Did you tweak something @Poacher or not? Is just 433 Positive Tiki Taka from 1st page? Some exploit set pieces, etc? Because are excelent results, bravo 👏🏼
NeOnHD92 said: Did you tweak something @Poacher or not? Is just 433 Positive Tiki Taka from 1st page? Some exploit set pieces, etc? Because are excelent results, bravo 👏🏼 Expand
No, I didn't change anything. It's Positive Tiki Taka.
I want to start by saying thanks for spending time and effort to create a tactic.
Now I will share my results and disappointment after losing 8-1 to Inter and asking for guidence about this because I fail to understand how everybody can get perfect results meanwhile I am doing terrible with Fiorentina and even Man Utd.
I am using the "POSITIVE TIKITAKA" (most downloaded) tactic as default, not using opposion instructions, picking team myself, not going on holiday playing myself, doing match review after every game, match preview/teamwork before every game. cohesion is always green, tactic familiarity is 100% while finishing pre season.
My team can't score goals in the active game, they mostly score from penalties (nearly 1 in every 2 matches) or freekicks. Watching matches is a pain because all chaces are wasted. I mean, Vlahovic just scored 2 goals, how?
Please tell me what is wrong and how can I make this work? Both saves are created and played at 22.2.0 version.
viola said: I want to start by saying thanks for spending time and effort to create a tactic.
Now I will share my results and disappointment after losing 8-1 to Inter and asking for guidence about this because I fail to understand how everybody can get perfect results meanwhile I am doing terrible with Fiorentina and even Man Utd.
I am using the "POSITIVE TIKITAKA" (most downloaded) tactic as default, not using opposion instructions, picking team myself, not going on holiday playing myself, doing match review after every game, match preview/teamwork before every game. cohesion is always green, tactic familiarity is 100% while finishing pre season.
My team can't score goals in the active game, they mostly score from penalties (nearly 1 in every 2 matches) or freekicks. Watching matches is a pain because all chaces are wasted. I mean, Vlahovic just scored 2 goals, how?
Please tell me what is wrong and how can I make this work? Both saves are created and played at 22.2.0 version.
Thanks in advance,
Here are my results: Expand
I can teach you to play FM and be your mentor but my service isn't free, the price is 100$ per hour if you agree I'll give you my PayPal account where you can send your money
your strategy is awesome and i love it. With a little customization to better kick I ditched all the tackle harder of the players in the roles instead I chose Get stuck In to increase the solid kick but will Let the players make their own decisions with their own abilities. CF to me would be a more comprehensive choice than F9 because it moves wider and will give more unexpected situations. Overall your tactic is amazing And I really thank you for that.
Love it still. After squad upgrades it is really sick! Nice football, nice defense, nice results, nice goals From time to time I lose, but is more mental side than tactic. I enjoy this tactic - no exploit, real game, great results. After some serious transfers (due to fact I sold my superstar newgen to PSG for 205M EUR) - my team is just crushing others in Champions League.
FM Gaming said: your strategy is awesome and i love it. With a little customization to better kick I ditched all the tackle harder of the players in the roles instead I chose Get stuck In to increase the solid kick but will Let the players make their own decisions with their own abilities. CF to me would be a more comprehensive choice than F9 because it moves wider and will give more unexpected situations. Overall your tactic is amazing And I really thank you for that. Expand
its best tactic in that patch 22.2 not a stamina killer like the other same shape tactics also its interesting thing same tactic with the upper rating same shape tactic with player roles but just back are not iwb-a fullback-a and rpm-s changes dlp-s thats why the other players stamina not wasted its game problem i thing also u said f9 or dlf-a but i use targetman-s lorenzo lucca when i go to my home i can send my crystal palace career when the forward role change any other role with attack its not works cause the forward need open place the wingers midfielders in the oppenents defends i think suitable with any all forward roles with support role u can try with any doubt just try complete forward or targetman or pressing forward just need support role with player if u use with attack role attacking shape its too crowd defend oppenent and players cannot pass for goal thanks for the tactic pal good work ^^
its best tactic in that patch 22.2 not a stamina killer like the other same shape tactics also its interesting thing same tactic with the upper rating same shape tactic with player roles but just back are not iwb-a to fullback-a and rpm-s changes dlp-s thats why the other players stamina not wasted its game problem i thing also u said f9 or dlf-s but i use targetman-s lorenzo lucca when i go to my home i can send my crystal palace career when the forward role change any other role with attack its not works cause the forward need open place for the wingers and midfielders in the oppenents defends i think suitable with any all forward roles with support role u can try with any doubt just try complete forward or targetman or pressing forward just need support role with player if u use with attack role attacking shape its too crowd to pass for creating goal chance defend is too crowd thanks for the tactic pal good work ^^
i will edit when i go to my home now im in my gf home and cant play fm 22
Created an account just to share this, only signgings I've made have been free transfers for players marked as decent or good for the relevant league I'm in.. I'll definitely get 2 promotions on the bounce using this tactic and then hopefully a third next season straight into the premier league.
