I'm super fascinated by the ykykykyky findings and although my conclusion remains that they are very role/instruction specific for ZaZ Blue, I have no doubts that they are as near optimal as you can get for that exact application, and it should be usable for other tactics with overlapping roles/instructions.
Some of the weights surprise me though, take the Striker position for example: - Agility is often touted as a very important attribute (and appears to be) for nearly every position, yet the AF(at) has it weighted at only 30? Keep in mind that the official CA weights have it at 6.0/10.0 and the role even has it marked as key. - Technique is weighted at a whooping 65, although it is an attribute that scores poorly on the attribute test here on fm-arena. Hell, it's weighted around 50 at an average across all positions in ykykyky, which really makes me wonder why it doesn't have more impact on the attribute tests? My only plausible explanation at this moment is that there must be some widely used player/team instruction in ZaZ Blue that places a huge emphasis on Technique which the attribute testing tactic does not have... I see the former has slightly more direct passing, could that be it?
More generally, I have some thoughts about other attributes as well: - Aggression and Work Rate is rated high across every position, but this makes sense due to ZaZ blue being having super high press, high tempo and has harder tackles enabled. These results show us that these attributes need to be considered when employing such tactics (which are super popular in FM). - Decisions is generally weighted almost half of what the CA Attribute Weights say, even though all positions in the tactic have Take More Risks enabled. I believe this proves that decisions isn't nearly as important as the game wants us to believe, even when the players are given creative freedom. A natural attribute to "cut" for better CA spread. - Physicals are king, but we already knew that. - Flair isn't very important, even if key to a role and much creative freedom is allowed. - OTB seems to be very important for roles that cut inside (IWB's in ZaZ). I suspect AMR/L's who are deployed as Inside Forwards or IW's would have a greater reliance on this attribute as well. Even so, it is generally a good stat to have on all players, perhaps because it combines well with superior physicals? - Determination has some effect, but not as much as one might be lead to believe. An okay increase but nothing to prioritize a lot (might be because the players develop better across a season?) - Teamwork scores relatively well compared to what I believed before, maybe due to high press? - Bravery seems to be the least important DNA attribute, and ZaZ even uses harder tackles which should increase its value. Not worth considering?
It's hard to make any definite statements about the weights, but they have definitely changed the way I view the game. At least it proves that there are many attributes that could be considered "free" for a position that have the potential to make a huge difference. Player DNA really is a thing, especially Work Rate and Aggression.
MaceyP said: Hey Mark, First of as this is my first post I want to say Hi. I feel like a naughty spy having followed this whole thread through FM22 but never created an Account.
I've just started playing FM 23 and fancied a lower team in Premier League or maybe lower league. I decided to give this a shot. I love how you've taken weights of 50+ from ykykyk and divided them by CA Cost. I decided to implement them into FM Lineup Tool even though its not updated anymore as a quick Rating guide and will use the ingame Filters also.
Looking forward to giving it a go. Expand
Hi MaceyP. I also use FM Lineup Tool. How did you decide to set up the position/role definitions in the tool? Can't decide on how to interpret the genie scout rating coefficients to FM Lineups Tool's required and preferred attributes.
I use a very different tactic than the one with which the attributes were tested, but with some minor adjustments (average between roles to get the attributes for that role, e.g. DMde average between BPD and DM) I came across perfectly.
Am I correct in saying that when the ykykykyky filter is imported, the position rating given on GS is the % I look at to distinguish between players ability, taking into consideration that this changed % takes into consideration the altered weight on attributes etc? Meaning irrespective of 2 strikers attributes, the one with he higher rating will perform better? Thanks
I have a question related to editing, im new to any in game editors, i bought the official IGE and don't know if im missing how to freze things like morale etc. That's the only part of full game that i can stand is to keep everyone happy, with best tactic and good players always underperform at some point due to unhappines. Any one using editor can help here?
