DeFlow said: Thanks for the results. It seems to be a pretty linear decrease over the coefficients. It is not that difficult to put all of them into an excel sheet and use them for calculations, so that is a possibility too.
Right now I am using the results in the following way (can share if there is interest):
Note: PlaFac is potential playmaking versus defensive contribution with regards to these coefficients, SideFac is the potential side vs center contribution.
I've used it to designate one of my DMs to CD duty, and found out who was best as striker for my team. Expand
Yes please! Have you made an input sheet compatible to export of data from FM?
Orion said: This is the result for linear model for STC in FM23 that uses all the features. Where would you put the line which features are still important and which are not? Expand
This can't be right...
So according to your results, STC having higher Finishing equals having worse average rating?
So according to your results, STC having higher Finishing equals having worse average rating? Expand
Keep in mind that this is for difference between actual attribute value and the average for the league. So for example if average finishing was 10, the higher than that would result in -0.000456 per every finishing point. So if the average was 10 and players value was 20 it still results in lowering average rating by 0,00456. So for features with coefficients this small you can basically say that they just don't make any difference. Finishing having negative coefficient this low could be possibly just 0. Simply for such numerical models it's very unlikely to have coefficient equal exactly 0. Tl;dr coefficients this low are basically noise and they don't contribute either way into target variable.
Orion said: Keep in mind that this is for difference between actual attribute value and the average for the league. So for example if average finishing was 10, the higher than that would result in -0.000456 per every finishing point. So if the average was 10 and players value was 20 it still results in lowering average rating by 0,00456. So for features with coefficients this small you can basically say that they just don't make any difference. Finishing having negative coefficient this low could be possibly just 0. Simply for such numerical models it's very unlikely to have coefficient equal exactly 0. Tl;dr coefficients this low are basically noise and they don't contribute either way into target variable. Expand
Yes, the underlying assessment that for strikers (the one position where the attribute would be essential to successfully accomplish the main task of the position), having above average finishing is does not make any meaningful difference in average rating (knowing that scoring goals is practically the one certain and main way of substantially increasing the average rating for strikers) is mind boggling.
This one experiment was also conducted with the same underlying parameters (A very significant amount of leagues and divisions, running for 11 seasons)?
Hi guys, I’ve just seen this thread and thought I’d give it a go. It’s telling me sesko and Calvert lewin would be better full backs than my actual full backs? Am I missing something?
Based on the coefficients for each position I calculated the relative importance of the top 3 attributes. If, like me you are lazy and want something easy to plug into the in-game scouting you can use this to get an idea of which top 2 or 3 attributes to look at for each position.
Here are the relative impacts for each position: DLR (Full Backs):
Jolt said: Yes, the underlying assessment that for strikers (the one position where the attribute would be essential to successfully accomplish the main task of the position), having above average finishing is does not make any meaningful difference in average rating (knowing that scoring goals is practically the one certain and main way of substantially increasing the average rating for strikers) is mind boggling.
This one experiment was also conducted with the same underlying parameters (A very significant amount of leagues and divisions, running for 11 seasons)? Expand
Sorry if it's misleading but I was doing so many of those test in different settings that I can't really remember if those coefficients that I provided (with all 51 features) was for Strikers or for just overall outfield players. I'll check that tomorrow. Regarding this test it was performed on the data extracted from the same saves as the FM 24 goalkeepers test so you have all the leagues listed and it was 10 seasons there as far as I remember.
joshua said: Based on the coefficients for each position I calculated the relative importance of the top 3 attributes. If, like me you are lazy and want something easy to plug into the in-game scouting you can use this to get an idea of which top 2 or 3 attributes to look at for each position.
Here are the relative impacts for each position: DLR (Full Backs):
Kortrijk media pred 16 selected team by adding 3 attributes for each position, won the league comfortably. Made only 2 transfers you can see on screenshot WBR i bought, guy have Pace, Acc and Jumping... and nothing else and he done fantastic.