cjs0115 said: Created an account just to share this, only signgings I've made have been free transfers for players marked as decent or good for the relevant league I'm in.. I'll definitely get 2 promotions on the bounce using this tactic and then hopefully a third next season straight into the premier league.
I do get a lot of cards though! Expand
It's an aggressive tactic so you will get cards, but I'm curious to think what makes you think you're definitely going to get back to back promotions? its a very good tactic but going up into the championship and competing for promotion using any tactic is difficult. You will need to add quality and lots of it to compete
CBP87 said: It's an aggressive tactic so you will get cards, but I'm curious to think what makes you think you're definitely going to get back to back promotions? its a very good tactic but going up into the championship and competing for promotion using any tactic is difficult. You will need to add quality and lots of it to compete Expand
I'm adamant I'll get promoted again with some quality free agents, the jump up in quality will be difficult but I'm confident in this tactic - will post my end of season results if I manage to finish it over the weekend.
Hi, I would like to ask something.. It’s not the first time that this happens to me, I’m using a tactic that works well, and than in mid season, always start getting bad results, and cant understand why… It happened again with this tactic, it was working really well until January, and suddenly, can’t win a game… And I can see directly the difference in play, not so fluid anymore, the guys keep missing chances, always losing possession, don’t understand…. But always happens, no matter which tactic I’m using, if I’m creating one, or if using one from somebody’s.. Than I’m always struggling until the end of the season…
It happens to somebody else?? Or do you guys know what I can do to change it…
i know that. But I think they want it like that because it is more realistic that you may have a period in a season where you struggle (e.g. Chelsea this season or Liverpool often around christmas/new year. you have to get through those phases
meclaranjas said: Hi, I would like to ask something.. It’s not the first time that this happens to me, I’m using a tactic that works well, and than in mid season, always start getting bad results, and cant understand why… It happened again with this tactic, it was working really well until January, and suddenly, can’t win a game… And I can see directly the difference in play, not so fluid anymore, the guys keep missing chances, always losing possession, don’t understand…. But always happens, no matter which tactic I’m using, if I’m creating one, or if using one from somebody’s.. Than I’m always struggling until the end of the season…
It happens to somebody else?? Or do you guys know what I can do to change it… Expand
It's very common for some people to have a series of bad results during a season and think the tactic stopped working. Below are ten reasons why your team might stop winning for a while.
1. Complacency: When a team wins too much, players start to take victories for granted, not giving their best. To avoid that, you must motivate them with team talk, shouts and media handling.
2. Pressure: When playing against stronger teams, your players might feel pressured and perform worse. To avoid that, you need to relieve pressure with team talk, shouts and media handling.
3. Fatigue: When a player has high match and training loads, he starts building fatigue. It's not the same of condition or match fitness and can only be seen if you have a sports scientist, in the medical centre. To avoid that, you need to rest from training and rotate your squad.
4. Morale: When you lose matches or certain events happen (like player getting unhappy), players lose morale. It is one of the things that affects performance the most, so it can create a bad spiral if not managed properly. To avoid that, praise and warn players based on last match score, form (last 5 matches) and training. You can also increase morale with team talk after matches, team meetings and other forms of interaction.
