ZaZ said: I think the mistake is to think the other seventeen attributes of the table are useless, and only three are important at all. If you pick the attributes isolated, then you are probably right. By the table, pace, acceleration, jumping reach, and dribbling, are by far the most important. However, each of those other attributes have some small influence, and when combined they seem to make quite a difference. Dribbling alone increases expected points by almost 10, while balance, concentration, and anticipation increases almost 5 expected points each. Then you have all other attributes that increase by 1 or 3, and it is important to remember that those tests are not definitive, and only considered 2.4k matches each.
What I mean is you are focusing on the three attributes that are possibly responsible for 50%-60% of the performance of players, and ignoring the other seventeen that might just form the remaining 40-50%. It would be awesome if you were creating players with 20 in pace, acceleration, jumping, and dribbling, to then complete training for their other attributes, but by the table you showed, most the players were barely 17 in each. That is nothing impressive, and you can easily achieve that by hiring some quick youngsters with 13 or 14 starting pace and acceleration, without the need to sacrifice dribbling and other skills.
Again, you can win all championships with players at 70% of maximum performance, since most players in the game might be using only 50%-60% (because of low speed). However, you can do even better with players at 80%-100% of performance. Expand
You might have a point, I am a new player and have only played fm2024 300 hours, not play any before fm2024. I'm actually complaining that the mechanics that game companies design are so irrational that the game mechanics are like a placebo. It made me feel some extreme emotions.I thought, how can players protest and force game companies to change in next fm2025
I'm doing a related test about "If stats are 10, increase to 15, mental and technical effects are poor," then "if stats are 10, decrease to 1, then mental and technical effects are still low?"
What I get for now is that , there are some mental and technical attributes,
1.Even if they go down to 1, the effect on Average goal difference is small, if already have 10, increase it to 20, and the effect is still low.
2.For others, if they go down to 1 and have a high impact. But if already have 10, increase it to 20, and the effect is low.
Flashedmind said: Having analysed this post and related posts and discussions on training schedules, I think I agree with one of ZaZ's comments that you can use the physical attribute maximisation schedule in the youth team and then use the D6 schedule for the first team.
The most interesting finding to me is that you can "cheat" a player's CA-PA ratio if you have the time for it. The schedules show that you can increase a player's CA by around 5-6 per year, all of these points distributed across paca-acc-jump (e.g +2 in each). The main advantage is that you retain the player's PA, because you don't "waste" it on other, less important attributes (which is sad but true in current engine). If you do this from ages 15-18, you can add +6 to pace-acc-jump which is a lot, and then shift towards the schedules that focus on CA growth when the player goes to first team.
Practical example: let's say player has 80 CA and 150 PA, which means that 70 CA can still be attributed in development. If you use the D6 schedule, the player will grow 25 CA per year, of which 5 goes into pace-acc-jump and 20 into other attributes. This means that after 3 years the player will have reached their potential and the distribution of attributes will be on a ratio 1/4 physical/other.
For the same example, if you use the physical attribute maximising schedule, after 3 years the player will have gone from 70 CA to around 85 CA with all increases in attributes in pace-acc-jump (around +5 each). The difference is that the player still has a lot of their potential to be fulfilled, and then you can switch to the D6 schedule once the desired physical attributes are reached. The 85 CA player still has 65 CA to fill in, meaning that another 2-3 years of using D6 schedule can be used to maximise CA growth whilst still developing the physicals.
If you use the physical schedule for 5 years, the player should have around +10 in pace-acc-jump and then have 40 CA left to distribute across mental/technicals, which is still a lot if you can pick the attributes to be developed.
In other words, if you have the time, you can finetune a player's development by first allowing their physicals to be developed greatly and then shifting to other attributes whilst not neglecting physicals.
Im aware that overall, playing matches is most important and that the player's hidden attributes are a decisive factor. I'm also well aware that a lot more discussions can be had on this matter and that further finetuning of these findings is necessary (e.g. the impact of coaching staff, the negative impact on team cohesion or tactical familiarity of the schedules).