2 seasons with Chester, once again champion, best player, top scorer, and I also won the cup. Detail that my time was a candidate for relegation. Go Sky Bet 2 oh, I forgot to mention the use of the excel table and methodology of this forum
Orion said: Keep in mind that this is for difference between actual attribute value and the average for the league. So for example if average finishing was 10, the higher than that would result in -0.000456 per every finishing point. So if the average was 10 and players value was 20 it still results in lowering average rating by 0,00456. So for features with coefficients this small you can basically say that they just don't make any difference. Finishing having negative coefficient this low could be possibly just 0. Simply for such numerical models it's very unlikely to have coefficient equal exactly 0. Tl;dr coefficients this low are basically noise and they don't contribute either way into target variable. Expand
Althoug possible, I think there might be another explanation. In your experiment, you are comparing players with respect to the league average. I think its safe to assume that in any given league, majority of players are close to some "average" CA value for that league. Lets take 2 strikers from one league with the same CA. For Strikers Finishing has PA weight of 8; Acceleration has PA weight of 10, Pace has PA weight of 7, Jumping reach 5 and Balance 2!!! Striker A has 15 finishing. Striker B has only 10 finishing. But this will free 40 PA that can be redistributed to other attributes. For example: 4 ACC; 5 PAC + 1 JUM; 10 BAL + 4 JUM; and so on.
So I think in the end, Finishing isnt useless or negative. But there are simply better attributes to have for striker. Therefore striker with high FIN can suffer from lack of other essential attributes if the CA should be on similar level.
I have sometimes problems to expres my thoughts, but I home this makes some sence.
Mrjoser said: Althoug possible, I think there might be another explanation. In your experiment, you are comparing players with respect to the league average. I think its safe to assume that in any given league, majority of players are close to some "average" CA value for that league. Lets take 2 strikers from one league with the same CA. For Strikers Finishing has PA weight of 8; Acceleration has PA weight of 10, Pace has PA weight of 7, Jumping reach 5 and Balance 2!!! Striker A has 15 finishing. Striker B has only 10 finishing. But this will free 40 PA that can be redistributed to other attributes. For example: 4 ACC; 5 PAC + 1 JUM; 10 BAL + 4 JUM; and so on.
So I think in the end, Finishing isnt useless or negative. But there are simply better attributes to have for striker. Therefore striker with high FIN can suffer from lack of other essential attributes if the CA should be on similar level.
I have sometimes problems to expres my thoughts, but I home this makes some sence. Expand
I have to admit I might've made a small mistake. The coefficients in this model where I showed all the features in FM23 was probably for all outfield players not just forwards. My mistake was due to having too much of those models made and I just didn't check which one was which - since I have main program that does the model and just change the input data.
Orion said: I have to admit I might've made a small mistake. The coefficients in this model where I showed all the features in FM23 was probably for all outfield players not just forwards. My mistake was due to having too much of those models made and I just didn't check which one was which - since I have main program that does the model and just change the input data. Expand
Would this render in a need of an update of the values on the first page or is it only for our understanding of shown pictures?
In Excel, in 'Data'>'Queries and Connections', change the 'Source' to the .html-file exported through the view. Expand
I've exported the html file from fm and opened the excel sheet (in the free version of excel online) but when I navigate to Queries and Connections, I can see your three queries but none of them are modifiable, nor can I add a new one. Guessing you need a paid version of excel to utilise this functionality which is a shame
JustinCredible said: I've exported the html file from fm and opened the excel sheet (in the free version of excel online) but when I navigate to Queries and Connections, I can see your three queries but none of them are modifiable, nor can I add a new one. Guessing you need a paid version of excel to utilise this functionality which is a shame Expand
I ran in to the same problem, but I solved it by just opening the HTML-export in Chrome, select the data and manually paste it on the correct sheet. Then in the sheet with the points (forget the name) I simple clicked in the cells and hit enter and the original data was updated with mine.
Cptbull said: I ran in to the same problem, but I solved it by just opening the HTML-export in Chrome, select the data and manually paste it on the correct sheet. Then in the sheet with the points (forget the name) I simple clicked in the cells and hit enter and the original data was updated with mine. Expand
Thank you for your reply, took some messing about (including removing the favoured position column from the view as that's not in the excel sheet) but just about got there in the end!