5. Bad form of players: Sometimes, strikers can get into a bad form that lasts a long time, like ten matches without scoring or more. I am not sure if there is an internal mechanic for that, but it certainly happens fairly often. If both your strikers get into bad form at once, it can get really hard to win matches. To avoid that, I believe you need to score to avoid the bad form, but it might also be just RNG.
6. Injuries: It is fairly common to have injuries by the mid of season, forcing you to use worse players or play with lower condition. To avoid that, you need good physios, lighter training during season, rest and rotate players.
7. Condition: By the middle of season, you usually have several championships being played at once, forcing you to play 2 or 3 matches a week for several weeks in a row. That can force you to rotate to players of lower quality or use players with lower condition. To avoid that, you need to rest players from training and build a balanced squad to rotate.
8. Match fitness: Injuries and lack of rotation can make your players lack match fitness, decreasing their performance. That can cause your team to suffer when you are forced to rotate due to injuries or tight schedule. To avoid that, either rotate your squad or use those players in reserve friendlies.
9. Hidden attributes: There are hidden attributes like consistency and important matches that make your players not have maximum performance during some matches. There are also other attributes like injury proneness and dirtness which can harm your chances to win some matches. You cannot avoid that unless you hire players with better hidden attributes.
10. RNG (or randomness): Sometimes, your luck is just bad during certain matches. There is no way to avoid that, just keep playing and results should normalize eventually.
Poacher said: Liverpool

Positive Tiki Taka
Did you tweak something @Poacher or not? Is just 433 Positive Tiki Taka from 1st page? Some exploit set pieces, etc? Because are excelent results, bravo 👏🏼
NeOnHD92 said: Did you tweak something @Poacher or not? Is just 433 Positive Tiki Taka from 1st page? Some exploit set pieces, etc? Because are excelent results, bravo 👏🏼
No, I didn't change anything. It's Positive Tiki Taka.
First time in Scottish Premiereship

This is user friendly tactic than Zaz Blue-DM.
It's easy to use with every team and every level.
Added some FAQ and a Results Showcase for 22.2
Positive Tiki Taka did very well with FM Bayern.

I've managed winning La Liga with A.Bilbao, the prediction was 8th.

Superb tactic, tnx!
This tactic is deadly with Man Utd.

I did quadruple with them.
Who would you use RW and False nine. I have Moukoku and Demir. Demir a better false nine right?
DJJENSEN said: Who would you use RW and False nine. I have Moukoku and Demir. Demir a better false nine right?
F9 and Inside Forwards need very similar attributes.
It's all about speed, dribbling and anticipation.
Markizio said: This tactic is deadly with Man Utd.

I did quadruple with them.
what skin are u using ?
Jet2 said: what skin are u using ?
It's TangFu 2022 skin
is there no player instructions?
I want to start by saying thanks for spending time and effort to create a tactic.
Now I will share my results and disappointment after losing 8-1 to Inter and asking for guidence about this because I fail to understand how everybody can get perfect results meanwhile I am doing terrible with Fiorentina and even Man Utd.
I am using the "POSITIVE TIKITAKA" (most downloaded) tactic as default, not using opposion instructions, picking team myself, not going on holiday playing myself, doing match review after every game, match preview/teamwork before every game. cohesion is always green, tactic familiarity is 100% while finishing pre season.
My team can't score goals in the active game, they mostly score from penalties (nearly 1 in every 2 matches) or freekicks. Watching matches is a pain because all chaces are wasted. I mean, Vlahovic just scored 2 goals, how?
Please tell me what is wrong and how can I make this work? Both saves are created and played at 22.2.0 version.
Thanks in advance,
Here are my results:
viola said: I want to start by saying thanks for spending time and effort to create a tactic.

Now I will share my results and disappointment after losing 8-1 to Inter and asking for guidence about this because I fail to understand how everybody can get perfect results meanwhile I am doing terrible with Fiorentina and even Man Utd.
I am using the "POSITIVE TIKITAKA" (most downloaded) tactic as default, not using opposion instructions, picking team myself, not going on holiday playing myself, doing match review after every game, match preview/teamwork before every game. cohesion is always green, tactic familiarity is 100% while finishing pre season.