Thoughts? Expand
It's a good arrangement,No problem (If you only care about the maximum CA boost)
and D6 , I think the D6 requires too much training and increases the risk of injury, and I think the Y6 or B7 is better. and If you don't go for the ultimate CA boost, then K5 is already good (only needs 3 times train per week )
Footballenjoyer said: I think this training method is probably best at growing physical attributes in the shortest amount of time because its double intensity with a lower risk of injury due to less training schedules.
There's probably a schedule where its double intensity: Quick+match practisex2+ 1xattack+defense + maybe something else per week. Attacking and defending training max out efficiency at 4 but it's not really focused, you can just run 1 per week to stop the attribute decay.
The biggest problem I see with the data collected on CA/PA growth is:
1. Its simply counting CA growth per season but doesn't correctly discount how much decision cost in CA which inflate a players CA without meaningfully improve a players ability (I could be wrong since I didn't see the weighting, same thing with aggression which is a negative stat)
2. A lot of the technical training/attacking/defending training yeilded 0 growth for attacking unit or defensive unit. Is it because the tester have not moved players into the unit that's being focused trained? That skew the efficiency toward the training that train outfield players as a whole. Expand
There is a part of English, after translation, I can not understand, sorry
Here's how I arrange the players: (DCL,DCR,DL,DR,DM), 5 people, they are in the defense train group (ST,AMC,AML,AMR,MC), 5 people, they are in the attack train group I didn't change them (unless I specifically mentioned a change in the table) because the default assignment is this
Thanks for your effort @harvestgreen22 <3 Would you mind testing how a single session of set-piece and/or team bonding would affect the results, especially with the lighter sessions like Y6? I'd imagine something like that could be the best of both worlds in terms of development, match fitness and other benefits. But it could also be quite detrimental to the player developement.
Out of curiosity... What happens if you abuse copy/paste training and do something like this with additional focus quickness? What would the CA grow up to?
harvestgreen22 said: I need to get started on my workday, so I don't have time to keep going through all the responses. Please let me know if you find anything new
I'm testing something new right now, and when it's done, I'll post the test images Expand
Hi, great experiment and well done for your efforts.
I have a question. If you stipulate 2x Match Practice is that the same if you have 1 or 2 matches that week? For example the team has a mid week game and a Saturday, would you still add in 2 match practices?
hey, i read your research, but i would still like to know what you think is the best training setup.
for someone like me for example, im in the premier league and champions league and my training schedule thing is very tight and i try to do the quickness, match practice x2, and then an overall (with all players at quickness additional).
but its hard for me to fit them in and i know you said in a comment that you recommend no training at all but i cant help to thing that my players wouldnt be good enought anymore and their stats would downgrade to a point where i would start to go down in the league.
sorry if this is a long comment but i would just like to know what training setup you would recommend me!
and btw i have rougly 2 matches a week, maybe more and if you want any pictures of my schedule i would gladly send some!
EDIT: also like i said my schedule is very tight so i put the trainings in between the games and i have started to get ALOT of injuries. is there a better way to train the players with the same training schedule?
svonn said: Thanks for your effort @harvestgreen22 <3 Would you mind testing how a single session of set-piece and/or team bonding would affect the results, especially with the lighter sessions like Y6? I'd imagine something like that could be the best of both worlds in terms of development, match fitness and other benefits. But it could also be quite detrimental to the player developement. Expand
I'm busy with another test, and if I finish it and I still have time I'll test the one you mentioned
Possebrew said: Out of curiosity... What happens if you abuse copy/paste training and do something like this with additional focus quickness? What would the CA grow up to? Expand
CA growth has a "ceiling" You can see in the table that for players who played 30 games, 20 years old (all the players I tested were 20 years old), Professional 20. The upper limit is 25.5
Even though I added a very large amount of training, like 12 to 15 times a week in some of the training, he didn't break that limit, to unlock more caps , Play more matches
KaiFm said: Hi, great experiment and well done for your efforts.
