Uploaded Date
Nov 24, 2021
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Hi, It's a 4-2-3-1 tactic using Poacher.
Worried about the loses, but quite satisfied.
(p.s. After uploading this tactic, I found out that my tactic is similar to JohnSariman's one which is already received a high rating. There are several differences such as defensive line, FBs and a Poacher, so it's likely to get a lower rating, but I'd like to say that I only referred to Zaz's PIs and lessons from my previous 4-2-3-1 tactic.)
Here's a 4-3-3 tactic using a Poacher and two Wide Poachers(Raumdeuter).
Interestingly, I found that RMD generally moves like wide poacher, but sometimes like wide helper.
I couldn't still decide which Mentality is suitable for best tactic.
Maybe, most tactics seem to be using 'Very Attacking' because players' fatigue has little effect on the FM-Arena test. so I decided to do the same. But I hope someone including me finds a great alternative of 'positive' or 'general'
Additionally, in general matches, i found this tactic worked well even if both 'FB-At' were changed to 'FB-su' and 'Very Attacking' was changed to 'Positive'.
Here's a Balanced Mentality version of 4-3-3 tactic!
Played whole season by instant result, with proper rotation.
In additional another test, it was not as good as the above performance, but the version of balanced mentality seems to be enough to be tested.
Thank you.