@harvestgreen22 first of all i want to say thank you for your time testing everything. I have a question, in previous "best" trainings you suggested having 5 star fitness coach and average the rest, now that your testing shows very good results with trainings that have [attacking] training in them, do you use 5 star attacking coaches, or average?
I noticed that if I do it like in the attached pic I still have low level of injuries and huge gains in ACC and PACE. also for some reasons I get the Jumping get high
azsumnasko said: I noticed that if I do it like in the attached pic I still have low level of injuries and huge gains in ACC and PACE. also for some reasons I get the Jumping get high Expand
with this schedule, how do you face 2 matches/week on Wed and Sat?
When i go two away games in a week it becomes like this
I think the game has a bug. Sometimes on sunday, it removes one of the recovery sessions and changes it to rest even though it doesn't clash with anything. You can manually add.
ptacts said: @harvestgreen22 first of all i want to say thank you for your time testing everything. I have a question, in previous "best" trainings you suggested having 5 star fitness coach and average the rest, now that your testing shows very good results with trainings that have [attacking] training in them, do you use 5 star attacking coaches, or average? Expand
For the test, I used all 5 stars. There's usually a notation on the excel Unless I have specified the use of different coaches in the form, the default is all 5 stars
——you suggested having 5 star fitness coach and average the rest I didn't go into further analysis of the coaching staff because it's too many combinations. I am now testing other more interesting parts, which will not be tested for the time being. And then whether you can do that, I think you can. Because purely from the point of view of game engine performance, physical attributes are more important than anything else
tottso said: Am I correct in assuming q10 is the best for varied development with emphasis on pace + acceleration. Also does it make sense to train players age 26 + at their peak on the additional quickness focus? Expand
This is a newer table. The data tested before may have some defects because it did not include all the attributes. You can see if there's anything you need in the new excel
azsumnasko said: I noticed that if I do it like in the attached pic I still have low level of injuries and huge gains in ACC and PACE. also for some reasons I get the Jumping get high Expand
Ronaldo De Lima said: with this schedule, how do you face 2 matches/week on Wed and Sat? Expand
You can choose to separate them, and only need to "have these contents" in a week, and do not need to arrange them in any sort Recovery is not necessary, if there is no room for so much training, you can reduce some or all of the Recovery
Bafici said: I use like this in case it clashes with travel.
When i go two away games in a week it becomes like this
I think the game has a bug. Sometimes on sunday, it removes one of the recovery sessions and changes it to rest even though it doesn't clash with anything. You can manually add. Expand
Don't leave Sundays and Wednesdays empty at the end. If there is a trip, it automatically cancels the last program of the day. That's how I use it. If you want, you can also use community outreach instead of routines.
Can i ask a question regarding first team training, im sorry if ive missed the answer in a previous post. Iaunderstand the different schedules and that double intensity + Quickness training etc.. But for first team players do we still use additional focus or additional focus plus position/role/duty etc..
Juicebat said: I've been setting my U-20 training schedules to full rest double intensity and my first team schedules to v7. Is this ideal for overall growth?
Also do you recommend loaning out prospects for game time at the cost of not having control over training? Expand
Depends on the save and how much you need/want to optimize PA into physicals. The bottleneck is first team minutes to reach PA so realistically you’ll need to loan guys out to consistently hit it. Even if you have reserves there is limited minutes there too.
In my experience managing in Germany, players who seem to have a decent amount of PA/professionalism hit at least 15+ acc/pac just doing V7 by 18-20 and usually get to at least 17s before maxing out. The 30 ca gain is not realistic in a real save unless you have a ton of first team minutes to give and someone with really high professionalism but the acc/pac usually gets priority.
I would only bother with no training if I was trying to do something that actually required like 90 PA players with 20/20 pac/acc. Which is intake only saves, winning ACL with like an Indian team, club WC with a MLS team (salary capped), etc Basically in any European save, you eventually get rich enough to buy/keep high PA regens because of UCL money.
bigloser said: Depends on the save and how much you need/want to optimize PA into physicals. The bottleneck is first team minutes to reach PA so realistically you’ll need to loan guys out to consistently hit it. Even if you have reserves there is limited minutes there too.
In my experience managing in Germany, players who seem to have a decent amount of PA/professionalism hit at least 15+ acc/pac just doing V7 by 18-20 and usually get to at least 17s before maxing out. The 30 ca gain is not realistic in a real save unless you have a ton of first team minutes to give and someone with really high professionalism but the acc/pac usually gets priority.
