Player Attributes Testing - Further Insight Into The Result

by Zippo, Mar 22, 2024

Hey there,

If you look at the result of the player attributes testing - then you might get a wrong impression that only a few attributes such as Pace, Acceleration, Jumping Reach, Dribbling matter and other attributes do nothing.

Other attributes also matter, obviously, not as much Pace, Acceleration, Jumping Reach, Dribbling attributes but they still matter and you don't see any meaningful increase in the score when other attributes get a boost in our player attributes testing because it's just that for many attributes +5 points boost isn't enough to see any meaningful increase in the score.

To ensure that the Mental and Technical attributes also matter let's produce the following test:

Modified Attributes Setup 1:
9 Mental and 1 Technical attributes get +2 points boost

+2 Anticipation
+2 Composure
+2 Concentration
+2 Decisions
+2 Off The Ball
+2 Positioning
+2 Teamwork
+2 Vision
+2 Work Rate
+2 Passing

Modified Attributes Setup 2:
Only 2 attributes Acceleration and Pace get +2 points boost

+2 Acceleration
+2 Pace

As you can see when you increase 9 Mental and 1 Technical attributes by +2 points then the result increases by "+5.9" points from "65.5" points to "71.4" points.

And when you increase only 2 attributes Acceleration and Pace by +2 points then the result increases by "+18.1" points from "65.5" points to "83.6" points.

Obviously, not only Pace, Acceleration, Jumping Reach, Dribbling attributes matter but other attributes matter too but as you can see from the result of the test the difference of its importance is just huge, 4 additional points allocated into Pace and Acceleration make a much bigger difference than 20 additional points allocated into 7 Mental and 1 Technical attributes.


Thanks, for this test, @Zippo :thup:


It would be interesting to see how much the other attributes matter at lower thresholds. For instance, all the sample players have 13 decisions by default (pretty good score), so +- 5 ranges from 8 - 18. It might very well be that 8 decisions is "sufficient" and there would be a large dropoff at even lower values. Something like 5 - 15 could be cool to see for many of these. Especially, it wouldn't surprise me if the difference between 13 and 18 is rather miniscule for many of these attributes, as 13 is a very good number already.


Zippo said: 7 Mental and 1 Technical attributes get +2 points boost

+2 Anticipation
+2 Composure
+2 Concentration
+2 Decisions
+2 Off The Ball
+2 Positioning
+2 Teamwork
+2 Vision
+2 Work Rate
+2 Passing[/center]

Actually, you mentioned 9 mental + 1 technical attributes. Why did you say 7?


pixar said: Actually, you mentioned 9 mental + 1 technical attributes. Why did you say 7?

Thanks. I've edited the post and fixed it. It was a typo.


Hello Zippo and everyone,

Thx for your tests. It's very usefull.
However, I do have some questions. Here is a picture i found. What do you think about it ?
For example, I note that “decision” is more important for a defender than “pace” or "acceleration".


Ocsilan said: However, I do have some questions. Here is a picture i found. What do you think about it ?

That table is based on the data that was extracted from the official pre-game editor, and the numbers in the table are noting more than a representation of CA cost of the attributes for different positions.

But it was tested and proven that some attributes might cost a lot CA but in really they do very little -

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