I have a question. If you stipulate 2x Match Practice is that the same if you have 1 or 2 matches that week? For example the team has a mid week game and a Saturday, would you still add in 2 match practices?
Thank you. Expand
——2x Match Practice is that the same if you have 1 or 2 matches that week Not the same
match Practice is a "training". and it also participate in the CA distribution.
While "friendly Match" and "Formal Match" are both "Match," It does not participate in the distribution, but it can Increase the total number of CA you can get , You can see this by comparing the values of participation in 0,10,20,30 Match in the table
"friendly Match" Is a "very inferior" Formal Match, so players can't get the same effect by only playing a lot of "friendly Match"
——would you still add in 2 match practices? Most of the time I don't do it , For fewer injuries
mcqueenhaffarguzz said: hey, i read your research, but i would still like to know what you think is the best training setup.
for someone like me for example, im in the premier league and champions league and my training schedule thing is very tight and i try to do the quickness, match practice x2, and then an overall (with all players at quickness additional).
but its hard for me to fit them in and i know you said in a comment that you recommend no training at all but i cant help to thing that my players wouldnt be good enought anymore and their stats would downgrade to a point where i would start to go down in the league.
sorry if this is a long comment but i would just like to know what training setup you would recommend me!
and btw i have rougly 2 matches a week, maybe more and if you want any pictures of my schedule i would gladly send some!
EDIT: also like i said my schedule is very tight so i put the trainings in between the games and i have started to get ALOT of injuries. is there a better way to train the players with the same training schedule? Expand
Looking back, I realize that some of the comments I made later may have been too extreme (my view at the time was that only attributes like speed, burst, and bounce mattered, All other attributes are not important)
One of the bigger tests I'm doing : About "whether these properties are useful" It may take some time for me to solve this problem in the new post form (haven't completed the test yet).
——and For the weeks have 0 matches a week
if you're not going for "extreme speed" then, on the chart, if (Pa+Ac+Ju) is high Per man CA is also high The training is good,
[Quickness]+[Attacking]+[Defending]+[Overall]+[play from the back]+[Match Practice]x2+[Addtional Focus Quickness]+[Double Intensity]
They are all quality training, arguably twice as effective as the training arranged by the "AI assistant", and have fewer injuries.
Of course you have to pay attention to "Sharpness" and things like that, like, Before the season started, Supplement it with friendly match or occasional training sessions
——and For the weeks have 2-3 matches a week
All rest , no train I personally think that with this matching schedule, it is more important to reduce injuries
——and For the weeks have 1 matches a week
If you're worried about injuries, you can cut on schedule, For example, [Quickness]+[Match Practice]x2+[Overall] Reduce to [Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Overall] Or [Quickness]+[Match Practice]
@harvestgreen22 How would you arrange Y6 when you have 2 games? Do you schedule training the next day after a match? My concern is players wont be recovered so they will miss the training due to the no pitch or gym work if they have not recovered to green Would it be better to drop all match practise, and give them the full day off on wed? And do the Attacking/Defending on Thu, and an Overall on Fri?
harvestgreen22 said: ——2x Match Practice is that the same if you have 1 or 2 matches that week Not the same
match Practice is a "training". and it also participate in the CA distribution.
While "friendly Match" and "Formal Match" are both "Match," It does not participate in the distribution, but it can Increase the total number of CA you can get , You can see this by comparing the values of participation in 0,10,20,30 Match in the table
"friendly Match" Is a "very inferior" Formal Match, so players can't get the same effect by only playing a lot of "friendly Match"
——would you still add in 2 match practices? Most of the time I don't do it , For fewer injuries Expand
Thank you for clearing this up.
Can you use 2 different variations of training during a season.