My team can't score goals in the active game, they mostly score from penalties (nearly 1 in every 2 matches) or freekicks. Watching matches is a pain because all chaces are wasted. I mean, Vlahovic just scored 2 goals, how?
Please tell me what is wrong and how can I make this work? Both saves are created and played at 22.2.0 version.
Thanks in advance,
Here are my results:
I can teach you to play FM and be your mentor but my service isn't free, the price is 100$ per hour if you agree I'll give you my PayPal account where you can send your money
Or you can try to play Farming Simulator 2022. People find it less complicated than FM - https://www.farming-simulator.com/
your strategy is awesome and i love it. With a little customization to better kick I ditched all the tackle harder of the players in the roles instead I chose Get stuck In to increase the solid kick but will Let the players make their own decisions with their own abilities. CF to me would be a more comprehensive choice than F9 because it moves wider and will give more unexpected situations. Overall your tactic is amazing And I really thank you for that.
Love it so far, with one tweak (DCR is BPD on cover duty)
Has anyone tested this with CF(s) or DLF?
Love it still. After squad upgrades it is really sick! Nice football, nice defense, nice results, nice goals
From time to time I lose, but is more mental side than tactic. I enjoy this tactic - no exploit, real game, great results. After some serious transfers (due to fact I sold my superstar newgen to PSG for 205M EUR) - my team is just crushing others in Champions League.
Hi could I get the player instructions please as I am on Xbox? Much appreciated.
FM Gaming said: your strategy is awesome and i love it. With a little customization to better kick I ditched all the tackle harder of the players in the roles instead I chose Get stuck In to increase the solid kick but will Let the players make their own decisions with their own abilities. CF to me would be a more comprehensive choice than F9 because it moves wider and will give more unexpected situations. Overall your tactic is amazing And I really thank you for that.
How are you using player instructions?
its best tactic in that patch 22.2 not a stamina killer like the other same shape tactics also its interesting thing same tactic with the upper rating same shape tactic with player roles but just back are not iwb-a fullback-a and rpm-s changes dlp-s thats why the other players stamina not wasted its game problem i thing also u said f9 or dlf-a but i use targetman-s lorenzo lucca when i go to my home i can send my crystal palace career when the forward role change any other role with attack its not works cause the forward need open place the wingers midfielders in the oppenents defends i think suitable with any all forward roles with support role u can try with any doubt just try complete forward or targetman or pressing forward just need support role with player if u use with attack role attacking shape its too crowd defend oppenent and players cannot pass for goal thanks for the tactic pal good work ^^
sorry for my bad english

its best tactic in that patch 22.2 not a stamina killer like the other same shape tactics also its interesting thing same tactic with the upper rating same shape tactic with player roles but just back are not iwb-a to fullback-a and rpm-s changes dlp-s thats why the other players stamina not wasted its game problem i thing also u said f9 or dlf-s but i use targetman-s lorenzo lucca when i go to my home i can send my crystal palace career when the forward role change any other role with attack its not works cause the forward need open place for the wingers and midfielders in the oppenents defends i think suitable with any all forward roles with support role u can try with any doubt just try complete forward or targetman or pressing forward just need support role with player if u use with attack role attacking shape its too crowd to pass for creating goal chance defend is too crowd thanks for the tactic pal good work ^^
i will edit when i go to my home now im in my gf home and cant play fm 22
Do you have a SUS tactic for The main tactic?
How aobut change AF-F9-AF to DLF-AF-DLF
Created an account just to share this, only signgings I've made have been free transfers for players marked as decent or good for the relevant league I'm in.. I'll definitely get 2 promotions on the bounce using this tactic and then hopefully a third next season straight into the premier league.
I do get a lot of cards though!
cjs0115 said: Created an account just to share this, only signgings I've made have been free transfers for players marked as decent or good for the relevant league I'm in.. I'll definitely get 2 promotions on the bounce using this tactic and then hopefully a third next season straight into the premier league.
I do get a lot of cards though!
