Mick1 said: Is ZaZ training the most effective? I'm having a few consecutive injuries Expand This is what I personally use it's a mixture of ZaZ's training which is based of Evidence Based FMs research on what sessions maximise growth and uses this https://fm-arena.com/thread/3638-training-system-bug/ so I can use as many match practices as possible, also keep in mind I also follows ZaZ's advice on the rest setup
Pumpkin said: This is what I personally use it's a mixture of ZaZ's training which is based of Evidence Based FMs research on what sessions maximise growth and uses this https://fm-arena.com/thread/3638-training-system-bug/ so I can use as many match practices as possible, also keep in mind I also follows ZaZ's advice on the rest setup Expand
Thank you Pumpkin, I'm going to test your schedule, see how they react.
I remember a couple of months ago that someone posted here one table with the individual training focus we should do by position with the best CA cost/weights, but im not finding that picture anymore.
I remember that as an example, on DR/DLs we should train Cardio, but i dont remember the other ones.
Mick1 said: Is ZaZ training the most effective? I'm having a few consecutive injuries Expand
Like @Pumpkin said, the training assumes you use automatic rest. The schedule he posted, with daily match practice, is more effective, but it uses a glitch that was not intended by the devs.
I remember a couple of months ago that someone posted here one table with the individual training focus we should do by position with the best CA cost/weights, but im not finding that picture anymore.
I remember that as an example, on DR/DLs we should train Cardio, but i dont remember the other ones.
Anyone has that picture/Table? Expand
@Mark has posted a multiple including a full 12 week cycle which I personally use, he's also posted a lot of great content and information on this forum which I implore others to read just by going on his profiles and looking and threads he's created or commented on
Guidito said: hey @Pumpkin are you noticing increased injuries with your schedule? i've followed Zaz's and noticed a spike on injuries pretty quickly.. Expand
It can happen but overall I've had great success and normal, for fm23, injuries. But I did have an injury crisis in one save. Personally I also rest people who are tired but excellent condition for one day manually. This is more to do with players not becoming fatigued and on match days can help with players not needing to be subbed off too early
Pumpkin said: This is what I personally use it's a mixture of ZaZ's training which is based of Evidence Based FMs research on what sessions maximise growth and uses this https://fm-arena.com/thread/3638-training-system-bug/ so I can use as many match practices as possible, also keep in mind I also follows ZaZ's advice on the rest setup Expand
Do you use the same rest setup for youth squads or do you set the last one to double intensity?
elynem said: Do you use the same rest setup for youth squads or do you set the last one to double intensity? Expand
Personally I only use double intensity for teams like U18 or U16 as thats when training is most important in development and worth the slight increase un likelihood of injury
Pumpkin said: Personally I only do for teams like U18 or U16 as thats when training is most important in development and worth the slight increase un likelihood of injury Expand
Just to clarify, you mean you use double intensity for the u-18 squad?
I use the same schedules for all squads. However I put my better U18's in the first team squad set to available for u18's for 90 mins. Evidence based football manager's tests shows this is best for development. Training with the first squad and still playing for the u18's.
keithb said: I use the same schedules for all squads. However I put my better U18's in the first team squad set to available for u18's for 90 mins. Evidence based football manager's tests shows this is best for development. Training with the first squad and still playing for the u18's. Expand
Don't they miss training sessions traveling for multiple matches doing this??
Pumpkin said: This is what I personally use it's a mixture of ZaZ's training which is based of Evidence Based FMs research on what sessions maximise growth and uses this https://fm-arena.com/thread/3638-training-system-bug/ so I can use as many match practices as possible, also keep in mind I also follows ZaZ's advice on the rest setup Expand
What made you choose match practice over physicals? Since physical is needed for pace/acceleration.
