Uploaded Date
Mar 2, 2022
latest patchPatch 22.4.1
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A tweak of positive tikitaka tactics. All credit goes to the original creators. I changed the false nine to an advance forward and inverted forward to inverted wingers.
Got some decent results. Took Newcastle to 4th. 2nd in goal scoring. Please test this tactic if possible. Thanks.
Greetings and sorry about my English:)
when IF&[sit narrower] ,IWB will run down L/R from midfild and IF cut to centre;
IF->IW and [stay wider],IWB will run through centre and IF to L/R.
The difference from ZAZ blue is, IWs down wide to L/R lost his attacking vitality but Ws not;
The difference from Positive Tiki Taka is, IF cutting to centre is better than IWB cutting to centre.