Uploaded Date
Aug 2, 2020
Patch 20.4.4 tests
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Would u mind test this tactic ? My tactic is based on Manchester United 1999 Final UCL which is really inspired me to create this tactic.It would be deeply appreciated : ))
Hi! The tactic you uploaded is different from the screenshots. In ss you're using an AMC but the shared file is an classic 442. Also, the testing result for this went really well. Nice work!
Best Tactic Ever !!!
reversed feet for wingers?
KOniGun said: reversed feet for wingers?
there are wingers on the flanks so I think it should be left footed on the left and right footed on the right
I gave this tactic a go with Arsenal and had a great season.

Got 100 pts in the league.
I can say this is a very good 4-4-2 tactic.