Uploaded Date
Jan 2, 2023
latest patchPatch 23.5.0 ( N )
not tested yet
Patch 23.2.0
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Basicic 1.0
My first model 433 shape.
I tried to combine the philosophy that has given the best results with a 433 model
could you please test my tactic?
Basisic 2.0
only chnage Mez At to Mez support
Basicic 3.0
much higher defensive line
DLP to support
Mez again to At
Basicic 4.0
WB to IWB At
DLP to MC def
remove overlap and put underlap
more wide
As always interesting builds!
basicic 5.0
normal defensive line
get stuck in
focus play middle
basicic 6.0
My best tactic ever( Liverpool). Good football and crontrolled possession
much lower defensive line
some PI's
Pf def to DLF support
Could you please test?
Thanks Team
basicic 7.0
DLF to Att