How training facilities, match played, height, league reputation , Ambition, Determinationand affect attribute growth

by harvestgreen22, Jan 1, 2025

Happy New Year

Under Given the conditions,
For training facilities, Level 10 has 97.4% of the effect of "training facility 20 ", Level 5 has 92.1% of the effect, and Level 1 has 86.5% of the effect.

So a club with a level 10 training facility is basically growing at full speed

Not Under given conditions (such as changes in Age and other things) may change result, but here only give roughly conclusion to save time

Under Given the conditions,
In terms of the number of match played, 97.4% participated in 100 games in 30 games per season, 88.4% in 20 games, 80.6% in 15 games, and 65.9% in 0 games

About 25 games is enough for 95% grow.

league reputation: 50,100,150,200 reputation makes no difference, the conclusion is that league reputation does not affect growth

Under Given the conditions,
Ambition: take Ambition 10 for the standard 100% effect, Ambition 1 has 73.1% effect, Ambition 20 has 104.9% effect
Ambition below 10 loses growth, ambition above 10 has relatively little impact

Under Given the conditions,
Determination: take Determination 10 for the standard 100% effect, Determination 1 has 66% effect, Determination 20 has 101% effect

Determination below 10 will lose more growth, Determination above 10 have almost no effect


1. Height and Jumping reach, both independently have a positive effect on the performance of players on the match.

2. Height greatly affects the CA Upper limit (Attributes that cannot be assigned to Jumping reach are assigned to other attributes) that can be allocated for Jumping reach growth per season.
In other words, the higher the height, the faster the Jumping reach can growth

3. No matter what height it is, Jumping reach can grow to 20. But the taller you are, the faster Jumping reach grow

Excel data : Training English 9.xlsx

Professionalism 1、10、20

Professionalism 1、5、10、15、20


These are tremendous data, thank you! As I am most exclusively play academy-only saves, his once again brings the importance of your HoYD's personality. Model professional is not enough, model citizen is the way. Also, I will put more emphasis on taller players.


this is why i come here. thanks.


BulldozerJokic said: These are tremendous data, thank you! As I am most exclusively play academy-only saves, his once again brings the importance of your HoYD's personality. Model professional is not enough, model citizen is the way. Also, I will put more emphasis on taller players.

Could you expand on the difference between the two personalities, please?


harvestgreen22 said: Happy New Year

Under Given the conditions,
For training facilities, Level 10 has 97.4% of the effect of "training facility 20 ", Level 5 has 92.1% of the effect, and Level 1 has 86.5% of the effect.

So a club with a level 10 training facility is basically growing at full speed

Not Under given conditions (such as changes in Age and other things) may change result, but here only give roughly conclusion to save time

Under Given the conditions,
In terms of the number of match played, 97.4% participated in 100 games in 30 games per season, 88.4% in 20 games, 80.6% in 15 games, and 65.9% in 0 games

About 25 games is enough for 95% grow.

league reputation: 50,100,150,200 reputation makes no difference, the conclusion is that league reputation does not affect growth

Under Given the conditions,
Ambition: take Ambition 10 for the standard 100% effect, Ambition 1 has 73.1% effect, Ambition 20 has 104.9% effect
Ambition below 10 loses growth, ambition above 10 has relatively little impact

Under Given the conditions,
Determination: take Determination 10 for the standard 100% effect, Determination 1 has 66% effect, Determination 20 has 101% effect

Determination below 10 will lose more growth, Determination above 10 have almost no effect


1. Height and Jumping reach, both independently have a positive effect on the performance of players on the match.

2. Height greatly affects the CA Upper limit (Attributes that cannot be assigned to Jumping reach are assigned to other attributes) that can be allocated for Jumping reach growth per season.
In other words, the higher the height, the faster the Jumping reach can growth

3. No matter what height it is, Jumping reach can grow to 20. But the taller you are, the faster Jumping reach grow

Excel data : Training English 9.xlsx

Professionalism 1、10、20

Professionalism 1、5、10、15、20

Interesting that league reputation has no effect on growth. I guess in testing scenario that could be the case but I'm pretty sure that CA is limited in a league with bad reputation - for example a 200 PA player might only be able to grow up to 150 CA in a mediocre league.


kvasir said: Could you expand on the difference between the two personalities, please?