White Europe said: I have a question related to editing, im new to any in game editors, i bought the official IGE and don't know if im missing how to freze things like morale etc. That's the only part of full game that i can stand is to keep everyone happy, with best tactic and good players always underperform at some point due to unhappines. Any one using editor can help here? Expand
The official IGE don't have an option to "freeze" things like morale, conditions, only FMRTE can do that.
automatic translation, sorry for the mistakes Good afternoon I understand correctly, you need to look for players like this? 1. We look in the analytics for the best attributes in our league. Let's say for a midfielder in our league the passing and stamina averages are 10.3, the best stats are 12.7 (Squad - Analyst report - Comparison - Midfield - Show only midfield, right?). So, when searching for players in the positions of DM / MCRL / AMCRL, we round the numbers (11 and 13, respectively), in the game or GenieScout in the attribute filter, specify +1/2, then sort by position with the ykykyk balanced filter, and the players are at the top of the list by rating (if the position is 19/20 or 20/20) - are these players almost guaranteed to be the best in the league? 2. I want to understand what attributes should be viewed for the position. There were several different options in this thread, which one is better to use? If, like in attachment 1, for DM I look at 6 and above, then I compare these attributes by league, and in the filter I set the values by top in league + 1, then I sort in GS by position rating, right?
kasaprus said: automatic translation, sorry for the mistakes Good afternoon I understand correctly, you need to look for players like this? 1. We look in the analytics for the best attributes in our league. Let's say for a midfielder in our league the passing and stamina averages are 10.3, the best stats are 12.7 (Squad - Analyst report - Comparison - Midfield - Show only midfield, right?). So, when searching for players in the positions of DM / MCRL / AMCRL, we round the numbers (11 and 13, respectively), in the game or GenieScout in the attribute filter, specify +1/2, then sort by position with the ykykyk balanced filter, and the players are at the top of the list by rating (if the position is 19/20 or 20/20) - are these players almost guaranteed to be the best in the league? 2. I want to understand what attributes should be viewed for the position. There were several different options in this thread, which one is better to use? If, like in attachment 1, for DM I look at 6 and above, then I compare these attributes by league, and in the filter I set the values by top in league + 1, then I sort in GS by position rating, right? Expand
Your best bet is just to use the ykykyky ratings and pick from there. Look for 18-20 in positional rating and find someone you can afford.
If you want to look at just a few attributes choose the highest ones from the ykykyky ratings file. It is not worth looking at the ones below 50.
Thanks! Speed and acceleration are the most important attributes for almost all players. in many tests. But in GS sometimes I see that a slower player has a higher rating. Due to a more competent distribution of other attributes, is he still stronger in the game plan than the faster ones?
stefanopt said: What do you mean by 18-20 positional rating? That would mean a 90% or above in genie scout, which is really hard to find Expand
Probably, it was meant to pay attention to the players who have the highest rating numbers, and at the same time the player has an understanding of the position from 18. This is not an attribute
I know this question will probably be met with a chorus of 'go look through the thread' but honestly I have and the mountain of information is a little confusing. Anyway, I'm currently playing through my first FM23 save and been reading this thread to try and find players who are maximum value for the match engine. I've downloaded the ykykyk balanced thing for genie scout and I'm using the table of important attributes to search for players, however having great attributes in the heaviest weight doesn't always seem to match up with the genie scout rating of the player. Am i missing something, are there calculations I need to do? Any help with this would be much appreciated, I'm just heading into the 2023 summer window after somehow finishing sixth with Southampton. I need to start counting cards at the table because my best players will be poached and I don't have massive money to spend on the best individuals. Thank you
I know this question will probably be met with a chorus of 'go look through the thread' but honestly I have and the mountain of information is a little confusing. Anyway, I'm currently playing through my first FM23 save and been reading this thread to try and find players who are maximum value for the match engine. I've downloaded the ykykyk balanced thing for genie scout and I'm using the table of important attributes to search for players, however having great attributes in the heaviest weight doesn't always seem to match up with the genie scout rating of the player. Am i missing something, are there calculations I need to do? Any help with this would be much appreciated, I'm just heading into the 2023 summer window after somehow finishing sixth with Southampton. I need to start counting cards at the table because my best players will be poached and I don't have massive money to spend on the best individuals. Thank you Expand
This is actually really useful, thank you so much. I do still wonder if the bournemouth test attributes match up with genie scout, I'd be intrigued as to the important ones for each position
Hi everyone. First Post on here thanks to lurking looking at tactics a this thread in particular. Sorry for the newbie question I have about to ask.