I would only bother with no training if I was trying to do something that actually required like 90 PA players with 20/20 pac/acc. Which is intake only saves, winning ACL with like an Indian team, club WC with a MLS team (salary capped), etc Basically in any European save, you eventually get rich enough to buy/keep high PA regens because of UCL money. Expand
Do you think this no training strategy is optimal for a non league side? How long does the development usually take? I'll probably refresh my squad completely every 2 seasons so maybe its not worth it
I know fantastic work has gone into this and i do appreciate it but it's too much for my simple mind looking at all these charts and tons of post saying this and that, has anyone actually had in game success with what schedules for u18, u21 & first team and is it just worth focusing on the meta attributes or overall growth, thanks
Robbo84FM said: I know fantastic work has gone into this and i do appreciate it but it's too much for my simple mind looking at all these charts and tons of post saying this and that, has anyone actually had in game success with what schedules for u18, u21 & first team and is it just worth focusing on the meta attributes or overall growth, thanks Expand
If you want to keep it simple, I'd say just stick to what gives the most meta growth:
[Defending from the Front]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
Is this the best one for the just meta attributes, not all rounded development. Expand
According to me (I may be wrong), that's the best training schedule from @harvestgreen22s Training English 2 sheet, out of all the options of only 1 training block. But If you consider maximum meta growth only, this should be the best one:
Juicebat said: I've been setting my U-20 training schedules to full rest double intensity and my first team schedules to v7. Is this ideal for overall growth?
Also do you recommend loaning out prospects for game time at the cost of not having control over training? Expand
Jacko933 said: What’s the take away from this? What’s the best training schedule? Expand Bafici said: I just figured it out.
[Defending from the Front]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
Is this the best one for the just meta attributes, not all rounded development. Expand
Robbo84FM said: I know fantastic work has gone into this and i do appreciate it but it's too much for my simple mind looking at all these charts and tons of post saying this and that, has anyone actually had in game success with what schedules for u18, u21 & first team and is it just worth focusing on the meta attributes or overall growth, thanks Expand
For most simplicity, you can just use "All-Rest+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]" (It is one of the most effective)
for all team , include u18, u21 & first team
plus30 said: does this training have an impact on the matches ? Expand
Fewer training programs, Bad: It will be harder to maintain "match sharpnes" ,so it will have a Indirect effect Good: Much lower injuries , much higher "overall condition"
Middleweight165 said: Do you think this no training strategy is optimal for a non league side? How long does the development usually take? I'll probably refresh my squad completely every 2 seasons so maybe its not worth it Expand
Since Pace and Acceleration are the strongest attributes in the game, using "The All rest" is a way to get your players to "the maximum combat effectiveness" in the shortest time,, so as long as you don't sell your players to your current competitors, you are earning ,
and that's the best as You guarantee that you can win the current game as much as possible, so that the player gets the reputation of winning the game, and the reputation can be translated into the price when selling
Middleweight165 said: Why do you say Recovery is not necessary? I may have missed it but what is the rationale for including 7 x recovery sessions in the original? Expand
1. The role of Recovery itself: Compared with rest , Bad: Increase less condition and Fatigue Good: Reduce Sharpness by less , Reduce extra injury risk , Do not reduce Cohesion
2. What Recovery does when assigning attributes: It has the effect of "pulling" the attribute assignment more into the Physical class attribute. However Its "pull" effect is weak (not like things like "[Quickness]", so once you have no room to put it in schedule , the lack of it doesn't matter much
For most simplicity, you can just use "All-Rest+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]" (It is one of the most effective)
for all team , include u18, u21 & first team
Fewer training programs, Bad: It will be harder to maintain "match sharpnes" ,so it will have a Indirect effect Good: Much lower injuries , much higher "overall condition"
Since Pace and Acceleration are the strongest attributes in the game, using "The All rest" is a way to get your players to "the maximum combat effectiveness" in the shortest time,, so as long as you don't sell your players to your current competitors, you are earning ,
and that's the best as You guarantee that you can win the current game as much as possible, so that the player gets the reputation of winning the game, and the reputation can be translated into the price when selling
1. The role of Recovery itself: Compared with rest , Bad: Increase less condition and Fatigue Good: Reduce Sharpness by less , Reduce extra injury risk , Do not reduce Cohesion
2. What Recovery does when assigning attributes: It has the effect of "pulling" the attribute assignment more into the Physical class attribute. However Its "pull" effect is weak (not like things like "[Quickness]", so once you have no room to put it in schedule , the lack of it doesn't matter much Expand
Ok so you think all rest is also best for the first team? would this not have a negative affect on all the technical & mental attributes?