I guess the thing that stands out to me upon first inspection is how closely rated many of the players in the same position are (for example trying to pick the best two wingers). Not sure if this is because I'm a top 6 Prem team with a strong squad but I'm not sure I've learnt anything from this sheet.
That said I can see how it would help in trying to work out who to buy to improve the squad (if I can work out how to get potential signings data into the Squad_Data_N tab)
JustinCredible said: Thank you for your reply, took some messing about (including removing the favoured position column from the view as that's not in the excel sheet) but just about got there in the end!
I guess the thing that stands out to me upon first inspection is how closely rated many of the players in the same position are (for example trying to pick the best two wingers). Not sure if this is because I'm a top 6 Prem team with a strong squad but I'm not sure I've learnt anything from this sheet.
That said I can see how it would help in trying to work out who to buy to improve the squad (if I can work out how to get potential signings data into the Squad_Data_N tab) Expand
That looks really good. @DeFlow If I may suggest one thing - I'd use conditional formatting to highlight player's best position/highest score on the table. I know it shows his best position on the right but highlighting it with very different colour on the table itself would be in my opinion very helpful.
FREVKY said: That's what I thought, so I created pretty simple excel spreadsheet that make mass player comparison possible and easy.
Here's how it works: First, you need to import specified views. I created two sets of these: one for your team (for squad view) and one for scouting tab - both with CA & PA hidden - and another set with CA & PA visible for those who like to spoil the fun a little bit. Download and paste them into "views" folder in your Documents (C:\Users\your_name\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\views is the default path).
When you load the view, you need to select every player, so click on one player and than ctrl+a to select everyone in the team or in the scouting range. Just bear in mind the more players you select, the more time it takes, so if you're about to select over 1000 players, give it a few seconds to work. Then, press cltr+p to "print" the selection into HTML file. Save it wherever you want, name it whatever you want. Then, you need the spreadsheet (MS Excel file). Open it and then in the Excel go to to File->Open and select the html file with your set of players. Copy it's whole contents (ctrl+a, then ctrl+c) and paste them into my spreadsheet in the blank sheet called "IMPORT" then switch the sheet to the one called "CALCULATION" and it should automatically calculate values for every player for each position using coefficients from this thread. Additionalli I added sections with CA, PA and difference between them (it will work only when you used views with PA and CA obviously).
Of course you can use whatever filters you want on the scouting section to narrow down the amount of players to whatever you really need.
At first glance it may sound complicated a bit but it's pretty easy to use. If you find any trouble using it, I'll try to help.
The spreadsheet is editable so do whatever you want with it, if you find any room for improvements, go for it. Expand
Can someone help me understand how to import the list of players into the excel file...? or is there a youtube tutorial for this ?
I downloaded the Excel file, and the 4 views, I go to FM, Squad tab of my team because I would like to analyze my squad first. I import the "Meta Own Team" view into FM, I select all the players and do CTRL P and text file.
This is the view I have in the IMPORT tab and I have nothing in CALCULATION, am I doing something wrong ?
Trololo said: Can someone help me understand how to import the list of players into the excel file...? or is there a youtube tutorial for this ?
I downloaded the Excel file, and the 4 views, I go to FM, Squad tab of my team because I would like to analyze my squad first. I import the "Meta Own Team" view into FM, I select all the players and do CTRL P and text file.
This is the view I have in the IMPORT tab and I have nothing in CALCULATION, am I doing something wrong ? Expand
For Importing select Data from Text, Select All file types, Select the File, Use "|" as qualifier. Should them align all the fields to columns. Hope this makes sense
Trololo said: Can someone help me understand how to import the list of players into the excel file...? or is there a youtube tutorial for this ?
I downloaded the Excel file, and the 4 views, I go to FM, Squad tab of my team because I would like to analyze my squad first. I import the "Meta Own Team" view into FM, I select all the players and do CTRL P and text file.
This is the view I have in the IMPORT tab and I have nothing in CALCULATION, am I doing something wrong ? Expand
You have to print it as a web page (you should get html file), not as a plain text (txt file).
