crazyfmguy93 said: Hello, MDW22 is fantastic for me in FM22. are you using MDW22 for only positional rating? what do you think about role ratings?
Im using ZaZ - Blue 4.0. For AMR positon I have Damsgaard and Raphinha.
Positional Rating Raphinha 84 Damsgaard 83,5 Role Rating For Winger Support Role Raphinha 88 Damsgaard 91
Which player do you choose? Expand
Role rating doesnt really matter. Positional rating is important but it also matters if the are Natural for the position or 20/20 for the position in Genie Scout rating.
crazyfmguy93 said: One more there are 3 different rating file YKYKYKY MDW22 Zaz
Which one is better for Zaz Blue? Expand
ykykyky was the one developed using machine learning for ZaZ Blue tactic. I still used MDW22 and still do.
Mark said: Role rating doesnt really matter. Positional rating is important but it also matters if the are Natural for the position or 20/20 for the position in Genie Scout rating.
ykykyky was the one developed using machine learning for ZaZ Blue tactic. I still used MDW22 and still do. Expand
thanks for answering. you mean if Raphinha is 18/20 for AMR positon and Damsgaard is 20/20 for AMR positon, I should choose Damsgaard?
If you ever want Raphinha to become 20/20 you need to play him there. And the differences in ratings are fairly small, almost to the point it doesn't matter who you play or rather whoever is in better form.
crazyfmguy93 said: thanks for answering. you mean if Raphinha is 18/20 for AMR positon and Damsgaard is 20/20 for AMR positon, I should choose Damsgaard? Expand
Yes, actual current positional ability Damsgaard stays at 83.50% and Raphinha drops to 80.35%.
@Yarema is right. If you play and train Raphinha at AMR he may end up slightly better in the position. This doesnt always happen though and it may depend on age and Potential Ability
Mark said: Both are good. I have been using my MDW22 and still am Expand
For lower leagues MDW22 and ykykyk is difference a lot. When I change calculations they recommend different players for positons in FM23. It is confusing.
crazyfmguy93 said: For lower leagues MDW22 and ykykyk is difference a lot. When I change calculations they recommend different players for positons in FM23. It is confusing. Expand
crazyfmguy93 said: For lower leagues MDW22 and ykykyk is difference a lot. When I change calculations they recommend different players for positons in FM23. It is confusing. Expand
kvasir said: Which one do you prefer? I haven’t tried MDW22. Expand
MDW22 is great for me in FM22. But for honest Zaz Blue tactic is amazing in FM22 so maybe player decision do not affect that much but in FM23 it is important.
It sounds to me like your ratings file has been altered some how.
The calculation is, each attribute score multiplied by the ratings file weighting for the attribute for the position you are calculating. Then divided by the total attribute weighting for the position. And then divided by 20. You then also need to apply the Weight for that position in the rating file, which is where the balancing across positions occurs.
I have assumed they are both strikers.
For MDW24 I make it Ergin 52.38% to Samed 59.15%.
For MDW22 I make it Ergin 51.48% to Samed 58.09%
The difference between the two sets of ratings is in the balancing, the Weight for the position in the rating file. This is how the FS position relates to other positions which I fixed with the rebalancing. Proportionally within the positions MDW22 and MDW24 are the same but there have been some slight changes across positions. For instance in FM24 Haaland wasn't the top player using MDW22 but now is with MDW24. The changes came by comparing across positions based on a standard player as opposed to the best of each position when I did MDW22.
There are 2 values in the ranking of striker position: FS and TS. In the top 10 tactics for FM23 and FM24 the most common roles are AF, CF, PF. For this role we use the FS rating, right? For which role is the TS rating better suited?
Tavares82 said: I have some questions about the fm genie scout. In relation to a player, what is the best position? Expand
Wherever he fits in your tactic. I find it much easier to fit the player to a tactic than the tactic to the player.
The issue with these ratings is that some roles are much easier to get a high score in (for example BWM), and it doesn't mean that it is necessarily the best option or best fit for your tactic. A 73% CWB-S could actually be relatively better than 74,8% IWB-S. Or maybe you just prefer certain roles. You can however compare different players in same role.
And then in the end it's always about performance. Some players will play better in a certain role that you cannot predict by looking at their attributes.
Tavares82 said: I have some questions about the fm genie scout. In relation to a player, what is the best position? Expand
His current best position would be Central Midfielder as his positional rating is 20 out of 20 there, and only 17 out of 20 as a Defensive Midfielder or Wing Back Right. His general rating for each of these positions is close but the roughly 2.17% reduction for each point on the positional rating would mean the MC definitely wins
crazyfmguy93 said: @Mark you did not change any attribute rate, only change for some weight for position from MDW22. is that right? Expand
Thats correct. MDW22 were educated guesses based on rating results for best players that year. MDW24 used ratings for players with 15 for all attributes.
crazyfmguy93 said: Hello, MDW22 is fantastic for me in FM22. are you using MDW22 for only positional rating? what do you think about role ratings?
Im using ZaZ - Blue 4.0. For AMR positon I have Damsgaard and Raphinha.
Positional Rating
Raphinha 84
Damsgaard 83,5
Role Rating For Winger Support Role
Raphinha 88
Damsgaard 91
Which player do you choose?
Role rating doesnt really matter. Positional rating is important but it also matters if the are Natural for the position or 20/20 for the position in Genie Scout rating.
crazyfmguy93 said: One more there are 3 different rating file
Which one is better for Zaz Blue?
ykykyky was the one developed using machine learning for ZaZ Blue tactic. I still used MDW22 and still do.