You can swap the [Recovery] for another [Attacking] for extra development, but I just prefer to minimize injury risk.
According to me (I may be wrong), that's the best training schedule from @harvestgreen22s Training English 2 sheet, out of all the options of only 1 training block. But If you consider maximum meta growth only, this should be the best one:
For most simplicity, you can just use "All-Rest+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]" (It is one of the most effective)
for all team , include u18, u21 & first team
Fewer training programs, Bad: It will be harder to maintain "match sharpnes" ,so it will have a Indirect effect Good: Much lower injuries , much higher "overall condition"
Since Pace and Acceleration are the strongest attributes in the game, using "The All rest" is a way to get your players to "the maximum combat effectiveness" in the shortest time,, so as long as you don't sell your players to your current competitors, you are earning ,
and that's the best as You guarantee that you can win the current game as much as possible, so that the player gets the reputation of winning the game, and the reputation can be translated into the price when selling
1. The role of Recovery itself: Compared with rest , Bad: Increase less condition and Fatigue Good: Reduce Sharpness by less , Reduce extra injury risk , Do not reduce Cohesion
2. What Recovery does when assigning attributes: It has the effect of "pulling" the attribute assignment more into the Physical class attribute. However Its "pull" effect is weak (not like things like "[Quickness]", so once you have no room to put it in schedule , the lack of it doesn't matter much Expand
In I17 and J17 (Training English 10), I observed slightly better meta growth with only 1 [Recovery] instead of x7, and in B21, I also saw [Resistance] perform above [Quickness] in the standard:
axRayz said: I personally trust @Zippos test the most as it's something he's done for years.
In I17 and J17 (Training English 10), I observed slightly better meta growth with only 1 [Recovery] instead of x7, and in B21, I also saw [Resistance] perform above [Quickness] in the standard:
Robbo84FM said: Ok so you think all rest is also best for the first team? would this not have a negative affect on all the technical & mental attributes? Expand
https://pixeldrain.com/u/953xPdxx In the long term (more than 4 years), strategies 1 and 2 (they both used different training programs in different years) Can better use up the PA, so that players before reaching the age of 25 (26 = Age of The end of growth) they have more time to increase the CA to the maximum PA
But in the short term (4 years or less), strategy 3 (pure "full rest" provides the most "fighting power" (when in equal the conditions), so you can send these players to various match without worrying about their "fighting power" is not enough and drag down the team
and for the technical & mental attributes: If from the perspective of the sense of gaming immersion, the lack of them will cause the UI is not very good looking (turn red and lowering technical & mental), and "insecurity",
but from the perspective of "combat power", compare to Bad and Good Bad:the loss of these technical & mental attributes Good:increased more Pace and acceleration
the latter "Good" is much greater
axRayz said: I personally trust @Zippos test the most as it's something he's done for years.
In I17 and J17 (Training English 10), I observed slightly better meta growth with only 1 [Recovery] instead of x7, and in B21, I also saw [Resistance] perform above [Quickness] in the standard:
"I observed slightly better meta growth with only 1 [Recovery] instead of x7 " I think this is a random error in the test, because I only tested everything in this list once. They're actually pretty close
" [Resistance] perform above [Quickness] in the standard:
They are also very close, and some random error in B21 compare to A21 or the A21 upper one (Caused by the low number of tests , only test once)
you can look at the difference between B17 and C17, Resistance provides slightly more Strength (a less economical attribute) and Slightly less with some other attributes , in Pace and Acceleration , they are almost the same (If increase the number of test samples, reduce the random error)
This is my version where you can refer to the results of multiple people at the same time, Different people start from different angles and initial test conditions, so they may get different results, Mine may not be right.
Then, briefly, on the top table, the greener the number, the more important, and the larger the number, the more important
harvestgreen22 said: This is my version where you can refer to the results of multiple people at the same time, Different people start from different angles and initial test conditions, so they may get different results, Mine may not be right.