It's an aggressive tactic so you will get cards, but I'm curious to think what makes you think you're definitely going to get back to back promotions? its a very good tactic but going up into the championship and competing for promotion using any tactic is difficult. You will need to add quality and lots of it to compete
CBP87 said: It's an aggressive tactic so you will get cards, but I'm curious to think what makes you think you're definitely going to get back to back promotions? its a very good tactic but going up into the championship and competing for promotion using any tactic is difficult. You will need to add quality and lots of it to compete
- will post my end of season results if I manage to finish it over the weekend.
I'm adamant I'll get promoted again with some quality free agents, the jump up in quality will be difficult but I'm confident in this tactic
Hi, I would like to ask something..
It’s not the first time that this happens to me, I’m using a tactic that works well, and than in mid season, always start getting bad results, and cant understand why… It happened again with this tactic, it was working really well until January, and suddenly, can’t win a game… And I can see directly the difference in play, not so fluid anymore, the guys keep missing chances, always losing possession, don’t understand…. But always happens, no matter which tactic I’m using, if I’m creating one, or if using one from somebody’s..
Than I’m always struggling until the end of the season…
It happens to somebody else?? Or do you guys know what I can do to change it…
i know that. But I think they want it like that because it is more realistic that you may have a period in a season where you struggle (e.g. Chelsea this season or Liverpool often around christmas/new year. you have to get through those phases
meclaranjas said: Hi, I would like to ask something..
It’s not the first time that this happens to me, I’m using a tactic that works well, and than in mid season, always start getting bad results, and cant understand why… It happened again with this tactic, it was working really well until January, and suddenly, can’t win a game… And I can see directly the difference in play, not so fluid anymore, the guys keep missing chances, always losing possession, don’t understand…. But always happens, no matter which tactic I’m using, if I’m creating one, or if using one from somebody’s..
Than I’m always struggling until the end of the season…
It happens to somebody else?? Or do you guys know what I can do to change it…
It's very common for some people to have a series of bad results during a season and think the tactic stopped working. Below are ten reasons why your team might stop winning for a while.
1. Complacency: When a team wins too much, players start to take victories for granted, not giving their best. To avoid that, you must motivate them with team talk, shouts and media handling.
2. Pressure: When playing against stronger teams, your players might feel pressured and perform worse. To avoid that, you need to relieve pressure with team talk, shouts and media handling.
3. Fatigue: When a player has high match and training loads, he starts building fatigue. It's not the same of condition or match fitness and can only be seen if you have a sports scientist, in the medical centre. To avoid that, you need to rest from training and rotate your squad.
4. Morale: When you lose matches or certain events happen (like player getting unhappy), players lose morale. It is one of the things that affects performance the most, so it can create a bad spiral if not managed properly. To avoid that, praise and warn players based on last match score, form (last 5 matches) and training. You can also increase morale with team talk after matches, team meetings and other forms of interaction.
5. Bad form of players: Sometimes, strikers can get into a bad form that lasts a long time, like ten matches without scoring or more. I am not sure if there is an internal mechanic for that, but it certainly happens fairly often. If both your strikers get into bad form at once, it can get really hard to win matches. To avoid that, I believe you need to score to avoid the bad form, but it might also be just RNG.
6. Injuries: It is fairly common to have injuries by the mid of season, forcing you to use worse players or play with lower condition. To avoid that, you need good physios, lighter training during season, rest and rotate players.
7. Condition: By the middle of season, you usually have several championships being played at once, forcing you to play 2 or 3 matches a week for several weeks in a row. That can force you to rotate to players of lower quality or use players with lower condition. To avoid that, you need to rest players from training and build a balanced squad to rotate.
8. Match fitness: Injuries and lack of rotation can make your players lack match fitness, decreasing their performance. That can cause your team to suffer when you are forced to rotate due to injuries or tight schedule. To avoid that, either rotate your squad or use those players in reserve friendlies.
9. Hidden attributes: There are hidden attributes like consistency and important matches that make your players not have maximum performance during some matches. There are also other attributes like injury proneness and dirtness which can harm your chances to win some matches. You cannot avoid that unless you hire players with better hidden attributes.
10. RNG (or randomness): Sometimes, your luck is just bad during certain matches. There is no way to avoid that, just keep playing and results should normalize eventually.