Anyone interested in downloading my test league?

by dzek, Jan 5, 2024

Many, many thanks, Dzek, for all the work you've done to create a testing league! I was thinking of building a testing league by myself, but I encountered many challenges and issues. Finally, I found this site and your post, which saved me a lot of work and frustration. Again, I deeply appreciate your effort. Thanks.

dzek said: It was a little gift ;)

Also, thanks for the "little" gift (Excel files). Three years ago, I made one myself based on all the roles available in FM and still using it with great succes. Unfortunately, that Excel file is over 100 MB, and therefore it runs a bit slow on my computer when FM is running as well. Your file gave me an idea to reduce the size of my file while still focusing on roles instead of positions only. So again, thanks for the push in the right direction. ;)


Hi @Robby,

You're very welcome! I'm delighted to hear that my post helped you save time and frustration while building your testing league. It's wonderful that you've been using your own Excel file based on roles in FM for three years with great success.

However, I understand the challenge of dealing with large files that slow down your computer. I'm glad my file inspired you to explore a more efficient approach by focusing on roles rather than positions alone.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. :)


Hi guys,

I have news for you! :woot:

Today I released a new update for my TEST LEAGUE. I increased the teams from 10 to 22 and many more.
More information in my OP.

Any feedbacks are highly appreciated for issues or improvements.

myheroine said: Not sure if this has been mentioned before but does it make sense to add more human and AI teams to the save file so we can have more matches in one run? I don't know if there's a limit to human managers per game but if not, I was thinking of increasing the league to 20 teams? 10 human and 10 AI, so either duplicating the existing 5 AI formation teams or testing against other formations. If this does not have extreme performance impact, then I guess it should speed up the testing process.


Hi guys,

I wanted to try the first tactic in the table against all the formations the AI can use to see which ones it would have more difficulty with and which ones it would have less difficulty with.

Here are the results: 16.500 matches played

The left column is the formations used by the AI and the right column is the results by the human controlled teams with the tactic "Problem Solvin V24" by @infxamus.

It is ranked from the lowest score to the highest which means that the formations high on the list are more difficult against our tactic and as we go down they are easier.



With V3 out, what should be our minimum threshold for our tactic to be good regarding average points in our excel sheet?


CairozinhoXx said: With V3 out, what should be our minimum threshold for our tactic to be good regarding average points in our excel sheet?
Anything over 60 is considered good enough for a regular season :)


Could someone please explain how to use the excel sheet? There are currently 11 human-controlled teams and 15 tables.


SalientSalmorejo said: Could someone please explain how to use the excel sheet? There are currently 11 human-controlled teams and 15 tables.
Hi @SalientSalmorejo,

After you finished with a run of the Test League you just copy GF, GA and PTS of your teams. Follow these steps at least for 3 times (1st table, 2nd table and then 3rd table - from left to right). Your results will be shown on the 4th table in the right side.

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