DeFlow said: Thanks for the results. It seems to be a pretty linear decrease over the coefficients. It is not that difficult to put all of them into an excel sheet and use them for calculations, so that is a possibility too.

Right now I am using the results in the following way (can share if there is interest):
Note: PlaFac is potential playmaking versus defensive contribution with regards to these coefficients, SideFac is the potential side vs center contribution.
I've used it to designate one of my DMs to CD duty, and found out who was best as striker for my team.
Yes please! Have you made an input sheet compatible to export of data from FM?
I use a modified version of this one:
Use the 'Export_squad'-view in this link: fm_squad_assessment_spreadsheet_v7. Export your squad through the game (Ctrl-P > Export to .html).
This is the excel-sheet I made:
Homebrew Player Rating Coefficients Excel-sheet
In Excel, in 'Data'>'Queries and Connections', change the 'Source' to the .html-file exported through the view.
Weymouth F.C. from vanrama south. Now its firts season in Premier League, look at this :O
Kamas1 said: Weymouth F.C. from vanrama south. Now its firts season in Premier League, look at this :O
The heck? I see you have Deniz Gul, I have him on loan in a newly promoted team in Danish Premier League.
Any special tactic or just something standard from this website?
Jumping Reach really seem to matter. I do however play FM23, hope the changes aren't that vast between the versions.
So, higher coefficient = more importancy for position?
KingChazza said: So, higher coefficient = more importancy for position?
Yes. Full 'formula' in the model calculates the 'expected' average rating for a player. So the higher the better.
Orion said: Yes. Full 'formula' in the model calculates the 'expected' average rating for a player. So the higher the better.
Ohh, so relationship is between 'average rating' and attribute?
Cptbull said: The heck? I see you have Deniz Gul, I have him on loan in a newly promoted team in Danish Premier League.
Any special tactic or just something standard from this website?
Jumping Reach really seem to matter. I do however play FM23, hope the changes aren't that vast between the versions.
Tacitic is from this site God of Chaos v1
KingChazza said: Ohh, so relationship is between 'average rating' and attribute?
Yes. A little more details are described in the topics linked in the first post.
Finish first season in Premier League.
Atributes tabel works great, look at this results, mind blow :O
Orion said: This is the result for linear model for STC in FM23 that uses all the features. Where would you put the line which features are still important and which are not?
This can't be right...
So according to your results, STC having higher Finishing equals having worse average rating?
Jolt said: This can't be right...
So according to your results, STC having higher Finishing equals having worse average rating?
Keep in mind that this is for difference between actual attribute value and the average for the league. So for example if average finishing was 10, the higher than that would result in -0.000456 per every finishing point. So if the average was 10 and players value was 20 it still results in lowering average rating by 0,00456. So for features with coefficients this small you can basically say that they just don't make any difference. Finishing having negative coefficient this low could be possibly just 0. Simply for such numerical models it's very unlikely to have coefficient equal exactly 0.
Tl;dr coefficients this low are basically noise and they don't contribute either way into target variable.
Orion said: Keep in mind that this is for difference between actual attribute value and the average for the league. So for example if average finishing was 10, the higher than that would result in -0.000456 per every finishing point. So if the average was 10 and players value was 20 it still results in lowering average rating by 0,00456. So for features with coefficients this small you can basically say that they just don't make any difference. Finishing having negative coefficient this low could be possibly just 0. Simply for such numerical models it's very unlikely to have coefficient equal exactly 0.
Tl;dr coefficients this low are basically noise and they don't contribute either way into target variable.
Yes, the underlying assessment that for strikers (the one position where the attribute would be essential to successfully accomplish the main task of the position), having above average finishing is does not make any meaningful difference in average rating (knowing that scoring goals is practically the one certain and main way of substantially increasing the average rating for strikers) is mind boggling.
This one experiment was also conducted with the same underlying parameters (A very significant amount of leagues and divisions, running for 11 seasons)?
Hi guys, I’ve just seen this thread and thought I’d give it a go. It’s telling me sesko and Calvert lewin would be better full backs than my actual full backs? Am I missing something?
