Uploaded Date
Nov 24, 2021
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Cyan is my attempt of possession based football. I have yet to see a single tactic with high possession do well, but I think this one might just do it. I don't know if it will be better or worse than the top, but it will definitely allow you to overachieve while watching short passing football.

Player instructions, set pieces and all other details are the same as Blue from FM21.
Added a version with Ease Off Tackles instead of Tackle Harder as player instructions. Results of that version are below.
Leave a comment below if you liked the tactic and make sure to share your results. Enjoy!
6th with Norwich is a pretty good result
DM instead of DLP is better I think
ta2199 said: DM instead of DLP is better I think
Testing now in the shape of Blue, with DLP+CM, since it seems to work better for high intensity.
ZaZ said: Testing now in the shape of Blue, with DLP+CM, since it seems to work better for high intensity.
Did you move SS to CM ? He score a lots of goals for me so a bit concerning
Well, 5.3 against 5.4 from high intensity. It seems like ball retention is still a valid game this patch.
ZaZ said: Well, 5.3 against 5.4 from high intensity. It seems like ball retention is still a valid game this patch.
With lower intensity that mean your players will be less tired. Worth for a try though. Or maybe can use this tactic after 70+ min or when leading so your player will be less tired
ta2199 said: With lower intensity that mean your players will be less tired. Worth for a try though. Or maybe can use this tactic after 70+ min or when leading so your player will be less tired
Or the other way around: use this tactic on first half, then change to high intensity when opponent is tired.
I just downloaded the game saves of Cyan and Blue tactic and the possession difference is about 5% between them... honestly, I don't think it's worth bothering with possession, especially, when you trade 5% possession for 5% better result
Nikko said: I just downloaded the game saves of Cyan and Blue tactic and the possession difference is about 5% between them... honestly, I don't think it's worth bothering with possession, especially, when you trade 5% possession for 5% better result
I don't worry much about possession, but some people like to play tactics with more ball retention. I'm trying to open more options to people instead of just fine tuning a perfect tactic. I might not get on top of the table, but at least it motivates people to try something new.
do u think changing the mentality have any effects on possesion? like, with positive mentality u'll have 60% poss, but attacking mentality 55%?
saitjerome said: do u think changing the mentality have any effects on possesion? like, with positive mentality u'll have 60% poss, but attacking mentality 55%?
It affects pass directness and tempo, so yeah, it will decrease possession.
Added a version with Ease Off Tackles to compare and see how it goes. In my tests, I couldn't catch much difference. If results are alike, then the player instruction should become standard (at least for this setup, should test for others) since it reduces cards and energy cost.
ZaZ said: Added a version with Ease Off Tackles to compare and see how it goes. In my tests, I couldn't catch much difference. If results are alike, then the player instruction should become standard (at least for this setup, should test for others) since it reduces cards and energy cost.
Isn't it interesting that it doesn't change the rating. You were right. This may mean we can stop a lot of the red cards people have been getting.
I guess the results confirm what I said in previous post, that it should be a default instruction for players in this tactic. I recommend people to try the same for your tactics to see if it also holds for high intensity tactics and different formations.
Mark said: Isn't it interesting that it doesn't change the rating. You were right. This may mean we can stop a lot of the red cards people have been getting.
Less cards, less injuries, less fatigue, less tired players needing to rotate... Definitely should be used over tackle harder.
ZaZ said: I guess the results confirm what I said in previous post, that it should be a default instruction for players in this tactic. I recommend people to try the same for your tactics to see if it also holds for high intensity tactics and different formations.
Less cards, less injuries, less fatigue, less tired players needing to rotate... Definitely should be used over tackle harder.
Do that mean we should remove Tackle hard PI ?
ta2199 said: Do that mean we should remove Tackle hard TI ?
In this tactic, I changed all PIs from tackle harder to ease off tackles, and it didn't affect the score at all. It doesn't mean the same will happen to any tactic, but I think it's worth a try.
ZaZ said: In this tactic, I changed all PIs from tackle harder to ease off tackles, and it didn't affect the score at all. It doesn't mean the same will happen to any tactic, but I think it's worth a try.
Do you plan to make a "condition saving tactic" ? Look like this year tactics has to go in pair.
@ZaZ one day you'll run out of color, you know?
ta2199 said: Do you plan to make a "condition saving tactic" ? Look like this year tactics has to go in pair.
I will look after that after next patch, since new ME will come soon. I first want to know what works before trying to optimize the tactic and build that kind of variation.
Mornon said: @ZaZ one day you'll run out of color, you know?
Then I start naming the tactics like "RBG03AF84ManC300ptsAllCups".
ZaZ said: Then I start naming the tactics like "RBG03AF84ManC300ptsAllCups".

Some people tested Ease Off Tackles with high intensity tactics and said it was harmful. It might have better effect on low intensity tactics like Cyan.