Uploaded Date
Jun 24, 2024
latest patchPatch 24.4.0 (DB3.0)
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Made the following changes to this tactic
+ Roam from position to AM(A)
+ Close down more to AM(A)
- removed take more risks from AM(A)
- removed mark DMC position from AM(A)
- removed hold up ball from both AM(SU)
- removed move into channels from both AM(SU)
+ Dribble more to both AM(SU)
+ Stay wider to both AM(SU)
+ mark rb position to Left AM(SU) instead of DMCR
+ mark Lb position to right AM(SU) instead of DMCL
+ Invite crosses Team Instruction
+ Cross less often to both AM(SU)
- Removed close down more from Left and right AM(SU)
+ replaced stay wider on both FB(A) with sit narrower
+ replaced cut inside with ball on both FB(A) with run wide with ball