Uploaded Date
Nov 20, 2021
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Please could you test these tactics?
Revelation v1.0
Prophecy v1.0
Team Instructions & Players Instructions and Corner Setup
Useful information:
Wow congrats on the 6.0 pts! Will check it out.
Good job there!
Thanks for sharing. Would u consider sharing season stats?
CM-A to MEZ-A, do u think it'll work?
saitjerome said: Thanks for sharing. Would u consider sharing season stats?
CM-A to MEZ-A, do u think it'll work?
I'll check whether I still have the save. What kind of stats are you interested in?
saitjerome said: CM-A to MEZ-A, do u think it'll work?
It's really hard for me to say. They seem to be very similar. I think it requires doing a lot of testing to find out which is better. I think MEZ-A should also do well.
I like possession gameplay at all. Some kind of fetish :P Thats why i asked for stats. But im sure possession based tactic isn't viable nowadays, is it?
saitjerome said: I like possession gameplay at all. Some kind of fetish :P Thats why i asked for stats. But im sure possession based tactic isn't viable nowadays, is it?

here's the possession stats
LOL that's what i thought
gz anyway
once again the outscore your opponent mentality is true for this FM ME
Gratz for the score @Zealot with Revelation v1.0. GJ!
NeOnHD92 said: Gratz for the score @Zealot with Revelation v1.0. GJ!
hey, first of all congratz on the 6.0 ! have u tried this tactics with 3 AF upfront insted of IF´s?
BiTeL33T said: hey, first of all congratz on the 6.0 ! have u tried this tactics with 3 AF upfront insted of IF´s?
Yes, I've tried 3 AFs but it seems the current shape works better.
A quick test with Liverpool

UCL Final vs Man Utd
Tsubasa said: A quick test with Liverpool

UCL Final vs Man Utd
Seems solid.
Thanks for testing!
Now that you've got a score of 6.0, you could enter information regarding tactics such as:
-training, individual and collective.
-what to do if there is 1 red.
-who hits the corners.
-extremes with swapped feet??
And anything else I might be forgetting!!
Thanks for not ignoring and once again congratulations on the tactic!!
Farinhoto said: -training, individual and collective.
General - Training Style ( Balanced )
Individual Training - the roles/duties in the tactic
Farinhoto said: -what to do if there is 1 red.
Usually, I remove one of the the MCs
Farinhoto said: -who hits the corners.
I'd suggest to set the inside forwards to take the corners but you can tweak the corner setup to suite your team.
Farinhoto said: -extremes with swapped feet??
Sorry, I don't understand that
Easily Quadruple with Bayern

Zealot said: Hi,
General - Training Style ( Balanced )
Individual Training - the roles/duties in the tactic
Usually, I remove one of the the MCs
I'd suggest to set the inside forwards to take the corners but you can tweak the corner setup to suite your team.
Sorry, I don't understand that
Tks and good job!!
Poacher said: Easily Quadruple with Bayern

Lewandowski 88 goals???
Filer974 said: Lewandowski 88 goals???

He was just a goal machine with Revelation tactic
Poacher said: Easily Quadruple with Bayern

Well Done. Thanks for sharing the result!
Revelation works great in Italian Serie A. I just smashed it with AC Milan ( got 103 points ) and also won the Champions League. Great tactic!

@Markizio, thanks. I'm happy to hear that it works well.
I ran a quick test season comparing Revelation 1.0 on Very Attacking and Positive mentalities. Looks like in game management will get this working with any team
Hey guys, fantastic work on the tactic. Unfortunately I’m on Xbox. Just curious if there are many player instructions?
Danhimself1707 said: Hey guys, fantastic work on the tactic. Unfortunately I’m on Xbox. Just curious if there are many player instructions?

Here you go
Poacher said: Easily Quadruple with Bayern

did you sell thomas muller?