Im using the 4 diamond 2 formation currently number 1 in the testing table for reference and playing the level 10 English database, currently my club is at level 10.
Without using any filters on Fmscout I have a player who is not a FB at all but a DM or AMC on the player profile, however FMscout rates him as my best FB at my club on the position % buy a clear distance. He is rated 49% FB and the next highest player only 32% fullback. Why is this? Should it be ignored and him used as a DM or should I put him in at fullback if thsts what the FMscout says?
KBB said: Hi everyone. First Post on here thanks to lurking looking at tactics a this thread in particular. Sorry for the newbie question I have about to ask.
Im using the 4 diamond 2 formation currently number 1 in the testing table for reference and playing the level 10 English database, currently my club is at level 10.
Without using any filters on Fmscout I have a player who is not a FB at all but a DM or AMC on the player profile, however FMscout rates him as my best FB at my club on the position % buy a clear distance. He is rated 49% FB and the next highest player only 32% fullback. Why is this? Should it be ignored and him used as a DM or should I put him in at fullback if thsts what the FMscout says?
Sorry for the question.
Thank you for reading Expand
There've been many tests of the attributes.
Follow the links bellow and you'll find out which attributes and at what degree affects the result
Thanks for the reply. They are both great reads. I have been lurking on this forum for ages and have really enjoyed looking at the in depth posts people have done on these threads.
KBB said: Hi everyone. First Post on here thanks to lurking looking at tactics a this thread in particular. Sorry for the newbie question I have about to ask.
Im using the 4 diamond 2 formation currently number 1 in the testing table for reference and playing the level 10 English database, currently my club is at level 10.
Without using any filters on Fmscout I have a player who is not a FB at all but a DM or AMC on the player profile, however FMscout rates him as my best FB at my club on the position % buy a clear distance. He is rated 49% FB and the next highest player only 32% fullback. Why is this? Should it be ignored and him used as a DM or should I put him in at fullback if thsts what the FMscout says?
Sorry for the question.
Thank you for reading Expand
You need to also look at the positional rating on GS out of 20. For instance if the player is 49% for the position but only 10/20 they will be much lower. What the info you have is indicating is that if you retrained the player to full back up towards the 20/20 rating they would be easily your best player in that position.
Mark said: You need to also look at the positional rating on GS out of 20. For instance if the player is 49% for the position but only 10/20 they will be much lower. What the info you have is indicating is that if you retrained the player to full back up towards the 20/20 rating they would be easily your best player in that position. Expand
Brilliant stuff.
Thats pretty much exactly what I was thinking. Am I also right in that as a young player develops their CA towards their PA and attributes improve that their best position % might change to a new position eg a winger might develop full back beneficially attributes over winger attributes and as a result FMscout will say they would be a better FB than winger even if previously it was the other way round?
Using the attributes that make good players as previously mentioned if I focus my recruitment in the lower leagues on the best 5 attributes for that position eg pace, acceleration, off the ball, finishing and heading for a striker by setting in game filters for say over 11 for those attributes and getting the players with the best CA that are natural in that position with the highest attribute value it would be a good policy?
Thats pretty much exactly what I was thinking. Am I also right in that as a young player develops their CA towards their PA and attributes improve that their best position % might change to a new position eg a winger might develop full back beneficially attributes over winger attributes and as a result FMscout will say they would be a better FB than winger even if previously it was the other way round?
