Zippo said: No worries, thank you for your comprehension.
The previous versions are far from being useless because it's always very useful to know what worked well for the previous patches and how you've been changing your tactics from patch to patch. Also, there are some people that keep their Steam clients in 'Offline mode' to avoid updates so they are still on the previous patches.
Also, having different tactics with the same name is extremely confusion. Imagine, people were discussing and positing results for a tactic that was called Blue 2.0 but you've deleted it and uploaded a different tactic with the same name. Now people are discussing and uploading results for a tactic that's is also called Blue 2.0 but it's a different tactic. Could you imagine how confusing it will be for people that only recently stumbled across your thread?
I'm sure no one would argue that people tend to consider the latest version of a tactic as the most recent version and the most effective version at least in the eyes of the author so handling the updates in any different way would create a lot of confusion.
It's common practice and there's nothing wrong in updating your tactic to revert the changes that was made in the previous version.
Zippo said: No worries, thank you for your comprehension.

The previous versions are far from being useless because it's always very useful to know what worked well for the previous patches and how you've been changing your tactics from patch to patch. Also, there are some people that keep their Steam clients in 'Offline mode' to avoid updates so they are still on the previous patches.
Also, having different tactics with the same name is extremely confusion. Imagine, people were discussing and positing results for a tactic that was called Blue 2.0 but you've deleted it and uploaded a different tactic with the same name. Now people are discussing and uploading results for a tactic that's is also called Blue 2.0 but it's a different tactic. Could you imagine how confusing it will be for people that only recently stumbled across your thread?
Please, check this -
ZaZ said: Fixed.
so handling the updates in any different way would create a lot of confusion.
Thank you.
I'm sure no one would argue that people tend to consider the latest version of a tactic as the most recent version and the most effective version at least in the eyes of the author
It's common practice and there's nothing wrong in updating your tactic to revert the changes that was made in the previous version.
Pretty underwhelming. Anyone that wants strikers should try Fanatic instead, from @Maverick.
ZaZ said: Pretty underwhelming. Anyone that wants strikers should try Fanatic instead, from @Maverick.
It looks like AFs work better than PFs
Bogeyman said: It looks like AFs work better than PFs
Maybe Wingers also work better with forwards, since they go up more than Defensive Wingers.