Mark said: Role rating doesnt really matter. Positional rating is important but it also matters if the are Natural for the position or 20/20 for the position in Genie Scout rating.
ykykyky was the one developed using machine learning for ZaZ Blue tactic. I still used MDW22 and still do.
thanks for answering. you mean if Raphinha is 18/20 for AMR positon and Damsgaard is 20/20 for AMR positon, I should choose Damsgaard?
If you ever want Raphinha to become 20/20 you need to play him there. And the differences in ratings are fairly small, almost to the point it doesn't matter who you play or rather whoever is in better form.
crazyfmguy93 said: thanks for answering. you mean if Raphinha is 18/20 for AMR positon and Damsgaard is 20/20 for AMR positon, I should choose Damsgaard?
Yes, actual current positional ability Damsgaard stays at 83.50% and Raphinha drops to 80.35%.
@Yarema is right. If you play and train Raphinha at AMR he may end up slightly better in the position. This doesnt always happen though and it may depend on age and Potential Ability
do you use MDW22 or ykykyk files in genie scout 23? or are there any rating file fit better for 23?
crazyfmguy93 said: hey,
do you use MDW22 or ykykyk files in genie scout 23? or are there any rating file fit better for 23?
Both are good. I have been using my MDW22 and still am
Do you guys have an Excel or Google Sheet of the MDW22 ratings? I want to cross check they’re the ones I put in PyScoutFM.
Here are the original calculated numbers by position for the MDW22 GS Ratings file

Mark said: Both are good. I have been using my MDW22 and still am
For lower leagues MDW22 and ykykyk is difference a lot. When I change calculations they recommend different players for positons in FM23. It is confusing.
crazyfmguy93 said: For lower leagues MDW22 and ykykyk is difference a lot. When I change calculations they recommend different players for positons in FM23. It is confusing.
Yep they are different.
crazyfmguy93 said: For lower leagues MDW22 and ykykyk is difference a lot. When I change calculations they recommend different players for positons in FM23. It is confusing.
Which one do you prefer? I haven’t tried MDW22.
kvasir said: Which one do you prefer? I haven’t tried MDW22.
MDW22 is great for me in FM22. But for honest Zaz Blue tactic is amazing in FM22 so maybe player decision do not affect that much but in FM23 it is important.
Hi All
For anyone interested here is the rebalanced for FM24 version of my MDW22 Genie Scout rating file.
Is it the one you use?
rfsm said: Is it the one you use?
MDW22 rating tells Ergin Keleş is better. How could it be?
crazyfmguy93 said: MDW22 rating tells Ergin Keleş is better. How could it be?
If you link to the game file I will have a look. I have done the manual calcs and Samad comes out a long way in front.
Could you tell us how do you do manuel calculations? i will send you game file
Mark said: If you link to the game file I will have a look. I have done the manual calcs and Samad comes out a long way in front.
It sounds to me like your ratings file has been altered some how.
The calculation is, each attribute score multiplied by the ratings file weighting for the attribute for the position you are calculating. Then divided by the total attribute weighting for the position. And then divided by 20. You then also need to apply the Weight for that position in the rating file, which is where the balancing across positions occurs.
I have assumed they are both strikers.
For MDW24 I make it Ergin 52.38% to Samed 59.15%.
For MDW22 I make it Ergin 51.48% to Samed 58.09%
The difference between the two sets of ratings is in the balancing, the Weight for the position in the rating file. This is how the FS position relates to other positions which I fixed with the rebalancing. Proportionally within the positions MDW22 and MDW24 are the same but there have been some slight changes across positions. For instance in FM24 Haaland wasn't the top player using MDW22 but now is with MDW24. The changes came by comparing across positions based on a standard player as opposed to the best of each position when I did MDW22.
I hope this helps.
There are 2 values in the ranking of striker position: FS and TS. In the top 10 tactics for FM23 and FM24 the most common roles are AF, CF, PF. For this role we use the FS rating, right? For which role is the TS rating better suited?
I have some questions about the fm genie scout.
In relation to a player, what is the best position?
Tavares82 said: I have some questions about the fm genie scout.
In relation to a player, what is the best position?
Wherever he fits in your tactic. I find it much easier to fit the player to a tactic than the tactic to the player.
The issue with these ratings is that some roles are much easier to get a high score in (for example BWM), and it doesn't mean that it is necessarily the best option or best fit for your tactic. A 73% CWB-S could actually be relatively better than 74,8% IWB-S. Or maybe you just prefer certain roles. You can however compare different players in same role.
And then in the end it's always about performance. Some players will play better in a certain role that you cannot predict by looking at their attributes.
Tavares82 said: I have some questions about the fm genie scout.
In relation to a player, what is the best position?
His current best position would be Central Midfielder as his positional rating is 20 out of 20 there, and only 17 out of 20 as a Defensive Midfielder or Wing Back Right. His general rating for each of these positions is close but the roughly 2.17% reduction for each point on the positional rating would mean the MC definitely wins
Mark said: Hi All
For anyone interested here is the rebalanced for FM24 version of my MDW22 Genie Scout rating file.
@Mark you did not change any attribute rate, only change for some weight for position from MDW22. is that right?
crazyfmguy93 said: @Mark you did not change any attribute rate, only change for some weight for position from MDW22. is that right?
Thats correct. MDW22 were educated guesses based on rating results for best players that year. MDW24 used ratings for players with 15 for all attributes.