Using the attributes that make good players as previously mentioned if I focus my recruitment in the lower leagues on the best 5 attributes for that position eg pace, acceleration, off the ball, finishing and heading for a striker by setting in game filters for say over 11 for those attributes and getting the players with the best CA that are natural in that position with the highest attribute value it would be a good policy? Expand
Is there any skins that have incorporated ykykyk table ratings into the game? So you can see the most important attributes when you go to a player? Currently I have to tab out game and look at my saved screenshot of the table, does not seem very efficient.
White Europe said: Is there a skin that You can see CA and PA of a player without using editor? And is it possible to add it to squad view to compare players? Expand
yeah there is few skins that shows players potential... i think OPZ elite one of them. But for me more nice idea would be what says guy in up post to have skin with ykykyk attribute points marked in the skin
p.s. i have made filters by my self for different positions but i think some of them could be bit off
duxa92 said: Thanks for reply, so old ykykyk05251 will be more suitable for FM23 than newer ykykykyk balanced?
I still use balanced
I'm super fascinated by the ykykykyky findings and although my conclusion remains that they are very role/instruction specific for ZaZ Blue, I have no doubts that they are as near optimal as you can get for that exact application, and it should be usable for other tactics with overlapping roles/instructions.
Some of the weights surprise me though, take the Striker position for example:
- Agility is often touted as a very important attribute (and appears to be) for nearly every position, yet the AF(at) has it weighted at only 30? Keep in mind that the official CA weights have it at 6.0/10.0 and the role even has it marked as key.
- Technique is weighted at a whooping 65, although it is an attribute that scores poorly on the attribute test here on fm-arena. Hell, it's weighted around 50 at an average across all positions in ykykyky, which really makes me wonder why it doesn't have more impact on the attribute tests?
My only plausible explanation at this moment is that there must be some widely used player/team instruction in ZaZ Blue that places a huge emphasis on Technique which the attribute testing tactic does not have... I see the former has slightly more direct passing, could that be it?
More generally, I have some thoughts about other attributes as well:
- Aggression and Work Rate is rated high across every position, but this makes sense due to ZaZ blue being having super high press, high tempo and has harder tackles enabled. These results show us that these attributes need to be considered when employing such tactics (which are super popular in FM).
- Decisions is generally weighted almost half of what the CA Attribute Weights say, even though all positions in the tactic have Take More Risks enabled. I believe this proves that decisions isn't nearly as important as the game wants us to believe, even when the players are given creative freedom. A natural attribute to "cut" for better CA spread.
- Physicals are king, but we already knew that.
- Flair isn't very important, even if key to a role and much creative freedom is allowed.
- OTB seems to be very important for roles that cut inside (IWB's in ZaZ). I suspect AMR/L's who are deployed as Inside Forwards or IW's would have a greater reliance on this attribute as well. Even so, it is generally a good stat to have on all players, perhaps because it combines well with superior physicals?
- Determination has some effect, but not as much as one might be lead to believe. An okay increase but nothing to prioritize a lot (might be because the players develop better across a season?)
- Teamwork scores relatively well compared to what I believed before, maybe due to high press?
- Bravery seems to be the least important DNA attribute, and ZaZ even uses harder tackles which should increase its value. Not worth considering?
It's hard to make any definite statements about the weights, but they have definitely changed the way I view the game. At least it proves that there are many attributes that could be considered "free" for a position that have the potential to make a huge difference. Player DNA really is a thing, especially Work Rate and Aggression.
MaceyP said: Hey Mark, First of as this is my first post I want to say Hi. I feel like a naughty spy having followed this whole thread through FM22 but never created an Account.
I've just started playing FM 23 and fancied a lower team in Premier League or maybe lower league. I decided to give this a shot. I love how you've taken weights of 50+ from ykykyk and divided them by CA Cost. I decided to implement them into FM Lineup Tool even though its not updated anymore as a quick Rating guide and will use the ingame Filters also.
Looking forward to giving it a go.
Hi MaceyP. I also use FM Lineup Tool. How did you decide to set up the position/role definitions in the tool? Can't decide on how to interpret the genie scout rating coefficients to FM Lineups Tool's required and preferred attributes.