Then, briefly, on the top table, the greener the number, the more important, and the larger the number, the more important Expand
Seeing as Concentration is one of the best Meta attributes what is the best way to target this attribute as no additional focus training targets it?
match review : I forgot about testing him. I guess you'll have no problem adding on top of what you already have. It shouldn't affect much
Robbo84FM said: Seeing as Concentration is one of the best Meta attributes what is the best way to target this attribute as no additional focus training targets it? Expand
There is no good way to add it (or I haven't found it yet) because there is no additional focus corresponding to it.
From a revenue perspective,
If you think the player's Physical classes attribute are good enough (like Pace, acceleration, Jump Reach, Agility... Already arrived 19/20)
Then you can choose additional focus to Add the Work Rate (or Dribbling or Anticipation), Which is very important If the Work Rate or Dribbling or Anticipation is enough, Then we can cancel the additional focus, Equalizing the distribution of attributes, It naturally strengthens all attributes, including Concentration
What's your point of view on goalkeepers? Majority of these trainings exclude their development. Do you just buy ready made goalkeepers and don't develop them at all?
alopes16 said: What's your point of view on goalkeepers? Majority of these trainings exclude their development. Do you just buy ready made goalkeepers and don't develop them at all? Expand
I've been running on the Recovery glitch + Match practice + Attacking + Quickness training schedules and "tested" (played two seasons with a fairly low CA/Highish PA with good professionalism) Belgium GK wonderkid from Genk. He's improved Iirc 4 agility (the most important stat for goalies by far) using no adjustments apart from making his training speciality on agility/balance, his other stats have grown a little, but I imagine a goalkeeper who already has good aerial reach and reflexes say 14-15 for a *great* regen player alongside near 20 agility should make for a near world class goalkeeper. The rest should *probably* grow via match experience and tinkering with their individual specialisation training to eventually move onto reflexes/aerial reach once achieved 19-20~ agility on said goalkeeper. With goalkeeper stat distribution being so heavily leaned to decisions a useless stat I'd say its possible to grow a goalie quite reasonably well only focusing on the 3 key stats but priority on agility.
@harvestgreen22 first of all i want to say thank you for your time testing everything. I have a question, in previous "best" trainings you suggested having 5 star fitness coach and average the rest, now that your testing shows very good results with trainings that have [attacking] training in them, do you use 5 star attacking coaches, or average?
@harvestgreen22 Which schedule do you suggest for all round development? I mean for all players.
I noticed that if I do it like in the attached pic I still have low level of injuries and huge gains in ACC and PACE. also for some reasons I get the Jumping get high
azsumnasko said: I noticed that if I do it like in the attached pic I still have low level of injuries and huge gains in ACC and PACE. also for some reasons I get the Jumping get high
with this schedule, how do you face 2 matches/week on Wed and Sat?
I use like this in case it clashes with travel.

When i go two away games in a week it becomes like this
I think the game has a bug. Sometimes on sunday, it removes one of the recovery sessions and changes it to rest even though it doesn't clash with anything. You can manually add.
ptacts said: @harvestgreen22 first of all i want to say thank you for your time testing everything. I have a question, in previous "best" trainings you suggested having 5 star fitness coach and average the rest, now that your testing shows very good results with trainings that have [attacking] training in them, do you use 5 star attacking coaches, or average?

For the test, I used all 5 stars.
There's usually a notation on the excel
Unless I have specified the use of different coaches in the form, the default is all 5 stars
——you suggested having 5 star fitness coach and average the rest
I didn't go into further analysis of the coaching staff because it's too many combinations.
I am now testing other more interesting parts, which will not be tested for the time being.
And then whether you can do that, I think you can. Because purely from the point of view of game engine performance, physical attributes are more important than anything else
tottso said: Am I correct in assuming q10 is the best for varied development with emphasis on pace + acceleration. Also does it make sense to train players age 26 + at their peak on the additional quickness focus?
This is a newer table. The data tested before may have some defects because it did not include all the attributes.
You can see if there's anything you need in the new excel
excel : https://pixeldrain.com/u/953xPdxx
Another excel : https://pixeldrain.com/u/AtUvd3hY
Teremin said: @harvestgreen22 Which schedule do you suggest for all round development? I mean for all players.
