same league i guess they had their reason behind that.
From the test (go check how a test is conduct) you can understand why i do prefer to start the games as underdog(Negative side) on Cautious instead of Balanced and tweak in according of the game flow.
You can't really compare 3800 games vs 228. In order to minimize the RNG effect we should run tactics like 8k+ times, but at it would be just a waste of resource on both sides.
Cautious in a game where you don't freeze etc, has it's benifits even to manage your team status and rotation.
From one of my vacation lens got super season : I could just post that around the web and claim tactic is super, but as you can see it did pretty normal to the other leagues.
My test league is CA 140 +o- vs Elite teams and it has totaly different results from here as well.
I am doing even back-end test as well :
And attacking mentality isn't even near about being good for underdogs or sub/top.
Next time, check at least before to come at me with "points" are valid and etc. check what the discussion is about. Because we were talking about a role(anchor) giving out magic to underdogs.
And i didn't say that the tactic is bad etc, because i am working on that shape as well and if you check i did tested on Arena alot anchor's build after this tactic went out. So i am only thanksfull for the tweak and the test.
And saying this kind of shape it suit more "underdog" because of anchor to me is a bit optmistic. Because means it would suit 80%(Random number, to say alot) of the tactics posted here.
I wonder whether it's true that "Cautious" Mentality is better for away matches than any other Mentality or it's just another "Placebo".
@Zippo, can we somehow test it?
Chewbacca said: @Zippo, can we somehow test it?
I think I can run this tactic on Cautious mentality -
and then compare the away matches on Cautious vs Balanced
Chewbacca said: Hi,

I wonder whether it's true that "Cautious" Mentality is better for away matches than any other Mentality or it's just another "Placebo".
@Zippo, can we somehow test it?
First of all you should undestand a point :
Cautious is better starter mentality when you face those points :
vs Better team/Elite Teams. Doesn't matter if you are home or away.
On Away games is better because you will not get tons of counter-attack.
Since the IA adapt to you very fast you need to tweak the mentality during the game.
You should test this by your self. Take an underdog or medium table team and try.
There is a crucial point of the game that i do like to go V.A. just for All-in, just by that combination of words means that it can go well or not.
I am going to release 4-5 Cautius,because i want to compare as well but :
and :
We don't really know how that tactic at the time was away from 66 or not.
For some reason now D line seem worst than before but that's could be just a feeling.
This tactic -
On Balanced Mentality ( 3,840 matches played ) - Download Game Saves - Balanced Mentality
On Cautious Mentality ( 3,840 matches played ) - Download Game Saves - Cautious Mentality
Balanced Mentality:
Played: 3,840 matches
Overall Points: 6,519 ( 64.5 pts avg. per 38 matches )
Home Points: 3,524
Away Points: 2,995
54% Home Points
46% Away Points
Cautious Mentality:
Played: 3,840 matches
Overall Points: 6,418 ( 63.5 pts avg. per 38 matches )
Home Points: 3,505
Away Points: 2,913
54% Home Points
46% Away Points
As it can be seen from the test above the Balanced Mentality gets more Overall Points and Away Points than the Cautious Mentality.
@Delicious I thought @Zippo tested the cautious mentality on away games theory recently and balanced mentality still won out?
Zeyad said: @Delicious I thought @Zippo tested the cautious mentality on away games theory recently and balanced mentality still won out?
Ye, in a scenario where teams are equal, and to me those results are pretty the same ( we don't know how RNG hitted them).
If i am the underdog in a away game i would always start on cautious and check the game's flow.
I do even start on cautious even if my team is "equal", but that's me, maybe i do like my placebo's dose.
Tweak the mentality in order to get the result you want is more how you dare in order to win a game.
The days you could just plug a tactic and go afk are done for. Or at least i just play the game in a different way.
And i would even check how Cautious drain off your players compared to Balanced one. But that's just me.
@Delicious so then if you are suggesting that being an underdog does make a difference to how a tactic performs then @WestDoorBlowJ point about underdog testing in fm-gamers is valid even though there the number of games tested is no way near enough to minimize the RNG effect.
Maybe one day fm-arena will incorporate underdog testing too
Zeyad said: @Delicious so then if you are suggesting that being an underdog does make a difference to how a tactic performs then @WestDoorBlowJ point about underdog testing in fm-gamers is valid even though there the number of games tested is no way near enough to minimize the RNG effect.

Maybe one day fm-arena will incorporate underdog testing too
I guess you are missundersting the whole point here. He said that ANCHOR role is giving more stability and consistency to a tactic when you do play as underdog.
But since you are trying to point out something, but you putting me in the situation that i can be missunderstood.
So, you basically saying that attacking mentality is solid for underdog as well? And we are all fools
Because from FM-Gamers you can see clearly that :
You can check by your self. I won't really go any futher.
If FM-Arena didn't bother to make a test-league like previous edition, "Team A" ; "Team B" on the same league i guess they had their reason behind that.
From the test (go check how a test is conduct) you can understand why i do prefer to start the games as underdog(Negative side) on Cautious instead of Balanced and tweak in according of the game flow.
You can't really compare 3800 games vs 228. In order to minimize the RNG effect we should run tactics like 8k+ times, but at it would be just a waste of resource on both sides.
Cautious in a game where you don't freeze etc, has it's benifits even to manage your team status and rotation.
From one of my vacation lens got super season :
I could just post that around the web and claim tactic is super, but as you can see it did pretty normal to the other leagues.
My test league is CA 140 +o- vs Elite teams and it has totaly different results from here as well.
I am doing even back-end test as well :
And attacking mentality isn't even near about being good for underdogs or sub/top.
Next time, check at least before to come at me with "points" are valid and etc. check what the discussion is about. Because we were talking about a role(anchor) giving out magic to underdogs.
And i didn't say that the tactic is bad etc, because i am working on that shape as well and if you check i did tested on Arena alot anchor's build after this tactic went out. So i am only thanksfull for the tweak and the test.
And saying this kind of shape it suit more "underdog" because of anchor to me is a bit optmistic.
Because means it would suit 80%(Random number, to say alot) of the tactics posted here.