I use a very different tactic than the one with which the attributes were tested, but with some minor adjustments (average between roles to get the attributes for that role, e.g. DMde average between BPD and DM) I came across perfectly.

Am I correct in saying that when the ykykykyky filter is imported, the position rating given on GS is the % I look at to distinguish between players ability, taking into consideration that this changed % takes into consideration the altered weight on attributes etc?
Meaning irrespective of 2 strikers attributes, the one with he higher rating will perform better?
I have a question related to editing, im new to any in game editors, i bought the official IGE and don't know if im missing how to freze things like morale etc. That's the only part of full game that i can stand is to keep everyone happy, with best tactic and good players always underperform at some point due to unhappines. Any one using editor can help here?
White Europe said: I have a question related to editing, im new to any in game editors, i bought the official IGE and don't know if im missing how to freze things like morale etc. That's the only part of full game that i can stand is to keep everyone happy, with best tactic and good players always underperform at some point due to unhappines. Any one using editor can help here?
The official IGE don't have an option to "freeze" things like morale, conditions, only FMRTE can do that.
Bogeyman said: The official IGE don't have an option to "freeze" things, only FMRTE can do that.
Ah ok, how much is FMRTE?
White Europe said: Ah ok, how much is FMRTE?
hello, being a mac os user, I cannot use genie scout, I would like to know what minimum score and what attribute for each position to compose the team
automatic translation, sorry for the mistakes
Good afternoon I understand correctly, you need to look for players like this?
1. We look in the analytics for the best attributes in our league. Let's say for a midfielder in our league the passing and stamina averages are 10.3, the best stats are 12.7 (Squad - Analyst report - Comparison - Midfield - Show only midfield, right?). So, when searching for players in the positions of DM / MCRL / AMCRL, we round the numbers (11 and 13, respectively), in the game or GenieScout in the attribute filter, specify +1/2, then sort by position with the ykykyk balanced filter, and the players are at the top of the list by rating (if the position is 19/20 or 20/20) - are these players almost guaranteed to be the best in the league?
2. I want to understand what attributes should be viewed for the position. There were several different options in this thread, which one is better to use? If, like in attachment 1, for DM I look at 6 and above, then I compare these attributes by league, and in the filter I set the values by top in league + 1, then I sort in GS by position rating, right?
kasaprus said: automatic translation, sorry for the mistakes
Good afternoon I understand correctly, you need to look for players like this?
1. We look in the analytics for the best attributes in our league. Let's say for a midfielder in our league the passing and stamina averages are 10.3, the best stats are 12.7 (Squad - Analyst report - Comparison - Midfield - Show only midfield, right?). So, when searching for players in the positions of DM / MCRL / AMCRL, we round the numbers (11 and 13, respectively), in the game or GenieScout in the attribute filter, specify +1/2, then sort by position with the ykykyk balanced filter, and the players are at the top of the list by rating (if the position is 19/20 or 20/20) - are these players almost guaranteed to be the best in the league?
2. I want to understand what attributes should be viewed for the position. There were several different options in this thread, which one is better to use? If, like in attachment 1, for DM I look at 6 and above, then I compare these attributes by league, and in the filter I set the values by top in league + 1, then I sort in GS by position rating, right?
Your best bet is just to use the ykykyky ratings and pick from there. Look for 18-20 in positional rating and find someone you can afford.
If you want to look at just a few attributes choose the highest ones from the ykykyky ratings file. It is not worth looking at the ones below 50.
ykykyky ratings
Mark said: Your best bet is just to use the ykykyky ratings and pick from there. Look for 18-20 in positional rating and find someone you can afford.
If you want to look at just a few attributes choose the highest ones from the ykykyky ratings file. It is not worth looking at the ones below 50.
ykykyky ratings
Mark, in your opinion it's always a good choice to keep ykykyky ratings in FM 23 ?
