424 Alhamdulillah II ( Much Lower D-Line )

by Zippo, Jan 20, 2023

424 Alhamdulillah II

424 Alhamdulillah II
( Much Lower D-Line )


Cherknam said: So it's better with 'much lower' or 'much higher'? I think you might have made a mistake on the table at the bottom.

That was just a typo. I've fixed it.

Please note, the RNG of 5,760 matches played still might be as high as 1 point.


Zippo said: Please note, the RNG of 5,760 matches played still might be as high as 1 point.

yup, but still MLD storm is incoming  :D


How much pace does defenders/attackers have in these tests? Can you make a point that defenders may have lower pace and attackers higher pace in a real league, and thus a lower D-line would be even better if you are a "bad" team with slow defenders?

If that made sence, at least did in my head..


So MLD was better for real @senna WAS RIGHT!


Adding that "Drop off more" and "BPD (Cover)" could be a thing if going the lower line route


Tomaka said: Adding that "Drop off more" and "BPD (Cover)" could be a thing if going the lower line route

It feel like since we don't know how works the outside traps with the new options lowering the line seem better... But we should actually figure out why if we add stay-up more or drop off more (I don't remember exatcly the names) why we actually losing points on tests..

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