Uploaded Date
Oct 21, 2022
Not Tested Yet

Hello guys, here i am again to share a tactic with you, waiting for fm23 made me doing some labor,that time wasn't easy to find out how to make it work, i took the idea from Mr Green with his 271, originally his tactic was just made to make haaland score i guess or for elite team, so i decided to make it somewat solid and perfoming better, i wanted to reach more goal pontential the best was Haaland with 132 goals he missed 3 games so i guess he could reach 135 at least but w/e...

So here are some numbers and some screen shots, i could something from everything i like, but i've said the DM on Defense was something i saw on 2litfurious(i guess?) and it worked wonder for the sustanibility i was looking for.. Funny fact that you can manage those wing back as you like they work well with IWB/CWB/WB didnt really try the FB.

Now i am going to play this for last career before FM23 i guess i am going to work on those shapes, didn't like how wings works since fm20 that's why i prefer narrows tactics.

a tip if you have slow def, i suggest you to make the defensive line on standard somewhere on those screen there is a screen that managed to go from 10th to 3rd just managing the line.

If someone wanna play it, i would suggest to play positive and HulkTookYourhome, positive vs even matched or under away.

Have fun!

P.S. Something happened while posting and like half and i removed half of the screens because i though was space error... If someone want i will upload them!

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