Uploaded Date
Dec 25, 2022
Not Tested Yet
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As u were able see there was this tweak today performed by @opq https://fm-arena.com/tactic/3906-some-guy-from-ufc-narrow-under-poirer-xiv-tweak/ testing the width influence on @Delicious work. Narrow with underlaps showed some intersting results. He tested Poirer XIV now is time to do the same with the top one (Poirer XIII).
Results with Chelsea holiday run.
Cautious Poirer - https://fm-arena.com/find-comment/17776/
You guys are free to do w/e you want but like that we are not testing "interesting" things..
I would try to understand how other options interact more then narrow and wider
Cautious Poirer
Base Tactic: https://fm-arena.com/tactic/3840-4132-poirer-xiv/
Changes made to the base tactic:
- overlaps removed
- be more expressed added
- mixed passes added
Here follows Spurs results: