Uploaded Date
May 7, 2024
latest patchPatch 24.4.0 (DB3.0)
WIN 55%
LOSE 45%
Patch 24.4.0 (DB3.0) tests
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Test #1
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #2
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #3
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #4
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #5
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #6
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #7
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #8
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #9
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #10
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #11
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #12
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #13
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #14
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #15
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #16
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #17
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #18
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #19
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #20
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #21
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #22
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #23
Date: 07.05.2024
Test #24
Date: 07.05.2024

- Added 'Close Down More' to IFs
- Removed 'Take More Risks' on DMs

NOTE: If playing against a team with Wingbacks (WBR/L) instead of fullbacks (DR/L) set the marking on the left IF to WB(R) and the right IF to WB(L)

Player Instructions:


When trying to protect a lead in the last 10 minutes of a match do these changes to the tactic:
- Lower tempo to 'standard'
- Tick on 'be more disciplined'
- Turn off 'counter-press'
- Turn off 'distribute quickly'
- Lower 'trigger press' to standard for players to hold position more
- Turn off 'Step Up More'
- Turn off 'Get Stuck In'
- Change Line Of Engagement to 'Mid Block'
- Lastly change the FBs from attack to support
- Add 'Hold Position' instruction to at least one DM[/spoiler]

When in need of a score at the end of a match do these changes:
- Change mentality to 'Attacking'
- Tick 'Be More Expressive'
- Move FBs up the field into WBs (optional)


Players instructions please im on console.


you have corners for this?


The master said: Players instructions please im on console.


Do others have the same thing on IF on PS5 - unable to add "Close down more"?

Update: Figured it out. for those struggling on console - "Go back to team instructions- put pressing back on standard, then come to this page again, you should be able to customize individual instructions now" (Source - Reddit)


Alexandru said: Do others have the same thing on IF on PS5 - unable to add "Close down more"?

Just do like that:
- Set the minimum in “Trigger Pressing” on Out Of Possession TIs
- Set Trigger Pressing More Often on IFs’ PIs
- Set again maximum pressing on Out Of Possession TIs

Hope i’ve been clear enough!


Gianaa9 said: Just do like that:
- Set the minimum in “Trigger Pressing” on Out Of Possession TIs
- Set Trigger Pressing More Often on IFs’ PIs
- Set again maximum pressing on Out Of Possession TIs

Hope i’ve been clear enough!

thanks, found this solution in reddit  and posted at the same time as you. Thank you


Alexandru said: Do others have the same thing on IF on PS5 - unable to add "Close down more"?

Set the TI "Trigger Press" to "Standard"

Then add "Close Down More Often" to the IF

and then bring back the TI "Trigger Press" to "Much More Often"


This is nice bro


teambash said: you have corners for this?

I like to use Arena best hits or Azure V3


Congrats, top of the pops!


will this work on (m.e v24.2.0.0) and whats db3.0 lol


Davieboy said: will this work on (m.e v24.2.0.0) and whats db3.0 lol

As I recall, there wasn't any M.E. changes between 24.2.0 and 24.4.0 patches so tactics should perform the same under both versions


Wow... with the right players (pace and acceleration) this tactic is a monster. So far on my unbeaten run with Bayer Leverkusen just like Xabi Alonso in real life ...

It really deserves his name "problem solvin" :)


Tested with a few teams - outstanding results across the board. Job well done.


How do i tell which version my save is on FM? or is 24.2 still the best tactics?


Lapidus said: As I recall, there wasn't any M.E. changes between 24.2.0 and 24.4.0 patches so tactics should perform the same under both versions

So that being said, all the tactics listed under 24.2 over the first couple of pages are better than the new ones? because the points totals are higher? i'm confused


KOLFM said: So that being said, all the tactics listed under 24.2 over the first couple of pages are better than the new ones? because the points totals are higher? i'm confused

The way the tactics are being tested in the DB 3.0 is different than DB 2.0. Arena have made the testing more difficult. There has been no M.E changes in game so the tactics that worked on DB 2.0 will still perform its just the tactics in DB 3.0 have had a more rigorous testing. I can only assume that this tactic would've performed very well in DB 2.0 as the tactics tested in DB 2.0 have had significant point swings in the new DB as documented in the new table, for example the top tactic in DB 2.0 ( achieved 69 in DB 2.0 but dropped to 59.7 in DB 3.0, so if we take that score as an example, One can only assume that this tactic would've potentially scored higher than 69 in DB 2.0


KOLFM said: So that being said, all the tactics listed under 24.2 over the first couple of pages are better than the new ones? because the points totals are higher? i'm confused
Just go for this tactic. Keep in mind to build your squad around the tactic and not the other way round. Train all the player positions individually and set the extra focus on pace and acceleration. This is very very important.

For transfers: Scout players first and go for the two attributes I mentioned earlier (pace and acceleration). Get the players with the highest values in those two attributes. For a weaker team at the beginning this is even more important than the CA / PA.

