Test best striker attributes

by Possebrew, May 10, 2024

Hi everyone,

I've been lurking for some time and decided to make an account to propose a test to determine the best striker (which could then be transitioned into other roles).

From what I observed, we currently try to give the entire team specific attributes (or so I inferred from the tables I have seen).

My proposal would be to use one of the standard tactics with a lone striker, and give everyone 10 in all attributes, except the strikers, who will receive 20 for pace, acceleration & jumping reach (to remove the meta-attributes from the test)

Then we in turn give them:
- each individual trait
- each one of the highlighted key attributes (i.e.: finishing, dribbling, heading, long-shots etc)

By the end it would be interesting to see more than just the score results. Might be interesting to see who got most MoM or other such awards. That's to say, even if he does not score, he does things that increase his reputation and/or value as a player.

Perhaps such a test has already been performed, and I am just too bad at searching to find it?
Would appreciate any feedback!

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