[Physical]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
excel : https://pixeldrain.com/u/953xPdxx
Another excel : https://pixeldrain.com/u/AtUvd3hY
You can see if there's anything you need in the new excel
azsumnasko said: I noticed that if I do it like in the attached pic I still have low level of injuries and huge gains in ACC and PACE. also for some reasons I get the Jumping get high
Ronaldo De Lima said: with this schedule, how do you face 2 matches/week on Wed and Sat?
You can choose to separate them, and only need to "have these contents" in a week, and do not need to arrange them in any sort
Recovery is not necessary, if there is no room for so much training, you can reduce some or all of the Recovery
What’s the take away from this? What’s the best training schedule?
Bafici said: I use like this in case it clashes with travel.

When i go two away games in a week it becomes like this
I think the game has a bug. Sometimes on sunday, it removes one of the recovery sessions and changes it to rest even though it doesn't clash with anything. You can manually add.
Don't leave Sundays and Wednesdays empty at the end. If there is a trip, it automatically cancels the last program of the day. That's how I use it. If you want, you can also use community outreach instead of routines.
I've been setting my U-20 training schedules to full rest double intensity and my first team schedules to v7. Is this ideal for overall growth?
Also do you recommend loaning out prospects for game time at the cost of not having control over training?
does this training have an impact on the matches ?
Can i ask a question regarding first team training, im sorry if ive missed the answer in a previous post. Iaunderstand the different schedules and that double intensity + Quickness training etc.. But for first team players do we still use additional focus or additional focus plus position/role/duty etc..
Juicebat said: I've been setting my U-20 training schedules to full rest double intensity and my first team schedules to v7. Is this ideal for overall growth?
Also do you recommend loaning out prospects for game time at the cost of not having control over training?
Depends on the save and how much you need/want to optimize PA into physicals. The bottleneck is first team minutes to reach PA so realistically you’ll need to loan guys out to consistently hit it. Even if you have reserves there is limited minutes there too.
In my experience managing in Germany, players who seem to have a decent amount of PA/professionalism hit at least 15+ acc/pac just doing V7 by 18-20 and usually get to at least 17s before maxing out. The 30 ca gain is not realistic in a real save unless you have a ton of first team minutes to give and someone with really high professionalism but the acc/pac usually gets priority.
I would only bother with no training if I was trying to do something that actually required like 90 PA players with 20/20 pac/acc. Which is intake only saves, winning ACL with like an Indian team, club WC with a MLS team (salary capped), etc Basically in any European save, you eventually get rich enough to buy/keep high PA regens because of UCL money.
harvestgreen22 said: Recovery is not necessary, if there is no room for so much training, you can reduce some or all of the Recovery
Why do you say Recovery is not necessary? I may have missed it but what is the rationale for including 7 x recovery sessions in the original?
bigloser said: Depends on the save and how much you need/want to optimize PA into physicals. The bottleneck is first team minutes to reach PA so realistically you’ll need to loan guys out to consistently hit it. Even if you have reserves there is limited minutes there too.
In my experience managing in Germany, players who seem to have a decent amount of PA/professionalism hit at least 15+ acc/pac just doing V7 by 18-20 and usually get to at least 17s before maxing out. The 30 ca gain is not realistic in a real save unless you have a ton of first team minutes to give and someone with really high professionalism but the acc/pac usually gets priority.
I would only bother with no training if I was trying to do something that actually required like 90 PA players with 20/20 pac/acc. Which is intake only saves, winning ACL with like an Indian team, club WC with a MLS team (salary capped), etc Basically in any European save, you eventually get rich enough to buy/keep high PA regens because of UCL money.
Do you think this no training strategy is optimal for a non league side? How long does the development usually take? I'll probably refresh my squad completely every 2 seasons so maybe its not worth it
I just figured it out.
[Defending from the Front]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
Is this the best one for the just meta attributes, not all rounded development.
I know fantastic work has gone into this and i do appreciate it but it's too much for my simple mind looking at all these charts and tons of post saying this and that, has anyone actually had in game success with what schedules for u18, u21 & first team and is it just worth focusing on the meta attributes or overall growth, thanks
Robbo84FM said: I know fantastic work has gone into this and i do appreciate it but it's too much for my simple mind looking at all these charts and tons of post saying this and that, has anyone actually had in game success with what schedules for u18, u21 & first team and is it just worth focusing on the meta attributes or overall growth, thanks
If you want to keep it simple, I'd say just stick to what gives the most meta growth:
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
You can swap the [Recovery] for another [Attacking] for extra development, but I just prefer to minimize injury risk.
