Left footed cb?

by fmanagerenjoyer, Nov 11, 2024

Hello. Is left footed cb is necessary or it is only a choice?


fmanagerenjoyer said: Hello. Is left footed cb is necessary or it is only a choice?

It depends on what are you asking him to do. Is he a traditional CB? Or maybe you require him to build up? His teammates already have good passing skills? Are you starting your actions from your defenders? Are you mainly using left side of the field? Do you often require your centerbacks to play ball on thei flank? Answering these questions i think you could understand if you need it or not, often in 4atb shape a right footed defender with a "Reasonable" left foot is enough..


fmanagerenjoyer said: Hello. Is left footed cb is necessary or it is only a choice?

Do not bother much. The difference in performance is marginal, if not inexistent. In practice, a left footed player will have an easier time to pass the ball to the left. That will make players from the left move the ball more to wide areas of the field, while players from the right will move the ball more to the middle, since the engine tries to favor decisions with higher chance to succeed (based on a weight system). However, the difference is not big enough to make it a decisive factor, and I would easily use a winger or fullback with "wrong" foot, if it was a better player.

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