Sextuple said: What made you choose match practice over physicals? Since physical is needed for pace/acceleration. Expand
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bm9wtlofuwlhf5m/Training%207%20for%20Dropbox.xlsx?dl=0 based on the research of this spreadsheet it's just the top three sessions with the highest CA growth, and this is not evidence backed but I think the gains from trying to improve a players speed is minimal as it takes longer for these attributes to grow compared to other technical attributes
Pumpkin said: Personally I only use double intensity for teams like U18 or U16 as thats when training is most important in development and worth the slight increase un likelihood of injury Expand
Didn't Evidence Based FM debunk this? Seems match is better even for U 18s
Mark said: There have been a lot of questions about training focus for each position over many months on this website. I have generally approached this by looking at which individual additional training focus would suit the position best. After analysing the machine learning weightings against attributes that each individual additional training focus covers I think a rolling approach of between 1 and 4 training focuses should be used depending on the position.
To take the most advantage of the additional focus you need to have some of the training sessions that allow individual focus training in your weekly training schedules. The best schedules for this are Aerial Defence, Ground Defence, Chance Creation and Chance Conversion.
Here are the Training Focus calculations based on the GS Ratings, with the best individual focus schedules in blue for each position.
If you look at the ones that score at 150 points and above and then stick them into a 12 week schedule it looks like this:
After the 12 week cycle you need to start again at the top. Expand
I have a question about this. If my GK for example has bad positioning and good reflexes wouldn't it be better for him to train GK Tactical to get his positioning up than GK Reactions because he already has good reflexes?
This is a tough question to answer because, from what I can tell, the CA "cost" of an attribute isn't linear (i.e., the cost of taking reflexes from 19 to 20 is higher than taking it from 9 to 10). To complicate matters further, some stats cost more than others. For example, increasing reflexes eats up more CA than Positioning (again, just my own testing with the editor).
All that being said, I don't think you can go wrong with training reflexes for keepers. It hits reflexes, anticipation, and concentration, which are three of the most important non-physical stats for keepers. Tactical helps positioning, communications, and decisions which are less important.
Theoretically, there should be a formula that takes into account current stats, PA, CA, and stat importance to spit out what you should train. If you find it, let me know!
I feel like individual training is vastly overrated or rather people obsess with it way too much. The effects really aren't that large. You won't get someone with 6 positioning to 16 over the course of his career because of it. He'll naturally go from 6 to lets say 11 just with GK/SK training, and if you put him on individual training that involves positioning throughout his whole career you might get him to 12 or 13. All of these numbers apply for a guy from intake with great development and high potential. If you buy him at 18, develops less than ideally and/or just doesn't have elite potential you can easily half the numbers.
Yarema said: I feel like individual training is vastly overrated or rather people obsess with it way too much. The effects really aren't that large. You won't get someone with 6 positioning to 16 over the course of his career because of it. He'll naturally go from 6 to lets say 11 just with GK/SK training, and if you put him on individual training that involves positioning throughout his whole career you might get him to 12 or 13. All of these numbers apply for a guy from intake with great development and high potential. If you buy him at 18, develops less than ideally and/or just doesn't have elite potential you can easily half the numbers. Expand
Totally agree with that, you have a player with some notes, these notes have a potential, and you can do what you want, the road is already done for him.
The PA will be reach if Professional and AMbitions are enough, and if the age is not so old.
Yarema said: I feel like individual training is vastly overrated or rather people obsess with it way too much. The effects really aren't that large. You won't get someone with 6 positioning to 16 over the course of his career because of it. He'll naturally go from 6 to lets say 11 just with GK/SK training, and if you put him on individual training that involves positioning throughout his whole career you might get him to 12 or 13. All of these numbers apply for a guy from intake with great development and high potential. If you buy him at 18, develops less than ideally and/or just doesn't have elite potential you can easily half the numbers. Expand
If you've seen the EBFM video on individual training, it's definitely worthwhile. It let's you maximize the player's most important attributes (Pace & Acceleration), shore up weaknesses (that 12 finishing on an otherwise godly striker), and ensures that CA is going to the desired attributes (no more off the ball for your CB).
That being said, I agree that there is no need to obsess.
