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Jimmy67 said: You like to put alot of tactics down but i dont see you coming up with any top tactics? So either post your own great tactic we can all use or shut the f**k up!
Oh goodness me lil ol lad I got you really fired up didn't I?
While my tactics (a couple of which I already posted here) haven't tested anywhere near the top I make tactics better than this vomit here (and thats what it is frankly , lets cut to the chase).That being said , I don't need to post anythang or prove anythang to anyone to give constructive criticism without insulting anyone. If the tactic tests as low as this it is only fair to cut to the chase and tell thangs how they go lad , if that upsets you then I'm sorry but maybe you need to toughen up.
ZaZ said: The more the players get affinity to this tactic, the worse they play. They won matches with @Mark because they didn't know the tactic yet.

I am back to playing Blue and working on finding the best set piece to go with it
Milakus said: Hehe
As it can be seen down below in my Tottenham save the season started quite well for me as well. I got 7 wins after 8 matches but then everything felt apart... I think it proves that 5 matches or even 9 matches isn't enough to test a tactic 
The more the players get affinity to this tactic, the worse they play. They won matches with @Mark because they didn't know the tactic yet.
maybe dropping the wings down a notch in line with the dlp making them a inverted wing back on attack duty will help the defense out a lot
Mark said: Cant believe that. I won 5 games straight with it with an underdog team. Oh well, good to know
As it can be seen down below in my Tottenham save the season started quite well for me as well. I got 7 wins after 8 matches but then everything felt apart... I think it proves that 5 matches or even 9 matches isn't enough to test a tactic 
Cant believe that. I won 5 games straight with it with an underdog team. Oh well, good to know
ZaZ said: Wow, this is by far the worst tactic of this patch. I am trying to understand what makes it so bad, if the Libero, Stay On Feet, Hold Shape or Inverted Wingers.
This tactic has a record of 2.425 conceded goals per match in the test and it's almost the worst record... obviously, tactics with only 3 defenders work very poorly in FM21.
Wow, this is by far the worst tactic of this patch. I am trying to understand what makes it so bad, if the Libero, Stay On Feet, Hold Shape or Inverted Wingers. I knew those things are highly inefficient, but didn't know they could make a big team end in the relegation zone.
Just so I know, was this intentionally crafted to be the worst tactic or just a coincidence?
For the sake of curiosity I decided to try this tactic with Tottenham, predicted to finish 6th... and ended at the 17th place

magicnut said: Lad it doesn't seem to me your tactic is all fine and dandy and that's just me mildly cutting to the chase.
You like to put alot of tactics down but i dont see you coming up with any top tactics? So either post your own great tactic we can all use or shut the f**k up!
Lad it doesn't seem to me your tactic is all fine and dandy and that's just me mildly cutting to the chase.