MP has professionalism set to 20 but it's hard to tell what his other hidden attributes are, whereas MC has all of his hidden attributes between 14-20 afair. HoYD slightly affects hidden attributes of your youth intake. In order to minmax their growth, you want HoYD to be MC, or perhaps idealist (this personality has high professionalism and ambition, but othe attributes moght be low and it's not clear how it affects players efficiency on the pitch).


BulldozerJokic said: MP has professionalism set to 20 but it's hard to tell what his other hidden attributes are, whereas MC has all of his hidden attributes between 14-20 afair. HoYD slightly affects hidden attributes of your youth intake. In order to minmax their growth, you want HoYD to be MC, or perhaps idealist (this personality has high professionalism and ambition, but othe attributes moght be low and it's not clear how it affects players efficiency on the pitch).

MP with Unflappable and Reserved is probably the best (20 prof, 15-20 pressure, 15-20 temperament) but MC is safer. Spirited with Reserved is also good (15-17 prof, 15-20 pressure, 15-20 temp). AFAIK pressure is arguably the 2nd most important HA with how it affects on-pitch performance.


Yarema said: Interesting that league reputation has no effect on growth. I guess in testing scenario that could be the case but I'm pretty sure that CA is limited in a league with bad reputation - for example a 200 PA player might only be able to grow up to 150 CA in a mediocre league.

I've heard the same being said about facilities (better facilities are required for higher CA ranges), but I don't have any evidence to back it up.


Yarema said: Interesting that league reputation has no effect on growth. I guess in testing scenario that could be the case but I'm pretty sure that CA is limited in a league with bad reputation - for example a 200 PA player might only be able to grow up to 150 CA in a mediocre league.

Thinking about this and how i saw my players develop. Could it be reputation of opposing teams is what affects player development. As i go forward with my San Marino BAN i found my players would get stuck at a low CA cap even with 20 training facilities. Something like 120CA when clubs in my league had half a star reputation. Now that they are up to 2 start even my backups go up to 140CA without playing that much in CL.


Can you please do player preferred moves (PPMs) next? Create exact same players with different PPMs or without any and see how their performance changes over a few thousand games?


ifilipic16 said: Thinking about this and how i saw my players develop. Could it be reputation of opposing teams is what affects player development. As i go forward with my San Marino BAN i found my players would get stuck at a low CA cap even with 20 training facilities. Something like 120CA when clubs in my league had half a star reputation. Now that they are up to 2 start even my backups go up to 140CA without playing that much in CL.

Maybe the team reputation is the key factor instead of league, @harvestgreen22 can you test the team reputation as well?


Yarema said: Interesting that league reputation has no effect on growth. I guess in testing scenario that could be the case but I'm pretty sure that CA is limited in a league with bad reputation - for example a 200 PA player might only be able to grow up to 150 CA in a mediocre league.

I don't know if there are multiple factors contributing to it, if so, then need to find out what is the common influence


delra said: Can you please do player preferred moves (PPMs) next? Create exact same players with different PPMs or without any and see how their performance changes over a few thousand games?

I've tested 6 of them before,"Preferred Moves" (which translates to "player habits" in my language).Each group used the test league in the forum to test between 3,300 and 5,500 games

Shoot with power
Shoot From distance
Plays Short Simple Passes
Place Shots
Like to Try to Beat Offside Trap
Moves into Channels

To save time, I changed all 10 players on the team instead of just changing the players in certain positions,
all the test are done in the tactic "God of chaos (v1)"

Results: Some had no effect on goal difference, while some had a small negative effect

no effect:
Like to Try to Beat Offside Trap

small negative effect:
Shoot with power
Shoot From distance
Plays Short Simple Passes
Place Shots
Moves into Channels

Then, a lot of people in our community have told me that their experience is that all player habits are either ineffective or bad, and the best habit is no habit at all

There , they may be some subjective bias, maybe they are right, or maybe the individual player habits in certain tactics are good

Because "tactics" and "Position / Role" may affect "Preferred Moves",
It was too much work to go through them, and I didn't try more after discussion with community

animatron said: Maybe the team reputation is the key factor instead of league, @harvestgreen22 can you test the team reputation as well?

I'll try it if I have time


Thanks for your continued hard work!

Regarding Matches Played, did you test "Appearances" (i.e. games started + games as substitute) or did you test "Minutes Played"? It seems like each "match played" was a 90 minute appearance, but I'd like to know how spreading those out as, say, 45-minute appearances changes things.

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