For example when the schedule is not heavy you can use a more intensive one like Y6 then on a heavy schedule you use a less intensive one?
This is all really interesting. For people that have implemented this, do you also train players at a specific position/role/duty or do you leave it general?
BLS122 said: This is all really interesting. For people that have implemented this, do you also train players at a specific position/role/duty or do you leave it general? Expand
definitely specific positions, you want your ability redirection/growth to be directed to your position important attribs
sylekta said: @harvestgreen22 How would you arrange Y6 when you have 2 games? Do you schedule training the next day after a match? My concern is players wont be recovered so they will miss the training due to the no pitch or gym work if they have not recovered to green Would it be better to drop all match practise, and give them the full day off on wed? And do the Attacking/Defending on Thu, and an Overall on Fri?
eg Expand
IF you need full Y6, this: Giving players a full day off after a game, combined with the automatic intensity 1 day rest, allows them to recover more physical strength (and, of course, it will lower more match Sharpness).
And in my personal opinion (Not necessarily right, it's just my style), I would sacrifice some of stat growth to reduce the risk of injury, and I would reduce it to something like this:
Can you use 2 different variations of training during a season.
For example when the schedule is not heavy you can use a more intensive one like Y6 then on a heavy schedule you use a less intensive one? Expand
I haven't tested mixing different training schedules , So the effect of their numeralization is not known now in theory it would be an intermediate between the two
——when the schedule is not heavy you can use a more intensive one like Y6 then on a heavy schedule you use a less intensive one? yes , I did the same
baldg22 said: Should i be training my player in his position or leave it blank? Expand
training player in his position , with the Duty of Good High-light Stats
example ,you need this ST playing as Deep lying Forward but the Duty Deep lying Forward did't Highlight Jumping Reach Jumping Reach is a very strong stats and Highlighted stats can grow faster
so he still play as Deep lying Forward , but train duty should be a Complete Froward ( High light Jumping Reach ) ( or other duty high light Good Stats )
So just put the player on the position with the most stats to boost then leave the playing position for when they play games in that position? thanks for the replys man
Been an FM player for ages and after reading this absolutely fascinating thread I have to ask a question if I may. Great work by the way, truly great work.
Rest & Individual Training Focus - I presume even with a schedule of full Rest the Individual Training Focus is still being done by the player/game in the background? So Individual Training Focus Quickness is still receiving Double Intensity even with full Rest in the team/main schedule?
This seems strange as the whole idea of rest is to rest is it not? If you're resting then surely you shouldn't be working on your Individual Training? Is this just a quirk of the training system?
Will this work for part time training in the lower leagues as yo only get 4 slots to adapt to your needs anyway and the rest is marked as unavailable. If I set the 4 slots as the best 4 combinations from the test should I get similar ca growth for those players?
YAMS49 said: Been an FM player for ages and after reading this absolutely fascinating thread I have to ask a question if I may. Great work by the way, truly great work.
Rest & Individual Training Focus - I presume even with a schedule of full Rest the Individual Training Focus is still being done by the player/game in the background? So Individual Training Focus Quickness is still receiving Double Intensity even with full Rest in the team/main schedule?
This seems strange as the whole idea of rest is to rest is it not? If you're resting then surely you shouldn't be working on your Individual Training? Is this just a quirk of the training system?
Thank you. Expand
Rest session in a team session, doesn't mean players can't do their individual stuff.
ZaZ said: I think the mistake is to think the other seventeen attributes of the table are useless, and only three are important at all. If you pick the attributes isolated, then you are probably right. By the table, pace, acceleration, jumping reach, and dribbling, are by far the most important. However, each of those other attributes have some small influence, and when combined they seem to make quite a difference. Dribbling alone increases expected points by almost 10, while balance, concentration, and anticipation increases almost 5 expected points each. Then you have all other attributes that increase by 1 or 3, and it is important to remember that those tests are not definitive, and only considered 2.4k matches each.
