Uploaded Date
Nov 26, 2021
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Based on Revelation and Zaz's Instructions, i made another 4-3-3 tactic using MEZs.
'Mark tighter' on PIs was removed, and 'Passing Directness' was adjusted also.
Balanced Mentality version was also attempted, and it looked promising, so if this Very Attacking version is highly rated, I will try more about it.
Kane scored 94goals! (Indeed, he is an excellent striker with the potential to score such many goals in real soccer. Sad...)
what if u play positive mentality with "much shorter passing" it'll be like pep tactic.
saitjerome said: what if u play positive mentality with "much shorter passing" it'll be like pep tactic.
Wanting for tiki taka tactics, i've already did it.
Above tactic did well for Top-dogs, but not good for underdogs sadly...
But anyone could improve that shape hopefully
-> I've added v2, 'much shorter passing directness' version.

* Features *
- Passing Directness : Much Shorter
- Attacking width : Very Narrow
- In transition : Distribute to Centre-backs and Full-backs
- PIs for All : Remain 'Blank' rather than 'Mark tighter' or 'Tackle Harder'.
- PI for Advanced Forward : 'Roam from position'
- PIs for Full-backs : Sit Narrower, Get Further Forward, Run Wide with Ball, Cross From Byline, Cross less Often and etc.
-> Moderate Intensity Level
I thought we need new attempts to get higher ratings in this ME, so I've made some experimental changes. and some improvements of performance in my game was made.
Hope this tactic tested...