I didn't say it's worthless. But people expect massive changes because of it and it is simply not true in practice. From my experience you can get maybe 1-2 additional points in the selected attributes over the course of whole career. If you are lucky. Some focuses work better than others, some I'd argue don't even work.
Yarema said: I didn't say it's worthless. But people expect massive changes because of it and it is simply not true in practice. From my experience you can get maybe 1-2 additional points in the selected attributes over the course of whole career. If you are lucky. Some focuses work better than others, some I'd argue don't even work. Expand
To be honest, my individual training is always on QUICKNESS, PACE AND ACC are beast, no need to improve something else, i'm agree there is no need to work a lot on this part. And don't forget if you haven't a good note in Professional, you can forget all expectations.
Yarema said: I didn't say it's worthless. But people expect massive changes because of it and it is simply not true in practice. From my experience you can get maybe 1-2 additional points in the selected attributes over the course of whole career. If you are lucky. Some focuses work better than others, some I'd argue don't even work. Expand
I think you're right, but 1-2 points when you're best players are improving an attribute by 6-7 points is a pretty big deal.
That is only true for the very best prospects from 15/16 years old with additional training from the start. If you buy an 18 year old wonderkid the effect of additional focus is close to 0, maybe 1 point overall and I'd argue that's pretty much nothing. It won't transform the player, in essence he's still the same player with maybe (big maybe) slight tweaks here or there.
5+ years of additional training for a single attribute point ... and not like it's coming free either, it's coming at the cost of other attributes. I'll need some hard data to convince me that it's not largely cosmetic.
Is ZaZ training the most effective? I'm having a few consecutive injuries
Mick1 said: Is ZaZ training the most effective? I'm having a few consecutive injuries
This is what I personally use it's a mixture of ZaZ's training which is based of Evidence Based FMs research on what sessions maximise growth and uses this https://fm-arena.com/thread/3638-training-system-bug/ so I can use as many match practices as possible, also keep in mind I also follows ZaZ's advice on the rest setup
Pumpkin said: This is what I personally use it's a mixture of ZaZ's training which is based of Evidence Based FMs research on what sessions maximise growth and uses this https://fm-arena.com/thread/3638-training-system-bug/ so I can use as many match practices as possible, also keep in mind I also follows ZaZ's advice on the rest setup
Thank you Pumpkin, I'm going to test your schedule, see how they react.
Hi everyone,
I remember a couple of months ago that someone posted here one table with the individual training focus we should do by position with the best CA cost/weights, but im not finding that picture anymore.
I remember that as an example, on DR/DLs we should train Cardio, but i dont remember the other ones.
Anyone has that picture/Table?
Mick1 said: Is ZaZ training the most effective? I'm having a few consecutive injuries
Like @Pumpkin said, the training assumes you use automatic rest. The schedule he posted, with daily match practice, is more effective, but it uses a glitch that was not intended by the devs.
Gracolas said: Hi everyone,
I remember a couple of months ago that someone posted here one table with the individual training focus we should do by position with the best CA cost/weights, but im not finding that picture anymore.
I remember that as an example, on DR/DLs we should train Cardio, but i dont remember the other ones.
Anyone has that picture/Table?
@Mark has posted a multiple including a full 12 week cycle which I personally use, he's also posted a lot of great content and information on this forum which I implore others to read just by going on his profiles and looking and threads he's created or commented on
hey @Pumpkin are you noticing increased injuries with your schedule?
i've followed Zaz's and noticed a spike on injuries pretty quickly..
Guidito said: hey @Pumpkin are you noticing increased injuries with your schedule?
i've followed Zaz's and noticed a spike on injuries pretty quickly..
It can happen but overall I've had great success and normal, for fm23, injuries. But I did have an injury crisis in one save. Personally I also rest people who are tired but excellent condition for one day manually. This is more to do with players not becoming fatigued and on match days can help with players not needing to be subbed off too early
Pumpkin said: This is what I personally use it's a mixture of ZaZ's training which is based of Evidence Based FMs research on what sessions maximise growth and uses this https://fm-arena.com/thread/3638-training-system-bug/ so I can use as many match practices as possible, also keep in mind I also follows ZaZ's advice on the rest setup
Do you use the same rest setup for youth squads or do you set the last one to double intensity?
elynem said: Do you use the same rest setup for youth squads or do you set the last one to double intensity?