What I mean is you are focusing on the three attributes that are possibly responsible for 50%-60% of the performance of players, and ignoring the other seventeen that might just form the remaining 40-50%. It would be awesome if you were creating players with 20 in pace, acceleration, jumping, and dribbling, to then complete training for their other attributes, but by the table you showed, most the players were barely 17 in each. That is nothing impressive, and you can easily achieve that by hiring some quick youngsters with 13 or 14 starting pace and acceleration, without the need to sacrifice dribbling and other skills.
Again, you can win all championships with players at 70% of maximum performance, since most players in the game might be using only 50%-60% (because of low speed). However, you can do even better with players at 80%-100% of performance.
You might have a point, I am a new player and have only played fm2024 300 hours, not play any before fm2024. I'm actually complaining that the mechanics that game companies design are so irrational that the game mechanics are like a placebo. It made me feel some extreme emotions.I thought, how can players protest and force game companies to change in next fm2025
I'm doing a related test about
"If stats are 10, increase to 15, mental and technical effects are poor,"
"if stats are 10, decrease to 1, then mental and technical effects are still low?"
What I get for now is that , there are some mental and technical attributes,
1.Even if they go down to 1, the effect on Average goal difference is small,
if already have 10, increase it to 20, and the effect is still low.
2.For others, if they go down to 1 and have a high impact.
But if already have 10, increase it to 20, and the effect is low.
3.The others, I only tested a few
Flashedmind said: Having analysed this post and related posts and discussions on training schedules, I think I agree with one of ZaZ's comments that you can use the physical attribute maximisation schedule in the youth team and then use the D6 schedule for the first team.
The most interesting finding to me is that you can "cheat" a player's CA-PA ratio if you have the time for it. The schedules show that you can increase a player's CA by around 5-6 per year, all of these points distributed across paca-acc-jump (e.g +2 in each). The main advantage is that you retain the player's PA, because you don't "waste" it on other, less important attributes (which is sad but true in current engine). If you do this from ages 15-18, you can add +6 to pace-acc-jump which is a lot, and then shift towards the schedules that focus on CA growth when the player goes to first team.
Practical example: let's say player has 80 CA and 150 PA, which means that 70 CA can still be attributed in development. If you use the D6 schedule, the player will grow 25 CA per year, of which 5 goes into pace-acc-jump and 20 into other attributes. This means that after 3 years the player will have reached their potential and the distribution of attributes will be on a ratio 1/4 physical/other.
For the same example, if you use the physical attribute maximising schedule, after 3 years the player will have gone from 70 CA to around 85 CA with all increases in attributes in pace-acc-jump (around +5 each). The difference is that the player still has a lot of their potential to be fulfilled, and then you can switch to the D6 schedule once the desired physical attributes are reached. The 85 CA player still has 65 CA to fill in, meaning that another 2-3 years of using D6 schedule can be used to maximise CA growth whilst still developing the physicals.
If you use the physical schedule for 5 years, the player should have around +10 in pace-acc-jump and then have 40 CA left to distribute across mental/technicals, which is still a lot if you can pick the attributes to be developed.
In other words, if you have the time, you can finetune a player's development by first allowing their physicals to be developed greatly and then shifting to other attributes whilst not neglecting physicals.
Im aware that overall, playing matches is most important and that the player's hidden attributes are a decisive factor. I'm also well aware that a lot more discussions can be had on this matter and that further finetuning of these findings is necessary (e.g. the impact of coaching staff, the negative impact on team cohesion or tactical familiarity of the schedules).
It's a good arrangement,No problem (If you only care about the maximum CA boost)
and D6 , I think the D6 requires too much training and increases the risk of injury, and I think the Y6 or B7 is better.
and If you don't go for the ultimate CA boost, then K5 is already good (only needs 3 times train per week )
Footballenjoyer said: I think this training method is probably best at growing physical attributes in the shortest amount of time because its double intensity with a lower risk of injury due to less training schedules.