Based on the coefficients for each position I calculated the relative importance of the top 3 attributes. If, like me you are lazy and want something easy to plug into the in-game scouting you can use this to get an idea of which top 2 or 3 attributes to look at for each position.
Here are the relative impacts for each position:
DLR (Full Backs):
Pace: 100%
Jumping: 76.8%
Acceleration: 66.7%
DC (Center Backs):
Jumping: 100%
Pace: 70.2%
Acceleration: 59.9%
WBLR (Wing Backs):
Pace: 100%
Acceleration: 96.8%
Jumping: 71.7%
DMC (Defensive Mid):
Acceleration: 100%
Anticipation: 63.4%
Stamina: 50.3%
MLR (Wide Mid):
Pace: 100%
Dribbling: 68.4%
Acceleration: 62.9%
MC (Central Mid):
Anticipation: 100%
Acceleration: 89.9%
Composure: 89.9%
AMLR (Wide Attack):
Pace: 100%
Acceleration: 83.7%
Anticipation: 64.6%
AMC (Attack Mid):
Pace: 100%
Acceleration: 97.5%
Concentration: 81.7%
STC (Striker):
Jumping: 100%
Pace: 97.8%
Acceleration: 70.5%
That’s exactly what I’m after thank you
Jolt said: Yes, the underlying assessment that for strikers (the one position where the attribute would be essential to successfully accomplish the main task of the position), having above average finishing is does not make any meaningful difference in average rating (knowing that scoring goals is practically the one certain and main way of substantially increasing the average rating for strikers) is mind boggling.
This one experiment was also conducted with the same underlying parameters (A very significant amount of leagues and divisions, running for 11 seasons)?
Sorry if it's misleading but I was doing so many of those test in different settings that I can't really remember if those coefficients that I provided (with all 51 features) was for Strikers or for just overall outfield players. I'll check that tomorrow.
Regarding this test it was performed on the data extracted from the same saves as the FM 24 goalkeepers test so you have all the leagues listed and it was 10 seasons there as far as I remember.
joshua said: Based on the coefficients for each position I calculated the relative importance of the top 3 attributes. If, like me you are lazy and want something easy to plug into the in-game scouting you can use this to get an idea of which top 2 or 3 attributes to look at for each position.
Here are the relative impacts for each position:
DLR (Full Backs):
Pace: 100%
Jumping: 76.8%
Acceleration: 66.7%
DC (Center Backs):
Jumping: 100%
Pace: 70.2%
Acceleration: 59.9%
WBLR (Wing Backs):
Pace: 100%
Acceleration: 96.8%
Jumping: 71.7%
DMC (Defensive Mid):
Acceleration: 100%
Anticipation: 63.4%
Stamina: 50.3%
MLR (Wide Mid):
Pace: 100%
Dribbling: 68.4%
Acceleration: 62.9%
MC (Central Mid):
Anticipation: 100%
Acceleration: 89.9%
Composure: 89.9%
AMLR (Wide Attack):
Pace: 100%
Acceleration: 83.7%
Anticipation: 64.6%
AMC (Attack Mid):
Pace: 100%
Acceleration: 97.5%
Concentration: 81.7%
STC (Striker):
Jumping: 100%
Pace: 97.8%
Acceleration: 70.5%
Kortrijk media pred 16
selected team by adding 3 attributes for each position, won the league comfortably.
Made only 2 transfers you can see on screenshot WBR i bought, guy have Pace, Acc and Jumping... and nothing else and he done fantastic.
2 seasons with Chester, once again champion, best player, top scorer, and I also won the cup. Detail that my time was a candidate for relegation. Go Sky Bet 2 oh, I forgot to mention the use of the excel table and methodology of this forum
Orion said: Keep in mind that this is for difference between actual attribute value and the average for the league. So for example if average finishing was 10, the higher than that would result in -0.000456 per every finishing point. So if the average was 10 and players value was 20 it still results in lowering average rating by 0,00456. So for features with coefficients this small you can basically say that they just don't make any difference. Finishing having negative coefficient this low could be possibly just 0. Simply for such numerical models it's very unlikely to have coefficient equal exactly 0.