Mark said: Your best bet is just to use the ykykyky ratings and pick from there. Look for 18-20 in positional rating and find someone you can afford.
If you want to look at just a few attributes choose the highest ones from the ykykyky ratings file. It is not worth looking at the ones below 50.
ykykyky ratings
What do you mean by 18-20 positional rating? That would mean a 90% or above in genie scout, which is really hard to find
Mark said: Your best bet is just to use the ykykyky ratings and pick from there. Look for 18-20 in positional rating and find someone you can afford.
If you want to look at just a few attributes choose the highest ones from the ykykyky ratings file. It is not worth looking at the ones below 50.
ykykyky ratings
Speed and acceleration are the most important attributes for almost all players. in many tests. But in GS sometimes I see that a slower player has a higher rating. Due to a more competent distribution of other attributes, is he still stronger in the game plan than the faster ones?
stefanopt said: What do you mean by 18-20 positional rating? That would mean a 90% or above in genie scout, which is really hard to find
Probably, it was meant to pay attention to the players who have the highest rating numbers, and at the same time the player has an understanding of the position from 18. This is not an attribute
Hello all,
I know this question will probably be met with a chorus of 'go look through the thread' but honestly I have and the mountain of information is a little confusing. Anyway, I'm currently playing through my first FM23 save and been reading this thread to try and find players who are maximum value for the match engine. I've downloaded the ykykyk balanced thing for genie scout and I'm using the table of important attributes to search for players, however having great attributes in the heaviest weight doesn't always seem to match up with the genie scout rating of the player. Am i missing something, are there calculations I need to do? Any help with this would be much appreciated, I'm just heading into the 2023 summer window after somehow finishing sixth with Southampton. I need to start counting cards at the table because my best players will be poached and I don't have massive money to spend on the best individuals. Thank you
Chriswin4 said: Hello all,

I know this question will probably be met with a chorus of 'go look through the thread' but honestly I have and the mountain of information is a little confusing. Anyway, I'm currently playing through my first FM23 save and been reading this thread to try and find players who are maximum value for the match engine. I've downloaded the ykykyk balanced thing for genie scout and I'm using the table of important attributes to search for players, however having great attributes in the heaviest weight doesn't always seem to match up with the genie scout rating of the player. Am i missing something, are there calculations I need to do? Any help with this would be much appreciated, I'm just heading into the 2023 summer window after somehow finishing sixth with Southampton. I need to start counting cards at the table because my best players will be poached and I don't have massive money to spend on the best individuals. Thank you
Look at this - https://fm-arena.com/thread/3293-what-it-takes-to-dominate-epl-with-bournemouth/
I think it tells everything about the attributes in FM23
If you want to take a more broader look at the attributes then check this - https://fm-arena.com/table/18-attribute-testing/
Markizio said: Hey,

Look at this - https://fm-arena.com/thread/3293-what-it-takes-to-dominate-epl-with-bournemouth/
I think it tells everything about the attributes in FM23
If you want to take a more broader look at the attributes then check this - https://fm-arena.com/table/18-attribute-testing/
This is actually really useful, thank you so much. I do still wonder if the bournemouth test attributes match up with genie scout, I'd be intrigued as to the important ones for each position
Is there any way to import ykykyk balanced into the FMRTE rating system?
Floppyaams said: Is there any way to import ykykyk balanced into the FMRTE rating system?
If you go into Settings, Position Ratings you can feed them in manually
Hi everyone. First Post on here thanks to lurking looking at tactics a this thread in particular. Sorry for the newbie question I have about to ask.
Im using the 4 diamond 2 formation currently number 1 in the testing table for reference and playing the level 10 English database, currently my club is at level 10.
Without using any filters on Fmscout I have a player who is not a FB at all but a DM or AMC on the player profile, however FMscout rates him as my best FB at my club on the position % buy a clear distance. He is rated 49% FB and the next highest player only 32% fullback. Why is this? Should it be ignored and him used as a DM or should I put him in at fullback if thsts what the FMscout says?