There's probably a schedule where its double intensity: Quick+match practisex2+ 1xattack+defense + maybe something else per week. Attacking and defending training max out efficiency at 4 but it's not really focused, you can just run 1 per week to stop the attribute decay.
The biggest problem I see with the data collected on CA/PA growth is:
1. Its simply counting CA growth per season but doesn't correctly discount how much decision cost in CA which inflate a players CA without meaningfully improve a players ability (I could be wrong since I didn't see the weighting, same thing with aggression which is a negative stat)
2. A lot of the technical training/attacking/defending training yeilded 0 growth for attacking unit or defensive unit. Is it because the tester have not moved players into the unit that's being focused trained? That skew the efficiency toward the training that train outfield players as a whole.
There is a part of English, after translation, I can not understand, sorry
Here's how I arrange the players:
(DCL,DCR,DL,DR,DM), 5 people, they are in the defense train group
(ST,AMC,AML,AMR,MC), 5 people, they are in the attack train group
I didn't change them (unless I specifically mentioned a change in the table) because the default assignment is this
I need to get started on my workday, so I don't have time to keep going through all the responses. Please let me know if you find anything new
I'm testing something new right now, and when it's done, I'll post the test images
Thanks for your effort @harvestgreen22 <3
Would you mind testing how a single session of set-piece and/or team bonding would affect the results, especially with the lighter sessions like Y6? I'd imagine something like that could be the best of both worlds in terms of development, match fitness and other benefits. But it could also be quite detrimental to the player developement.
Out of curiosity...
What happens if you abuse copy/paste training and do something like this with additional focus quickness? What would the CA grow up to?
Also, I believe the root-cause is the "default" in a switch statement in the code, which looks a little something like this
harvestgreen22 said: I need to get started on my workday, so I don't have time to keep going through all the responses. Please let me know if you find anything new
I'm testing something new right now, and when it's done, I'll post the test images
Hi, great experiment and well done for your efforts.
I have a question. If you stipulate 2x Match Practice is that the same if you have 1 or 2 matches that week? For example the team has a mid week game and a Saturday, would you still add in 2 match practices?
Thank you.
hey, i read your research, but i would still like to know what you think is the best training setup.
for someone like me for example, im in the premier league and champions league and my training schedule thing is very tight and i try to do the quickness, match practice x2, and then an overall (with all players at quickness additional).
but its hard for me to fit them in and i know you said in a comment that you recommend no training at all but i cant help to thing that my players wouldnt be good enought anymore and their stats would downgrade to a point where i would start to go down in the league.
sorry if this is a long comment but i would just like to know what training setup you would recommend me!
and btw i have rougly 2 matches a week, maybe more and if you want any pictures of my schedule i would gladly send some!
EDIT: also like i said my schedule is very tight so i put the trainings in between the games and i have started to get ALOT of injuries. is there a better way to train the players with the same training schedule?
svonn said: Thanks for your effort @harvestgreen22 <3
Would you mind testing how a single session of set-piece and/or team bonding would affect the results, especially with the lighter sessions like Y6? I'd imagine something like that could be the best of both worlds in terms of development, match fitness and other benefits. But it could also be quite detrimental to the player developement.
I'm busy with another test, and if I finish it and I still have time I'll test the one you mentioned
Possebrew said: Out of curiosity...
What happens if you abuse copy/paste training and do something like this with additional focus quickness? What would the CA grow up to?
CA growth has a "ceiling"
You can see in the table that for players who played 30 games, 20 years old (all the players I tested were 20 years old),
Professional 20.
The upper limit is 25.5
Even though I added a very large amount of training, like 12 to 15 times a week in some of the training, he didn't break that limit,
to unlock more caps , Play more matches
KaiFm said: Hi, great experiment and well done for your efforts.
