Uploaded Date
May 7, 2024
latest patchPatch 24.4.0 (DB3.0)
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An out of possession 4222 which turns into somewhat of a 352 shape. Heavy emphasis on the left and right back with them often playing the final killer ball. This tactic makes use of the Half Back to form a back 3 and allows the regista and advanced playmaker in the 8 to dictate the game. I had previously tested it with a Trequartista as the 9 and a false nine to the right of him which yielded positive results but I found it just works better with the AF/CF combo. I did 2 tests, one with Man City and one with Brighton.
Some positional advice:
Use your best passers as the regista with 'dictates tempo' and 'comes deep to get ball' as traits.
Try use a left footed player as the half back, preferably someone that is similar to a ball playing defender, stats-wise, as they pick up a lot of positions as a wide centre back.
The full backs get involved quite a lot so try to use high pace and good crossing, dribbling and passing attributes.