Personally I only use double intensity for teams like U18 or U16 as thats when training is most important in development and worth the slight increase un likelihood of injury
Pumpkin said: Personally I only do for teams like U18 or U16 as thats when training is most important in development and worth the slight increase un likelihood of injury
Just to clarify, you mean you use double intensity for the u-18 squad?
I'm using this schedule right now for my first squad (EBTS Alpha).
What should i use for the u-18's?
Gracolas said: I'm using this schedule right now for my first squad (EBTS Alpha).
What should i use for the u-18's?
Whatever you believe is the best training schedule for development, it doesn't really change between U18's and your first team
Pumpkin said: Whatever you believe is the best training schedule for development, it doesn't really change between U18's and your first team
Going to give your schedule a go for my u18 team this season, with the excellent condition players training with double intensity.
I use the same schedules for all squads. However I put my better U18's in the first team squad set to available for u18's for 90 mins. Evidence based football manager's tests shows this is best for development. Training with the first squad and still playing for the u18's.
keithb said: I use the same schedules for all squads. However I put my better U18's in the first team squad set to available for u18's for 90 mins. Evidence based football manager's tests shows this is best for development. Training with the first squad and still playing for the u18's.
Don't they miss training sessions traveling for multiple matches doing this??
Chriswin4 said: Don't they miss training sessions traveling for multiple matches doing this??
They would be resting from being tired playing 1-2 games a week anyway for the U18's. The training with the first team produces much better growth.
Where can i download the ZaZĀ“s training Schedule? And what is the best indivudual focus for the first team?
Pumpkin said: This is what I personally use it's a mixture of ZaZ's training which is based of Evidence Based FMs research on what sessions maximise growth and uses this https://fm-arena.com/thread/3638-training-system-bug/ so I can use as many match practices as possible, also keep in mind I also follows ZaZ's advice on the rest setup
What made you choose match practice over physicals? Since physical is needed for pace/acceleration.
Sextuple said: What made you choose match practice over physicals? Since physical is needed for pace/acceleration.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/bm9wtlofuwlhf5m/Training%207%20for%20Dropbox.xlsx?dl=0 based on the research of this spreadsheet it's just the top three sessions with the highest CA growth, and this is not evidence backed but I think the gains from trying to improve a players speed is minimal as it takes longer for these attributes to grow compared to other technical attributes
Pumpkin said: Personally I only use double intensity for teams like U18 or U16 as thats when training is most important in development and worth the slight increase un likelihood of injury
Didn't Evidence Based FM debunk this? Seems match is better even for U 18s
Mark said: There have been a lot of questions about training focus for each position over many months on this website. I have generally approached this by looking at which individual additional training focus would suit the position best. After analysing the machine learning weightings against attributes that each individual additional training focus covers I think a rolling approach of between 1 and 4 training focuses should be used depending on the position.

To take the most advantage of the additional focus you need to have some of the training sessions that allow individual focus training in your weekly training schedules. The best schedules for this are Aerial Defence, Ground Defence, Chance Creation and Chance Conversion.
Here are the Training Focus calculations based on the GS Ratings, with the best individual focus schedules in blue for each position.
If you look at the ones that score at 150 points and above and then stick them into a 12 week schedule it looks like this:
After the 12 week cycle you need to start again at the top.
I have a question about this. If my GK for example has bad positioning and good reflexes wouldn't it be better for him to train GK Tactical to get his positioning up than GK Reactions because he already has good reflexes?
This is a tough question to answer because, from what I can tell, the CA "cost" of an attribute isn't linear (i.e., the cost of taking reflexes from 19 to 20 is higher than taking it from 9 to 10). To complicate matters further, some stats cost more than others. For example, increasing reflexes eats up more CA than Positioning (again, just my own testing with the editor).