I have a question. If you stipulate 2x Match Practice is that the same if you have 1 or 2 matches that week? For example the team has a mid week game and a Saturday, would you still add in 2 match practices?
Thank you.
——2x Match Practice is that the same if you have 1 or 2 matches that week
Not the same
match Practice is a "training". and it also participate in the CA distribution.
While "friendly Match" and "Formal Match" are both "Match,"
It does not participate in the distribution,
but it can Increase the total number of CA you can get ,
You can see this by comparing the values of participation in 0,10,20,30 Match in the table
"friendly Match" Is a "very inferior" Formal Match, so players can't get the same effect by only playing a lot of "friendly Match"
——would you still add in 2 match practices?
Most of the time I don't do it , For fewer injuries
Which one should I focus more on, attributes or current ability?
mcqueenhaffarguzz said: hey, i read your research, but i would still like to know what you think is the best training setup.
for someone like me for example, im in the premier league and champions league and my training schedule thing is very tight and i try to do the quickness, match practice x2, and then an overall (with all players at quickness additional).
but its hard for me to fit them in and i know you said in a comment that you recommend no training at all but i cant help to thing that my players wouldnt be good enought anymore and their stats would downgrade to a point where i would start to go down in the league.
sorry if this is a long comment but i would just like to know what training setup you would recommend me!
and btw i have rougly 2 matches a week, maybe more and if you want any pictures of my schedule i would gladly send some!
EDIT: also like i said my schedule is very tight so i put the trainings in between the games and i have started to get ALOT of injuries. is there a better way to train the players with the same training schedule?
Looking back, I realize that some of the comments I made later may have been too extreme (my view at the time was that only attributes like speed, burst, and bounce mattered, All other attributes are not important)
One of the bigger tests I'm doing : About "whether these properties are useful"
It may take some time for me to solve this problem in the new post form (haven't completed the test yet).
——and For the weeks have 0 matches a week
if you're not going for "extreme speed" then, on the chart,
(Pa+Ac+Ju) is high
Per man CA is also high
The training is good,
For example, any of the following is recommended
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]x2+[Addtional Focus Quickness]+[Double Intensity]
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]x2+[Overall]+[Addtional Focus Quickness]+[Double Intensity]
[Quickness]+[Attacking]+[Defending]+[Overall]+[Match Practice]x2+[Addtional Focus Quickness]+[Double Intensity]
[Quickness]+[Attacking]+[Defending]+[Overall]+[play from the back]+[Match Practice]x2+[Addtional Focus Quickness]+[Double Intensity]
They are all quality training, arguably twice as effective as the training arranged by the "AI assistant", and have fewer injuries.
Of course you have to pay attention to "Sharpness" and things like that,
like, Before the season started, Supplement it with friendly match or occasional training sessions
——and For the weeks have 2-3 matches a week
All rest , no train
I personally think that with this matching schedule, it is more important to reduce injuries
——and For the weeks have 1 matches a week
If you're worried about injuries, you can cut on schedule,
For example,
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]x2+[Overall]
Reduce to
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]+[Overall]
[Quickness]+[Match Practice]
Pancreas0086 said: Which one should I focus more on, attributes or current ability?
I don't really have an answer for that, it's probably a complicated question
You may need to adjust flexibly according to different actual conditions
@harvestgreen22 How would you arrange Y6 when you have 2 games? Do you schedule training the next day after a match? My concern is players wont be recovered so they will miss the training due to the no pitch or gym work if they have not recovered to green


Would it be better to drop all match practise, and give them the full day off on wed? And do the Attacking/Defending on Thu, and an Overall on Fri?
harvestgreen22 said: ——2x Match Practice is that the same if you have 1 or 2 matches that week
Not the same
match Practice is a "training". and it also participate in the CA distribution.
While "friendly Match" and "Formal Match" are both "Match,"
It does not participate in the distribution,
but it can Increase the total number of CA you can get ,
You can see this by comparing the values of participation in 0,10,20,30 Match in the table
"friendly Match" Is a "very inferior" Formal Match, so players can't get the same effect by only playing a lot of "friendly Match"
——would you still add in 2 match practices?
