Uploaded Date
Nov 2, 2021
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Here's my new tactic for FM22.
It really works very well for me.
European Champions Cup Final vs PSG
I did a quick test with Man Utd and the result is really good

This is a very solid tactic
@Cyborg, hi.
I'm going to try your tactic with Barca. Do you think it'll work with them?
Milakus said: @Cyborg, hi.
I'm going to try your tactic with Barca. Do you think it'll work with them?
I think it'll work with Barca just fine. In general, I think this tactic should deliver a good result with any team.
Cyborg said: Hi,
I think it'll work with Barca just fine. In general, I think this tactic should deliver a good result with any team.
Ok, thanks.
I'll post my result with Barca soon.
I keep testing tactics with Tottenham

This one had one of the strongest result with them.
@Eric, the result seems solid.

Thanks for the test.
This tactic made Barca great again, thanks

Even spanked Liverpool 0 - 2 in the UCL final
This is the most points per game for Eric's tests. Well done
Mark said: This is the most points per game for Eric's tests. Well done
I'd say any tactic that can get about 85 pts in my test with Tottenham is a very solid tactic... that's for sure.
Eric said: I'd say any tactic that can get about 85 pts in my test with Tottenham is a very solid tactic... that's for sure.
Check plz ZaZ - Red 0.1 with Tottenham)
Sane said: Check plz ZaZ - Red 0.1 with Tottenham)
Sure, I'll give it a a whirl
Wow, my test with Leicester City also works great!!
Notably, your tactic without 'Work ball into the box' and with 'Higher defensive line' can also performs well on this match-engine
Eric said: I'd say any tactic that can get about 85 pts in my test with Tottenham is a very solid tactic... that's for sure.
I agree with you. But the holiday tests are so arbitrary that they can sometimes provide us inaccurate results.
Unfortunately, my tactic got 89 pts in holiday test with Spurs doesn't performs well now, though.
Anyway, this tactic by Cyborg surprisingly performs really great!
Also, it's very likely that they will try three versions of match engine during beta, then four after release, so it's hard to compare tactics from one week to the other.
ZaZ said: Also, it's very likely that they will try three versions of match engine during beta, then four after release, so it's hard to compare tactics from one week to the other.
@ZaZ, hey.
I can give your new Red tactic a go with Tottenham if you don't mind
The tactic seems works quite well with underdog teams.

I've tried it with Leeds and finished the 6th place, got an Euro Cup spot.
Getting 63 points with Leeds isn't bad at all
Eric said: @ZaZ, hey.
I can give your new Red tactic a go with Tottenham if you don't mind
It's fine by me, thanks. I was just pointing out that they usually schedulle some match engine changes during beta. Since the match engine seems pretty broken right now, I would be surprised if those changes were subtle.
FC Bayern

I must say this looks a belting tactic, will try soon!!
i have tested around 15 tactic, all with fiorentina and i must say this tactic beat the number 2 which was ZaZ - Red 0.2 by 10 points !! not the most ideal testing method but still very impressing
Two DM's, IF's and WB's Mourinho would be proud
looks solid!
Who takes corners in this tactic? @Cyborg
tom1972 said: Who takes corners in this tactic? @Cyborg
Inside Forwards or Shadow Striker
BiTeL33T said: i have tested around 15 tactic, all with fiorentina and i must say this tactic beat the number 2 which was ZaZ - Red 0.2 by 10 points !! not the most ideal testing method but still very impressing
Which tactic was number one?
Good to see a deep 4231 working well. What type of striker would you suggest? Obviously my preference would be for big Target Forwards type
SrNi said: Which tactic was number one?
this one.
fm arena user said: Two DM's, IF's and WB's Mourinho would be proud
looks solid!
It's amazing that this attacking tactic is defensively stable.
Maybe the creator is really Mourinho.
Gaksital said: It's amazing that this attacking tactic is defensively stable.
FM and the real football are totally different things. What works well in real life might not work at all in FM because FM is just a PC game.
Maybe the creator is really Mourinho.
In FM you just try things and see what works and what not. I never try using real life tactical approaches in FM because I know FM is far from the real football.
Ehhh... just 4 points away from winning the EPL title with Arsenal