Bafici said: I just figured it out.
[Defending from the Front]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
Is this the best one for the just meta attributes, not all rounded development.
According to me (I may be wrong), that's the best training schedule from @harvestgreen22s Training English 2 sheet, out of all the options of only 1 training block. But If you consider maximum meta growth only, this should be the best one:
[Resistance]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
I used @Zippos Attribute Testing as reference to do the calcs.
Juicebat said: I've been setting my U-20 training schedules to full rest double intensity and my first team schedules to v7. Is this ideal for overall growth?
, so once you have no room to put it in schedule , the lack of it doesn't matter much
Also do you recommend loaning out prospects for game time at the cost of not having control over training?
You can take a look at this. I just sent it
Jacko933 said: What’s the take away from this? What’s the best training schedule?
Bafici said: I just figured it out.
[Defending from the Front]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
Is this the best one for the just meta attributes, not all rounded development.
Robbo84FM said: I know fantastic work has gone into this and i do appreciate it but it's too much for my simple mind looking at all these charts and tons of post saying this and that, has anyone actually had in game success with what schedules for u18, u21 & first team and is it just worth focusing on the meta attributes or overall growth, thanks
For most simplicity, you can just use
"All-Rest+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]" (It is one of the most effective)
for all team , include u18, u21 & first team
plus30 said: does this training have an impact on the matches ?
Fewer training programs,
Bad: It will be harder to maintain "match sharpnes" ,so it will have a Indirect effect
Good: Much lower injuries , much higher "overall condition"
In contrast, I would suggest increase "match sharpnes" or "Familiarity" by scheduling friendly games.
check this link
Middleweight165 said: Do you think this no training strategy is optimal for a non league side? How long does the development usually take? I'll probably refresh my squad completely every 2 seasons so maybe its not worth it
Since Pace and Acceleration are the strongest attributes in the game, using "The All rest" is a way to get your players to "the maximum combat effectiveness" in the shortest time,, so as long as you don't sell your players to your current competitors, you are earning ,
and that's the best as You guarantee that you can win the current game as much as possible, so that the player gets the reputation of winning the game, and the reputation can be translated into the price when selling
Middleweight165 said: Why do you say Recovery is not necessary? I may have missed it but what is the rationale for including 7 x recovery sessions in the original?
The role of Recovery itself:
Compared with rest ,
Bad: Increase less condition and Fatigue
Good: Reduce Sharpness by less , Reduce extra injury risk , Do not reduce Cohesion
What Recovery does when assigning attributes:
It has the effect of "pulling" the attribute assignment more into the Physical class attribute.
However Its "pull" effect is weak (not like things like "[Quickness]"
harvestgreen22 said: https://fm-arena.com/thread/14456-corrigendum-for-previous-test-error-friendly-matches-actually-count-as-the-number-of-matches-playing-friendly-matches-can-increase-ca/
, so once you have no room to put it in schedule , the lack of it doesn't matter much
You can take a look at this. I just sent it
For most simplicity, you can just use
"All-Rest+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]" (It is one of the most effective)
for all team , include u18, u21 & first team
Fewer training programs,
Bad: It will be harder to maintain "match sharpnes" ,so it will have a Indirect effect
Good: Much lower injuries , much higher "overall condition"
In contrast, I would suggest increase "match sharpnes" or "Familiarity" by scheduling friendly games.
check this link
Since Pace and Acceleration are the strongest attributes in the game, using "The All rest" is a way to get your players to "the maximum combat effectiveness" in the shortest time,, so as long as you don't sell your players to your current competitors, you are earning ,
and that's the best as You guarantee that you can win the current game as much as possible, so that the player gets the reputation of winning the game, and the reputation can be translated into the price when selling
The role of Recovery itself:
Compared with rest ,
Bad: Increase less condition and Fatigue
Good: Reduce Sharpness by less , Reduce extra injury risk , Do not reduce Cohesion
What Recovery does when assigning attributes:
It has the effect of "pulling" the attribute assignment more into the Physical class attribute.
However Its "pull" effect is weak (not like things like "[Quickness]"
Ok so you think all rest is also best for the first team? would this not have a negative affect on all the technical & mental attributes?
axRayz said: If you want to keep it simple, I'd say just stick to what gives the most meta growth:
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
You can swap the [Recovery] for another [Attacking] for extra development, but I just prefer to minimize injury risk.