Most of the time I don't do it , For fewer injuries
Thank you for clearing this up.
Can you use 2 different variations of training during a season.
For example when the schedule is not heavy you can use a more intensive one like Y6 then on a heavy schedule you use a less intensive one?
is this what a zero game week should look like?
This is all really interesting. For people that have implemented this, do you also train players at a specific position/role/duty or do you leave it general?
BLS122 said: This is all really interesting. For people that have implemented this, do you also train players at a specific position/role/duty or do you leave it general?
definitely specific positions, you want your ability redirection/growth to be directed to your position important attribs
sylekta said: @harvestgreen22 How would you arrange Y6 when you have 2 games? Do you schedule training the next day after a match? My concern is players wont be recovered so they will miss the training due to the no pitch or gym work if they have not recovered to green




Would it be better to drop all match practise, and give them the full day off on wed? And do the Attacking/Defending on Thu, and an Overall on Fri?
IF you need full Y6,
Giving players a full day off after a game, combined with the automatic intensity 1 day rest, allows them to recover more physical strength (and, of course, it will lower more match Sharpness).
And in my personal opinion (Not necessarily right, it's just my style),
I would sacrifice some of stat growth to reduce the risk of injury,
and I would reduce it to something like this:
KaiFm said: Thank you for clearing this up.
Can you use 2 different variations of training during a season.
For example when the schedule is not heavy you can use a more intensive one like Y6 then on a heavy schedule you use a less intensive one?
I haven't tested mixing different training schedules , So the effect of their numeralization is not known now
in theory it would be an intermediate between the two
——when the schedule is not heavy you can use a more intensive one like Y6 then on a heavy schedule you use a less intensive one?
yes , I did the same
baldg22 said: is this what a zero game week should look like?
This is no problem.
Should i be training my player in his position or leave it blank?
baldg22 said: Should i be training my player in his position or leave it blank?

training player in his position , with the Duty of Good High-light Stats
example ,you need this ST playing as Deep lying Forward
but the Duty Deep lying Forward did't Highlight Jumping Reach
Jumping Reach is a very strong stats
and Highlighted stats can grow faster
so he still play as Deep lying Forward , but train duty should be a Complete Froward ( High light Jumping Reach ) ( or other duty high light Good Stats )
So just put the player on the position with the most stats to boost then leave the playing position for when they play games in that position? thanks for the replys man
Been an FM player for ages and after reading this absolutely fascinating thread I have to ask a question if I may. Great work by the way, truly great work.
Rest & Individual Training Focus - I presume even with a schedule of full Rest the Individual Training Focus is still being done by the player/game in the background? So Individual Training Focus Quickness is still receiving Double Intensity even with full Rest in the team/main schedule?
This seems strange as the whole idea of rest is to rest is it not? If you're resting then surely you shouldn't be working on your Individual Training? Is this just a quirk of the training system?
Thank you.
Will this work for part time training in the lower leagues as yo only get 4 slots to adapt to your needs anyway and the rest is marked as unavailable. If I set the 4 slots as the best 4 combinations from the test should I get similar ca growth for those players?
You won't get much growth as semipro no matter what you do
YAMS49 said: Been an FM player for ages and after reading this absolutely fascinating thread I have to ask a question if I may. Great work by the way, truly great work.
Rest & Individual Training Focus - I presume even with a schedule of full Rest the Individual Training Focus is still being done by the player/game in the background? So Individual Training Focus Quickness is still receiving Double Intensity even with full Rest in the team/main schedule?
This seems strange as the whole idea of rest is to rest is it not? If you're resting then surely you shouldn't be working on your Individual Training? Is this just a quirk of the training system?
Thank you.
Rest session in a team session, doesn't mean players can't do their individual stuff.