Uploaded Date
May 30, 2024
latest patchPatch 24.4.0 (DB3.0)
Patch 24.4.0 (DB3.0) tests
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Players instructions plz im on console
Love this mate, have you tried dropping the PF down to AM on support and using all the PIs minus close down more?
CBP87 said: Love this mate, have you tried dropping the PF down to AM on support and using all the PIs minus close down more?
Honestly i think the right flank should stay like this, i tried almost every combination and nothing worked well as FB(At)+DM(Su)+IF(At)+PF(Su)
By the way unfortunately AM isn't very successful on FMArena, feels like every tactic with AM works better with a striker on support instead..
The master said: Players instructions plz im on console
tackle harder on everyone
dribble more on BPDs
Crossfrombyline, staywider, takemorerisks, cutinsidewiththeball on FB
takemorerisks on IWB
move into channels, takemorerisks on VOL
getfurtherforward, crossfrombyline, cutinsidewiththeball, crossmoreoften, mark D(R), closedownmore on W
mark D(L), closedownmore, sitnarrower, holdupball on IF
roamfromposition, moveintochannels on PF
sorry i tried to remember them, i can't see it cause i'm not at home until monday
Doesn't the if mark the DL and the w mark DR or is that right?
Dylan935 said: Doesn't the if mark the DL and the w mark DR or is that right?
obv you’re right, thank you!
which foot should i use on IF and W?
seung said: which foot should i use on IF and W?
I'd say both left footed, but if you struggle to find many lefty players, it is better to have a lefty one on the left and a right footed IF, it should work fine as well
If the opposition plays with WBL/WBR should i man mark them or disable man marking for the specific match?
nexor said: If the opposition plays with WBL/WBR should i man mark them or disable man marking for the specific match?
create a copy of the tactic with marking on WB(L) and WB(R) and switch them according to the opponent shape
Do you use any OIs? And what are the set pieces? Thanks!
A4 said: Do you use any OIs? And what are the set pieces? Thanks!
In this Frosinone career i didn’t use neither OIs or set pieces instructions
Have a couple questions on player traits and tactics.
Should i give my BPD the tries killer ball trait since its suits their tactic instruction
Similarly, should i teach my players the switch balls to wide area trait and try long range passes and if so, which position should i teach this trait to?
TactocTestor said: Have a couple questions on player traits and tactics.
Should i give my BPD the tries killer ball trait since its suits their tactic instruction
Similarly, should i teach my players the switch balls to wide area trait and if so, which position should i teach this trait to?
These are complex questions, cause when you apply a tactic in a career, and you're not just testing it anymore, it's about players' ability, their suitability with roles and playstyle, ecc.. I watched many games of this tactic before uploading it and i'd say that killer balls should be tried more by midfielders than BPDs, also cause if they haven't very good Passing/Vision you could lose many dangerous balls. Switch balls to wide area could be interesting for IWB, W and DM, cause they will search each other and the IF's movement behind defenders.
As i said, when it comes to use a tactic in a career there are so many factors to consider, so just take this as a general advice, hope it could help!
Thank you, for the DM and the volante, i see that DM is not instructed to make risky pass whereas the Volante is. Does this mean that tries killer ball/ switch balls are not necessary/not encouraged for the defensive midfielder?
Also should i teach the stops play or dwells on ball to pressing forward as he's instructed to hold up ball?
TactocTestor said: Thank you, for the DM and the volante, i see that DM is not instructed to make risky pass whereas the Volante is. Does this mean that tries killer ball/ switch balls are not necessary/not encouraged for the defensive midfielder?
Also should i teach the stops play or dwells on ball to pressing forward as he's instructed to hold up ball?
About the PF, it's ok. Regarding to Volante/DM, you have to consider that in possession phase DM will be in front of your BPDs, near the IWB, the VOL will be instead just behind your strikers, so DM will have way more space to switch ball away on the other side, instead VOl will make short passes through the lines for W/AF/PF/IF. This was my idea when i created that shape, you will have a 2-2-4-2 in possession phase, just like that:
W - VOL - PF - FB
With the PF between midfield and attack lines
ah i see, thanks. Sorry but i got a couple more last questions, hope you can help!
I see a lot of roles have the shorter passing instructions including FBs, W, IF,... should i teach the play short simple pass to these guys/ tries killer balls or just leave it be?
Also the FB and W all have the shorter passing instruction, so is teaching switch balls contrary to their PIs or it could potentially add to their game?
And for the PF, i assume do not move into channel and comes deep to get balls are desirable complementary traits?
TactocTestor said: ah i see, thanks. Sorry but i got a couple more last questions, hope you can help!
I see a lot of roles have the shorter passing instructions including FBs, W, IF,... should i teach the play short simple pass to these guys/ tries killer balls or just leave it be?
Also the FB and W all have the shorter passing instruction, so is teaching switch balls contrary to their PIs or it could potentially add to their game?
And for the PF, i assume do not move into channel and comes deep to get balls are desirable complementary traits?
In this version no one has PIs about Passing, there’s only Shorter Passing TI in order to reduce lose balls with too long passe. The PF should both come deep to collect ball and move into the channels, the idea is to have IF and PF switching their positions: when the IF cuts inside the PF moves forward, when the PF comes deep in midfield the IF runs behind him looking for space
Thanks, can you test this tactic with attacking mentality?
TactocTestor said: Thanks, can you test this tactic with attacking mentality?
As i said yesterday, i just wanted to upload first versions with PI tweaks on W and IWB. I made a run with Attacking mentality and it wasn't looking very promising tbh... Anyways, if you want to get it tested soon, just upload it yourself with attacking mentality!
Has any one got the PI for console @Gianaa9
Excellent tactic!!!!
Will this tactic work in the mirror version ?
on the winger role, is it better to find WBs to slot in that position? I have difficulties finding good players who are natural or competent in that position
One of the best tactics I have tried in FM24. Decided to use a mirrored version of the tactic with all the same instructions and pulled of an incredible season with WBA.
Won the Championship and somehow won both cups as well... Incredible work
lambertip612 said: One of the best tactics I have tried in FM24. Decided to use a mirrored version of the tactic with all the same instructions and pulled of an incredible season with WBA.
Won the Championship and somehow won both cups as well... Incredible work
Did you use Balanced Mentality or Attacking
Waccoe said: Did you use Balanced Mentality or Attacking
I used Balanced mentality through the whole season
Promoted Arezzo to Serie B, Zorya won the league in 1 season and UEFA championship spot lost 5-3 in cup final against the giant killer Polissia who killed Shaktar many times (almost unbeaten! somehow lost to shaktar in their home). Pylyp my PF with 16 jumping reach and header beat Mykhitaryan 25 goals in a season with 27 goals. Going for bigger job now
Great tactic
Won the Africa Cup of Nations with Kenya, ranked 101st in the world.