Sorry for the question.
Thank you for reading
KBB said: Hi everyone. First Post on here thanks to lurking looking at tactics a this thread in particular. Sorry for the newbie question I have about to ask.
Im using the 4 diamond 2 formation currently number 1 in the testing table for reference and playing the level 10 English database, currently my club is at level 10.
Without using any filters on Fmscout I have a player who is not a FB at all but a DM or AMC on the player profile, however FMscout rates him as my best FB at my club on the position % buy a clear distance. He is rated 49% FB and the next highest player only 32% fullback. Why is this? Should it be ignored and him used as a DM or should I put him in at fullback if thsts what the FMscout says?
Sorry for the question.
Thank you for reading
There've been many tests of the attributes.
Follow the links bellow and you'll find out which attributes and at what degree affects the result
Thanks for the reply. They are both great reads. I have been lurking on this forum for ages and have really enjoyed looking at the in depth posts people have done on these threads.
KBB said: Hi everyone. First Post on here thanks to lurking looking at tactics a this thread in particular. Sorry for the newbie question I have about to ask.
Im using the 4 diamond 2 formation currently number 1 in the testing table for reference and playing the level 10 English database, currently my club is at level 10.
Without using any filters on Fmscout I have a player who is not a FB at all but a DM or AMC on the player profile, however FMscout rates him as my best FB at my club on the position % buy a clear distance. He is rated 49% FB and the next highest player only 32% fullback. Why is this? Should it be ignored and him used as a DM or should I put him in at fullback if thsts what the FMscout says?
Sorry for the question.
Thank you for reading
You need to also look at the positional rating on GS out of 20. For instance if the player is 49% for the position but only 10/20 they will be much lower. What the info you have is indicating is that if you retrained the player to full back up towards the 20/20 rating they would be easily your best player in that position.
Mark said: You need to also look at the positional rating on GS out of 20. For instance if the player is 49% for the position but only 10/20 they will be much lower. What the info you have is indicating is that if you retrained the player to full back up towards the 20/20 rating they would be easily your best player in that position.
Brilliant stuff.
Thats pretty much exactly what I was thinking. Am I also right in that as a young player develops their CA towards their PA and attributes improve that their best position % might change to a new position eg a winger might develop full back beneficially attributes over winger attributes and as a result FMscout will say they would be a better FB than winger even if previously it was the other way round?
Using the attributes that make good players as previously mentioned if I focus my recruitment in the lower leagues on the best 5 attributes for that position eg pace, acceleration, off the ball, finishing and heading for a striker by setting in game filters for say over 11 for those attributes and getting the players with the best CA that are natural in that position with the highest attribute value it would be a good policy?
KBB said: Brilliant stuff.
Thats pretty much exactly what I was thinking. Am I also right in that as a young player develops their CA towards their PA and attributes improve that their best position % might change to a new position eg a winger might develop full back beneficially attributes over winger attributes and as a result FMscout will say they would be a better FB than winger even if previously it was the other way round?
Using the attributes that make good players as previously mentioned if I focus my recruitment in the lower leagues on the best 5 attributes for that position eg pace, acceleration, off the ball, finishing and heading for a striker by setting in game filters for say over 11 for those attributes and getting the players with the best CA that are natural in that position with the highest attribute value it would be a good policy?
I think that would be a reasonable approach
Is there any skins that have incorporated ykykyk table ratings into the game? So you can see the most important attributes when you go to a player? Currently I have to tab out game and look at my saved screenshot of the table, does not seem very efficient.
Is there a skin that You can see CA and PA of a player without using editor? And is it possible to add it to squad view to compare players?
White Europe said: Is there a skin that You can see CA and PA of a player without using editor? And is it possible to add it to squad view to compare players?
yeah there is few skins that shows players potential... i think OPZ elite one of them. But for me more nice idea would be what says guy in up post to have skin with ykykyk attribute points marked in the skin
p.s. i have made filters by my self for different positions but i think some of them could be bit off