All that being said, I don't think you can go wrong with training reflexes for keepers. It hits reflexes, anticipation, and concentration, which are three of the most important non-physical stats for keepers. Tactical helps positioning, communications, and decisions which are less important.
Theoretically, there should be a formula that takes into account current stats, PA, CA, and stat importance to spit out what you should train. If you find it, let me know!
I feel like individual training is vastly overrated or rather people obsess with it way too much. The effects really aren't that large. You won't get someone with 6 positioning to 16 over the course of his career because of it. He'll naturally go from 6 to lets say 11 just with GK/SK training, and if you put him on individual training that involves positioning throughout his whole career you might get him to 12 or 13. All of these numbers apply for a guy from intake with great development and high potential. If you buy him at 18, develops less than ideally and/or just doesn't have elite potential you can easily half the numbers.
Yarema said: I feel like individual training is vastly overrated or rather people obsess with it way too much. The effects really aren't that large. You won't get someone with 6 positioning to 16 over the course of his career because of it. He'll naturally go from 6 to lets say 11 just with GK/SK training, and if you put him on individual training that involves positioning throughout his whole career you might get him to 12 or 13. All of these numbers apply for a guy from intake with great development and high potential. If you buy him at 18, develops less than ideally and/or just doesn't have elite potential you can easily half the numbers.
Totally agree with that, you have a player with some notes, these notes have a potential, and you can do what you want, the road is already done for him.
The PA will be reach if Professional and AMbitions are enough, and if the age is not so old.
Other things are totally useless.
Yarema said: I feel like individual training is vastly overrated or rather people obsess with it way too much. The effects really aren't that large. You won't get someone with 6 positioning to 16 over the course of his career because of it. He'll naturally go from 6 to lets say 11 just with GK/SK training, and if you put him on individual training that involves positioning throughout his whole career you might get him to 12 or 13. All of these numbers apply for a guy from intake with great development and high potential. If you buy him at 18, develops less than ideally and/or just doesn't have elite potential you can easily half the numbers.
If you've seen the EBFM video on individual training, it's definitely worthwhile. It let's you maximize the player's most important attributes (Pace & Acceleration), shore up weaknesses (that 12 finishing on an otherwise godly striker), and ensures that CA is going to the desired attributes (no more off the ball for your CB).
That being said, I agree that there is no need to obsess.
I didn't say it's worthless. But people expect massive changes because of it and it is simply not true in practice. From my experience you can get maybe 1-2 additional points in the selected attributes over the course of whole career. If you are lucky. Some focuses work better than others, some I'd argue don't even work.
Yarema said: I didn't say it's worthless. But people expect massive changes because of it and it is simply not true in practice. From my experience you can get maybe 1-2 additional points in the selected attributes over the course of whole career. If you are lucky. Some focuses work better than others, some I'd argue don't even work.
To be honest, my individual training is always on QUICKNESS, PACE AND ACC are beast, no need to improve something else, i'm agree there is no need to work a lot on this part.
And don't forget if you haven't a good note in Professional, you can forget all expectations.
Yarema said: I didn't say it's worthless. But people expect massive changes because of it and it is simply not true in practice. From my experience you can get maybe 1-2 additional points in the selected attributes over the course of whole career. If you are lucky. Some focuses work better than others, some I'd argue don't even work.
I think you're right, but 1-2 points when you're best players are improving an attribute by 6-7 points is a pretty big deal.
That is only true for the very best prospects from 15/16 years old with additional training from the start. If you buy an 18 year old wonderkid the effect of additional focus is close to 0, maybe 1 point overall and I'd argue that's pretty much nothing. It won't transform the player, in essence he's still the same player with maybe (big maybe) slight tweaks here or there.
5+ years of additional training for a single attribute point ... and not like it's coming free either, it's coming at the cost of other attributes. I'll need some hard data to convince me that it's not largely cosmetic.