Team training can be set to the assistant if you've got a good one, if not look for a good assistant coach.

If you're doing all that + keeping the morale of your squad high (monthly team talks) + during the matches team talks then this tactic will bring success with every team and after a few seasons you'll be rocking every cup.

That said don't expect wonders; the me wants you to loose some cups, some games. This will happen and it doesn't matter if you're managing a team with CA 170+ players.

Good luck!


Hi all, I been using this tactic and have a lot of success with this, it is also very enjoyable watching the games.

However I am on a save just entering into my fourth season, my FULL Backs all have recurring injury on the hamstring, one even have the keen ligament problem, no surprise there as this tactic is very taxing on their roles.

Although not so much of a question about tactic, may I ask if these injuries can be recovered or am I better off selling them?

I ask if I should sell them off because I read on the internet that I need to rest them from training and only play them half the match, but it's been a month and there has no zero change or improvement.

I would love to have some advice on this if anyone could help me would be much appericiated.

PS: I have 5 wing backs, I rote them from each match almost religiously, I only brought the 5th one because of injuries.


Zhi said: Hi all, I been using this tactic and have a lot of success with this, it is also very enjoyable watching the games.

However I am on a save just entering into my fourth season, my FULL Backs all have recurring injury on the hamstring, one even have the keen ligament problem, no surprise there as this tactic is very taxing on their roles.

Although not so much of a question about tactic, may I ask if these injuries can be recovered or am I better off selling them?

I ask if I should sell them off because I read on the internet that I need to rest them from training and only play them half the match, but it's been a month and there has no zero change or improvement.

I would love to have some advice on this if anyone could help me would be much appericiated.

PS: I have 5 wing backs, I rote them from each match almost religiously, I only brought the 5th one because of injuries.

Are the players getting injured in game or during training?
If in game: Around minute 65-70 of a match you should look at their fitness energy level, if it’s reached poor (the dark orange) or below, you should substitute them off

If the players are getting injured in training, you could either change the schedule you are using or change the intensity,
You can try changing the intensity for the excellent condition (dark green) and the good condition (light green) to normal intensity and keep the rest the same.
Or you can put all training intensity except the dark green to ‘No Pitch Work or Gym Training’ and keep the dark green on normal

Also check the scouting report on the players, in the negatives, see if they’re injury prone, that might affect it too


infxamus said: Are the players getting injured in game or during training?
If in game: Around minute 65-70 of a match you should look at their fitness energy level, if it’s reached poor (the dark orange) or below, you should substitute them off

If the players are getting injured in training, you could either change the schedule you are using or change the intensity,
You can try changing the intensity for the excellent condition (dark green) and the good condition (light green) to normal intensity and keep the rest the same.
Or you can put all training intensity except the dark green to ‘No Pitch Work or Gym Training’ and keep the dark green on normal

Also check the scouting report on the players, in the negatives, see if they’re injury prone, that might affect it too

Hi mate thank you for your respond.

Yes I do keep them fresh during the match, it is rare I let them run down to red.

I also trained almost all of my players to have 16 stamina. Speed and Acc are also 16+ beside some midfielders and young players.

The training took a while to adjust, but all the intensity on training are also well balanced, I now rarely get hit by red injury from training, they get a nick here and there.

I also rarely run a game into it's 4th year, I usually just restart the same thing again, so I didn't have these problem with recurring injury, are they curable?


Zhi said: Hi mate thank you for your respond.

Yes I do keep them fresh during the match, it is rare I let them run down to red.

I also trained almost all of my players to have 16 stamina. Speed and Acc are also 16+ beside some midfielders and young players.

The training took a while to adjust, but all the intensity on training are also well balanced, I now rarely get hit by red injury from training, they get a nick here and there.

I also rarely run a game into it's 4th year, I usually just restart the same thing again, so I didn't have these problem with recurring injury, are they curable?

There isn't really a "cure" as according to the game a player will suffer at least 2 injuries per season. The best you can do to try and prevent the injuries is to continue to substitute when they get tired and lower their intensity in training


Can you change to attacking mentality or is the balanced mentality obsolete about this tactic?


Super3 said: Can you change to attacking mentality or is the balanced mentality obsolete about this tactic?

I recommend to only change to attacking when you really need a goal late in the game


wiche one is better im not sure to understand


Thank you very much. I am very successful with this tactic!
Where would you place your striker with a good jumping reach? Probably AF, right? The PF seems to be more of a F9 or playmaker, right?


lordus said: Thank you very much. I am very successful with this tactic!
Where would you place your striker with a good jumping reach? Probably AF, right? The PF seems to be more of a F9 or playmaker, right?

Yes, put your best goalscoring striker as the AF and the one who is better at playmaking at PF


Special tactic -


FM DNA said: Special tactic -

Thank you for testing! Good to see all teams overachieving their media prediction position

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