According to me (I may be wrong), that's the best training schedule from @harvestgreen22s Training English 2 sheet, out of all the options of only 1 training block. But If you consider maximum meta growth only, this should be the best one:
[Resistance]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
I used @Zippos Attribute Testing as reference to do the calcs.
What are the best meta attributes i see someone post about it and their is different levels
Most Important: Pace, Acceleration
Important: Jumping Reach, Anticipation, Balance, Agility, Concentration, Finishing
Good: Work Rate, Dribbling, Stamina, Strength, Passing, Determination, Vision
Decent: Long Shots, Marking, Decisions, First Touch,
Almost Irrelevant: Off the Ball, Tackling, Teamwork, Composure, Technique, Positioning
This was the post and obviously some are going to be more relevant than others for each position
Robbo84FM said: What are the best meta attributes i see someone post about it and their is different levels
, so once you have no room to put it in schedule , the lack of it doesn't matter much
Most Important: Pace, Acceleration
Important: Jumping Reach, Anticipation, Balance, Agility, Concentration, Finishing
Good: Work Rate, Dribbling, Stamina, Strength, Passing, Determination, Vision
Decent: Long Shots, Marking, Decisions, First Touch,
Almost Irrelevant: Off the Ball, Tackling, Teamwork, Composure, Technique, Positioning
This was the post and obviously some are going to be more relevant than others for each position
I personally trust @Zippos test the most as it's something he's done for years.
harvestgreen22 said: https://fm-arena.com/thread/14456-corrigendum-for-previous-test-error-friendly-matches-actually-count-as-the-number-of-matches-playing-friendly-matches-can-increase-ca/
You can take a look at this. I just sent it
For most simplicity, you can just use
"All-Rest+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]" (It is one of the most effective)
for all team , include u18, u21 & first team
Fewer training programs,
Bad: It will be harder to maintain "match sharpnes" ,so it will have a Indirect effect
Good: Much lower injuries , much higher "overall condition"
In contrast, I would suggest increase "match sharpnes" or "Familiarity" by scheduling friendly games.
check this link
Since Pace and Acceleration are the strongest attributes in the game, using "The All rest" is a way to get your players to "the maximum combat effectiveness" in the shortest time,, so as long as you don't sell your players to your current competitors, you are earning ,
and that's the best as You guarantee that you can win the current game as much as possible, so that the player gets the reputation of winning the game, and the reputation can be translated into the price when selling
The role of Recovery itself:
Compared with rest ,
Bad: Increase less condition and Fatigue
Good: Reduce Sharpness by less , Reduce extra injury risk , Do not reduce Cohesion
What Recovery does when assigning attributes:
It has the effect of "pulling" the attribute assignment more into the Physical class attribute.
However Its "pull" effect is weak (not like things like "[Quickness]"
In I17 and J17 (Training English 10), I observed slightly better meta growth with only 1 [Recovery] instead of x7, and in B21, I also saw [Resistance] perform above [Quickness] in the standard:
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
So, I wonder If, combining both observations, the following schedule is the most optimal for overall growth:
[Resistance]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
What are your thoughts?
axRayz said: I personally trust @Zippos test the most as it's something he's done for years.
In I17 and J17 (Training English 10), I observed slightly better meta growth with only 1 [Recovery] instead of x7, and in B21, I also saw [Resistance] perform above [Quickness] in the standard:
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
So, I wonder If, combining both observations, the following schedule is the most optimal for overall growth:
[Resistance]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
What are your thoughts?
Ok thanks just checked that out so it's like
Pace / Acceleration
Stamina / Anticipation / Jump Reach / Dribbling
Balance / Work Rate
Concentration / Strength / Finishing
Robbo84FM said: Ok so you think all rest is also best for the first team? would this not have a negative affect on all the technical & mental attributes?
provides the most "fighting power" (when in equal the conditions), so you can send these players to various match without worrying about their "fighting power" is not enough and drag down the team
In the long term (more than 4 years), strategies 1 and 2 (they both used different training programs in different years)
Can better use up the PA, so that players before reaching the age of 25 (26 = Age of The end of growth) they have more time to increase the CA to the maximum PA
But in the short term (4 years or less), strategy 3 (pure "full rest"
and for the technical & mental attributes:
If from the perspective of the sense of gaming immersion, the lack of them will cause the UI is not very good looking (turn red and lowering technical & mental), and "insecurity",
but from the perspective of "combat power",
compare to Bad and Good
Bad:the loss of these technical & mental attributes
Good:increased more Pace and acceleration
the latter "Good" is much greater
axRayz said: I personally trust @Zippos test the most as it's something he's done for years.
