Google Sheets to compare two players based on FM-Arena Attribute Testing

by AIK, Jan 9, 2025

I created a Google Sheets with all of these weightings if people want to make use of it to compare stats between two players. I've left it read-only, so feel free to simply make a copy and make use of it yourselves.

You can find it here:

Let me know if the link doesn't work for some reason.

Also, I guess it's quite easy to use these as a baseline if you want to create a way to get weightings of several players at once from a shortlist. Shouldn't be too difficult to setup I believe.


You can even use the FM Vercel app - - and adjust the weightings in the roles there if you want to compare players in a shortlist. I'd probably make one role adjusted for "defensive players" and one role adjusted for "offensive players" based on which ones are best for goals and goals against.


AIK said: I created a Google Sheets with all of these weightings if people want to make use of it to compare stats between two players. I've left it read-only, so feel free to simply make a copy and make use of it yourselves.

You can find it here:

Let me know if the link doesn't work for some reason.

Also, I guess it's quite easy to use these as a baseline if you want to create a way to get weightings of several players at once from a shortlist. Shouldn't be too difficult to setup I believe.

Updated this with GK weightings now:




I made some tweaks.

I took %30 of points and %70 of Goals for and against.
I scaled the most important attribute to 100 and rest according to this.
Added percentage because numbers can be confusing.

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