Tl;dr coefficients this low are basically noise and they don't contribute either way into target variable.
Althoug possible, I think there might be another explanation.
In your experiment, you are comparing players with respect to the league average. I think its safe to assume that in any given league, majority of players are close to some "average" CA value for that league. Lets take 2 strikers from one league with the same CA.
For Strikers Finishing has PA weight of 8; Acceleration has PA weight of 10, Pace has PA weight of 7, Jumping reach 5 and Balance 2!!!
Striker A has 15 finishing.
Striker B has only 10 finishing. But this will free 40 PA that can be redistributed to other attributes. For example:
4 ACC; 5 PAC + 1 JUM; 10 BAL + 4 JUM; and so on.
So I think in the end, Finishing isnt useless or negative. But there are simply better attributes to have for striker. Therefore striker with high FIN can suffer from lack of other essential attributes if the CA should be on similar level.
I have sometimes problems to expres my thoughts, but I home this makes some sence.
Mrjoser said: Althoug possible, I think there might be another explanation.
In your experiment, you are comparing players with respect to the league average. I think its safe to assume that in any given league, majority of players are close to some "average" CA value for that league. Lets take 2 strikers from one league with the same CA.
For Strikers Finishing has PA weight of 8; Acceleration has PA weight of 10, Pace has PA weight of 7, Jumping reach 5 and Balance 2!!!
Striker A has 15 finishing.
Striker B has only 10 finishing. But this will free 40 PA that can be redistributed to other attributes. For example:
4 ACC; 5 PAC + 1 JUM; 10 BAL + 4 JUM; and so on.
So I think in the end, Finishing isnt useless or negative. But there are simply better attributes to have for striker. Therefore striker with high FIN can suffer from lack of other essential attributes if the CA should be on similar level.
I have sometimes problems to expres my thoughts, but I home this makes some sence.
I have to admit I might've made a small mistake. The coefficients in this model where I showed all the features in FM23 was probably for all outfield players not just forwards.
My mistake was due to having too much of those models made and I just didn't check which one was which - since I have main program that does the model and just change the input data.
Orion said: I have to admit I might've made a small mistake. The coefficients in this model where I showed all the features in FM23 was probably for all outfield players not just forwards.
My mistake was due to having too much of those models made and I just didn't check which one was which - since I have main program that does the model and just change the input data.
Would this render in a need of an update of the values on the first page or is it only for our understanding of shown pictures?
Cptbull said: Would this render in a need of an update of the values on the first page or is it only for our understanding of shown pictures?
The main post is ok. I'm referring to this reply.
DeFlow said: I use a modified version of this one:

Use the 'Export_squad'-view in this link: fm_squad_assessment_spreadsheet_v7. Export your squad through the game (Ctrl-P > Export to .html).
This is the excel-sheet I made:
Homebrew Player Rating Coefficients Excel-sheet
In Excel, in 'Data'>'Queries and Connections', change the 'Source' to the .html-file exported through the view.
I've exported the html file from fm and opened the excel sheet (in the free version of excel online) but when I navigate to Queries and Connections, I can see your three queries but none of them are modifiable, nor can I add a new one. Guessing you need a paid version of excel to utilise this functionality which is a shame
JustinCredible said: I've exported the html file from fm and opened the excel sheet (in the free version of excel online) but when I navigate to Queries and Connections, I can see your three queries but none of them are modifiable, nor can I add a new one. Guessing you need a paid version of excel to utilise this functionality which is a shame
I ran in to the same problem, but I solved it by just opening the HTML-export in Chrome, select the data and manually paste it on the correct sheet. Then in the sheet with the points (forget the name) I simple clicked in the cells and hit enter and the original data was updated with mine.
Cptbull said: I ran in to the same problem, but I solved it by just opening the HTML-export in Chrome, select the data and manually paste it on the correct sheet. Then in the sheet with the points (forget the name) I simple clicked in the cells and hit enter and the original data was updated with mine.
Thank you for your reply, took some messing about (including removing the favoured position column from the view as that's not in the excel sheet) but just about got there in the end!