In I17 and J17 (Training English 10), I observed slightly better meta growth with only 1 [Recovery] instead of x7, and in B21, I also saw [Resistance] perform above [Quickness] in the standard:
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
So, I wonder If, combining both observations, the following schedule is the most optimal for overall growth:
[Resistance]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
What are your thoughts?
"I observed slightly better meta growth with only 1 [Recovery] instead of x7 "
I think this is a random error in the test, because I only tested everything in this list once.
They're actually pretty close
[Resistance] perform above [Quickness] in the standard:
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]x7+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
So, I wonder If, combining both observations, the following schedule is the most optimal for overall growth:
[Resistance]+[Match Practice]+[Attacking]+[Recovery]+[Double Intensity]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]
What are your thoughts?
They are also very close, and some random error in B21 compare to A21 or the A21 upper one (Caused by the low number of tests , only test once)
you can look at the difference between B17 and C17, Resistance provides slightly more Strength (a less economical attribute) and Slightly less with some other attributes ,
in Pace and Acceleration , they are almost the same (If increase the number of test samples, reduce the random error)
So: they are all very good and all can be used
Robbo84FM said: Ok thanks just checked that out so it's like

Pace / Acceleration
Stamina / Anticipation / Jump Reach / Dribbling
Balance / Work Rate
Concentration / Strength / Finishing
This is my version where you can refer to the results of multiple people at the same time,
Different people start from different angles and initial test conditions, so they may get different results,
Mine may not be right.
Then, briefly, on the top table, the greener the number, the more important, and the larger the number, the more important
@harvestgreen22 Do we know what match review does? I would like to add it for the main team?
Would this be bad for development?
harvestgreen22 said:
This is my version where you can refer to the results of multiple people at the same time,
Different people start from different angles and initial test conditions, so they may get different results,
Mine may not be right.
Then, briefly, on the top table, the greener the number, the more important, and the larger the number, the more important
Seeing as Concentration is one of the best Meta attributes what is the best way to target this attribute as no additional focus training targets it?
Milo said: @harvestgreen22 Do we know what match review does? I would like to add it for the main team?
Would this be bad for development?
match review : I forgot about testing him. I guess you'll have no problem adding on top of what you already have. It shouldn't affect much
Robbo84FM said: Seeing as Concentration is one of the best Meta attributes what is the best way to target this attribute as no additional focus training targets it?
There is no good way to add it (or I haven't found it yet) because there is no additional focus corresponding to it.
From a revenue perspective,
If you think the player's Physical classes attribute are good enough (like Pace, acceleration, Jump Reach, Agility... Already arrived 19/20)
Then you can choose additional focus to Add the Work Rate (or Dribbling or Anticipation), Which is very important
If the Work Rate or Dribbling or Anticipation is enough,
Then we can cancel the additional focus, Equalizing the distribution of attributes, It naturally strengthens all attributes, including Concentration
Hey guys, is fm 23 training any different to fm 24? Could this training system be applied to fm 23?
What's your point of view on goalkeepers?
Majority of these trainings exclude their development.
Do you just buy ready made goalkeepers and don't develop them at all?
alopes16 said: What's your point of view on goalkeepers?

Majority of these trainings exclude their development.
Do you just buy ready made goalkeepers and don't develop them at all?
I've been running on the Recovery glitch + Match practice + Attacking + Quickness training schedules and "tested" (played two seasons with a fairly low CA/Highish PA with good professionalism) Belgium GK wonderkid from Genk. He's improved Iirc 4 agility (the most important stat for goalies by far) using no adjustments apart from making his training speciality on agility/balance, his other stats have grown a little, but I imagine a goalkeeper who already has good aerial reach and reflexes say 14-15 for a *great* regen player alongside near 20 agility should make for a near world class goalkeeper. The rest should *probably* grow via match experience and tinkering with their individual specialisation training to eventually move onto reflexes/aerial reach once achieved 19-20~ agility on said goalkeeper. With goalkeeper stat distribution being so heavily leaned to decisions a useless stat I'd say its possible to grow a goalie quite reasonably well only focusing on the 3 key stats but priority on agility.