@infxamus  do we train all players to individual positions?

and how to load training files into the game?

many thanks :D


max 737 said: @infxamus  do we train all players to individual positions?

and how to load training files into the game?

many thanks :D

Most people seem to recommend training to positions and not roles. I certainly do.

In terms of loading training files that you have downloaded, you need to place the downloaded file in the schedule folder in your game files. For Windows this is generally at C:\Users\[User Name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\schedules. Once the file is there the process is as follows:

In FM24 in your loaded save go to Training, then Schedules. Then click on the drop down for New Schedule. Select Custom Schedules, then Select Import Schedule. The folder indicated should be where you saved the Training Schedule you want to use. Select the Schedule you want to import and then click on Load. The schedule will then come up. Click on Save As and then give the schedule a name. You can then go to Calendar and select your Schedule for each week by clicking on the drop down then Custom Schedule and whatever you named the schedule.

Good luck


Mark said: Most people seem to recommend training to positions and not roles. I certainly do.

In terms of loading training files that you have downloaded, you need to place the downloaded file in the schedule folder in your game files. For Windows this is generally at C:\Users\[User Name]\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\schedules. Once the file is there the process is as follows:

In FM24 in your loaded save go to Training, then Schedules. Then click on the drop down for New Schedule. Select Custom Schedules, then Select Import Schedule. The folder indicated should be where you saved the Training Schedule you want to use. Select the Schedule you want to import and then click on Load. The schedule will then come up. Click on Save As and then give the schedule a name. You can then go to Calendar and select your Schedule for each week by clicking on the drop down then Custom Schedule and whatever you named the schedule.

Good luck

So just to clarify - is it better to put training "DL" and not "FB Attack" on left back? as an example.


I like to use fccadoni's training schedules

For players aged below 22 don't put a specific role and focus, and for those 22 and above put the role that the tactic (Striker gets AF training, Winger gets IF training etc etc...)


Incredible tactic. I won everything in England and lost the Europa League final on penalties


Alexandru said: So just to clarify - is it better to put training "DL" and not "FB Attack" on left back? as an example.

I don't think it matters much


THE BEST i've used by far, started with my beloved Middlesbrough - I'm currently playing the game through as a last hurrah for this FM.

I used this tactic alongside @Gerrard Azure v3 set pieces.

Screenshots attached.
If anyone wants more info, please ask :)


Incredible again, I've just done a 2 season holiday test with Leicester.

DoF did transfers, Azure v3 SPs

Season 1 - 1st in championship, record points.
Season 2 - Domestic treble.



MrGreen said: THE BEST i've used by far, started with my beloved Middlesbrough - I'm currently playing the game through as a last hurrah for this FM.

I used this tactic alongside @Gerrard Azure v3 set pieces.

Screenshots attached.
If anyone wants more info, please ask :)

MrGreen said: Incredible again, I've just done a 2 season holiday test with Leicester.

DoF did transfers, Azure v3 SPs

Season 1 - 1st in championship, record points.
Season 2 - Domestic treble.


Impressive seeing immediate success in the first season of PL while not even controlling transfers and going on holiday


MrGreen said: Incredible again, I've just done a 2 season holiday test with Leicester.

DoF did transfers, Azure v3 SPs

Season 1 - 1st in championship, record points.
Season 2 - Domestic treble.


Hey mate, may I ask you why you're using Azure v3 SP instead of Blue's SP?
So far I'm using  Blue ones because they ended up better in the testing.

Amazing results!




Hey everyone

Thanks for the amazing work you do here :)

I got a question related to wingers and strikers
Do you also notice that playing with a left foot at left winger and a right foot at right winger is far better than having wingers with "inverted feet"?
Is there a reason for that or it's just me? 😁
Also, regarding strikers I've tried meta ones with pace and acceleration but nothing beats a tall man up front with high jumping reach, do you feel the same?

Thanks in advance


I was doing a super season, going for the title, now i think it's dead.

I even lost home i don't understand.


Organize team meeting and try to boost morale (probably by reducing expectations if you're underdog). Check your team dynamic if there are any problems. Check individual morale and praise players for sth (or criticize if there's space for it).


I have 2 questions
What type of player would you look for in the PF role, a more technical player and passer or someone who fits what the position requires?
And in the iF, is it better to put them inverted feet?
Great tactic


is there a version with lower intensity to protect the outcome when perhaps you are ahead? and again,is there a version perhaps more offensive to use when you are losing?


opposition instructions are a must in all matches?


Manidaro7 said: is there a version with lower intensity to protect the outcome when perhaps you are ahead? and again,is there a version perhaps more offensive to use when you are losing?

To protect a lead in the last 15 minutes try this:
- Lower tempo to 'standard'
- Tick on 'be more disciplined'
- Turn off 'counter-press'
- Turn off 'distribute quickly'
- Lower 'trigger press' to standard for players to hold position more
- Turn off 'Step Up More'
- Turn off 'Get Stuck In'
- Change Line Of Engagement to 'Mid Block'
- Lastly change the FBs from attack to support
- Add 'Hold Position' instruction to DMs (optional)

To try and find a score late try increasing the mentality to attacking and/or pushing the FBs up the field and become WBs

wolf said: opposition instructions are a must in all matches?

Me personally I don't use opposition instructions

Accross said: I was doing a super season, going for the title, now i think it's dead.

I even lost home i don't understand.

You can figure out what is going on by reading this thread


infxamus said: To protect a lead in the last 15 minutes try this:
- Lower tempo to 'standard'
- Tick on 'be more disciplined'
- Turn off 'counter-press'
- Turn off 'distribute quickly'
- Lower 'trigger press' to standard for players to hold position more
- Turn off 'Step Up More'
- Lastly change the FB from attack to support

To try and find a score late try increasing the mentality to attacking and/or pushing the FBs up the field and become WBs

But what if I am losing and need to recover the result, what changes should I make to the tactics?


Manidaro7 said: But what if I am losing and need to recover the result, what changes should I make to the tactics?

Increasing the mentality to attacking and/or pushing the FBs up to Wingbacks


good stuff:thup:


We must play this tactic in what mentality please?


NeptriusS said: We must play this tactic in what mentality please?

Balanced mentality... only increase if you're losing at the end of a match


Would you say this is the best tactic in the game


Fmconsoleplayer said: Would you say this is the best tactic in the game

Any tactic that got "Excellent" rating in fm-arena testing can be consider as "the best tactic" to play FM. Just pick the one that fits your team and suites your playing style.

Look at this - https://fm-arena.com/thread/8922-understanding-the-results-of-fm-arena-tactic-testing/


Should the winger play with inverted foot so right footed winger on left side and vice-versa or not?


Seto said: Should the winger play with inverted foot so right footed winger on left side and vice-versa or not?

Yes, for right wingers the minimum requirement for the left foot should be "Very strong" and for the left winger the minimum requirement for the right foot should be "Very Strong". If they're considered world class then what their preferred foot won't matter (like Foden for City)


How do you get the most out of the tactics because when I use them they underperform but then I see people winning the league comfortably with a worst team so Ik it’s something I’m doing wrong


Fmconsoleplayer said: How do you get the most out of the tactics because when I use them they underperform but then I see people winning the league comfortably with a worst team so Ik it’s something I’m doing wrong





I am having success with this tactics in different leagues and Nations on PS5. Especially after following changes:

1. Changed training like in fccadoni blog. (Not everything can be set up for PS5 though)
2. Half of a season training Quickness for everybody, another half "no focus".
3. Trying rotation where possible so almost everyone is at least satisfied.

Won 4 CL in a row with Bournemouth recently in years 2035-2039 :)

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