I guess the thing that stands out to me upon first inspection is how closely rated many of the players in the same position are (for example trying to pick the best two wingers). Not sure if this is because I'm a top 6 Prem team with a strong squad but I'm not sure I've learnt anything from this sheet.
That said I can see how it would help in trying to work out who to buy to improve the squad (if I can work out how to get potential signings data into the Squad_Data_N tab)
JustinCredible said: Thank you for your reply, took some messing about (including removing the favoured position column from the view as that's not in the excel sheet) but just about got there in the end!
I guess the thing that stands out to me upon first inspection is how closely rated many of the players in the same position are (for example trying to pick the best two wingers). Not sure if this is because I'm a top 6 Prem team with a strong squad but I'm not sure I've learnt anything from this sheet.
That said I can see how it would help in trying to work out who to buy to improve the squad (if I can work out how to get potential signings data into the Squad_Data_N tab)
That looks really good.
If I may suggest one thing - I'd use conditional formatting to highlight player's best position/highest score on the table. I know it shows his best position on the right but highlighting it with very different colour on the table itself would be in my opinion very helpful.
FREVKY said: That's what I thought, so I created pretty simple excel spreadsheet that make mass player comparison possible and easy.
Here's how it works:
First, you need to import specified views. I created two sets of these: one for your team (for squad view) and one for scouting tab - both with CA & PA hidden - and another set with CA & PA visible for those who like to spoil the fun a little bit. Download and paste them into "views" folder in your Documents (C:\Users\your_name\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\views is the default path).
When you load the view, you need to select every player, so click on one player and than ctrl+a to select everyone in the team or in the scouting range. Just bear in mind the more players you select, the more time it takes, so if you're about to select over 1000 players, give it a few seconds to work.
Then, press cltr+p to "print" the selection into HTML file. Save it wherever you want, name it whatever you want.
Then, you need the spreadsheet (MS Excel file). Open it and then in the Excel go to to File->Open and select the html file with your set of players. Copy it's whole contents (ctrl+a, then ctrl+c) and paste them into my spreadsheet in the blank sheet called "IMPORT" then switch the sheet to the one called "CALCULATION" and it should automatically calculate values for every player for each position using coefficients from this thread. Additionalli I added sections with CA, PA and difference between them (it will work only when you used views with PA and CA obviously).
Of course you can use whatever filters you want on the scouting section to narrow down the amount of players to whatever you really need.
At first glance it may sound complicated a bit but it's pretty easy to use. If you find any trouble using it, I'll try to help.
Spreadsheet link:
Updated spreadsheet including square root formula for M LR and ST:
The spreadsheet is editable so do whatever you want with it, if you find any room for improvements, go for it.
Can someone help me understand how to import the list of players into the excel file...?
or is there a youtube tutorial for this ?
I downloaded the Excel file, and the 4 views, I go to FM, Squad tab of my team because I would like to analyze my squad first.
I import the "Meta Own Team" view into FM, I select all the players and do CTRL P and text file.
This is the view I have in the IMPORT tab and I have nothing in CALCULATION, am I doing something wrong ?
Trololo said: Can someone help me understand how to import the list of players into the excel file...?
or is there a youtube tutorial for this ?
I downloaded the Excel file, and the 4 views, I go to FM, Squad tab of my team because I would like to analyze my squad first.
I import the "Meta Own Team" view into FM, I select all the players and do CTRL P and text file.
This is the view I have in the IMPORT tab and I have nothing in CALCULATION, am I doing something wrong ?
For Importing select Data from Text, Select All file types, Select the File, Use "|" as qualifier. Should them align all the fields to columns. Hope this makes sense
Trololo said: Can someone help me understand how to import the list of players into the excel file...?
or is there a youtube tutorial for this ?
I downloaded the Excel file, and the 4 views, I go to FM, Squad tab of my team because I would like to analyze my squad first.
I import the "Meta Own Team" view into FM, I select all the players and do CTRL P and text file.
This is the view I have in the IMPORT tab and I have nothing in CALCULATION, am I doing something wrong ?
You have to print it as a web page (you should get html file), not as a plain text (txt file).