( FM23) Inverted Wing-Backs ( How they work )

by Zippo, Mar 8, 2023


I think there might be people who aren't not familiar with the way Inverted Wing-Backs work.

The main difference between Inverted Wing-Backs and other roles of full backs is that when "in possession" Inverted Wing-Backs act as central midfielders or central defensive midfielders, which means they take the position in the center like on the screenshot below:

But you need to be aware about one important thing about Inverted Wing-Backs: they act as regular Wing-Back if there're 2 or 3 Defensive Midfielders or there's a Defensive Midfielder on the side of Inverted Wing-Back

Here's a few examples when Inverted Wing-Backs act as regular Wing-Backs:

If you want your Inverted Wing-Backs act as they should then there must be a free DM slot on their side:

If there're 3 central defenders in your tactic then Inverted Wing-Backs are also hard-coded to play as regular Wing-backs with "Cuts Inside" and "Stay Narrower" PIs:

So there's almost no difference between Inverted Wing-Backs and regular Wing-Backs when your tactic has 2/3 Defensive Midfielders or 3 Central Defenders because in this case Inverted Wing-Backs act as regular Wing-Backs with "Stay Narrower" and "Cut Inside" PIs but in all other cases Inverted Wing-Backs have a completely different and unique behavior.

Please note, that what I said isn't my opinion about what should work and what not in the game. I was talking about how the game code works and Inverted Wing-Backs are coded the way that if there's no a free DM slot near them then Inverted Wing-Backs act as regular Wing-Backs with "Stay Narrower" and "Cuts Inside" PIs, which means here's almost no difference between Inverted Wing-Backs and regular Wing-backs, they're loosing their unique behavior.

I hope that helps.



helpful article!


Thanks, @Zippo. It's good to know. :thup:


Damn! I wish the game would explained stuff like that!

I really hope that some day the guys from SI will make a detailed guide about the game.


Grimlock said: Damn! I wish the game would explained stuff like that!

I really hope that some day the guys from SI will make a detailed guide about the game.

Nahhh, they'd better spend time on adding another useless feature that no one needs... that's how they've been working last years.


WOOOT :shock:

good job as always Zippo


I agree with that 100 % but this ME is unlogical and so many times you get results with some formations and roles that shouldn't be working together
For example I am playing with @Delicious  new tactic with 2 IWBs on support and in front of them 2 DMS and on the left side is DLP on D and normaly that should not work because DLP on D is taking a space for a IWB to cut inside with the ball but it works as a charm because this ME in everything but not logical so 😂


babemocni1988 said: I agree with that 100 % but this ME is unlogical and so many times you get results with some formations and roles that shouldn't be working together
I want to stress that what I said isn't my opinion about what should work and what not.

I was talking about the game code and Inverted Wing-Backs are coded the way that if there's no a free DM slot near them then Inverted Wing-Backs act as regular Wing-Backs with "Stay Narrower" and "Cuts Inside" PIs, which means in that case there's almost no difference between Inverted Wing-Backs and regular Wing-backs.


Once more, Inverted Wing-Backs have a very unique behavior when "in possession" which can't be recreated in any other full back's role but to reveal that unique behavior a specific condition must be met and that specific condition is a free DM slot near them but if that condition isn't met then they as act as regular Wing-Backs with "Cut Inside" and "Stay Narrower" PIs so they're loosing their unique behavior.

So there's no point in testing Inverted Wing-Backs if there're 2 or more DMs present.


Zippo said: Once more, Inverted Wing-Backs have a very unique behavior when "in possession" which can't be recreated in any other full back's role but to reveal that unique behavior a specific condition must be met and that specific condition is a free DM slot near them but if that condition isn't met then they as act as regular Wing-Backs with "Cut Inside" and "Stay Narrower" PIs so they're loosing their unique behavior.

So there's no point in testing Inverted Wing-Backs if there're 2 or more DMs present.

sitting narrow is the only what distinguishes IWBs from WBs?


Surely on the side of lets say volante or RPM that space at least occasionally clears up to move into?


Chewbacca said: sitting narrow is the only what distinguishes IWBs from WBs?

You can make wbs sitting narrow as well but one cut inside and the other cut wide with the ball.
About iwbs i was trying to test if the would over-load as well.

@Zippo on this situation if the Iwb got the ball, and volante moves up, he will cut inside or not? Maybe i was thinking too ahead but after you made this post i am not sure my self


Delicious said: You can make wbs sitting narrow as well but one cut inside and the other cut wide with the ball.
About iwbs i was trying to test if the would over-load as well.

@Zippo on this situation if the Iwb got the ball, and volante moves up, he will cut inside or not? Maybe i was thinking too ahead but after you made this post i am not sure my self

He will always cut inside as opportunity presents


Yarema said: Surely on the side of lets say volante or RPM that space at least occasionally clears up to move into?

Delicious said: You can make wbs sitting narrow as well but one cut inside and the other cut wide with the ball.
About iwbs i was trying to test if the would over-load as well.

The role and duty of the adjacent DM position doesn't matter, it doesn't matter whether it's Vol(A) or RMP(S) or any other role, it's hard coded that if there's no free DM slot near the Inverted Wing-Back then he act as a regular Wing-Back with "Cut Inside" and "Sit Narrow" PIs so the unique Inverted Wing-Back behavior is lost in this case.


Chewbacca said: sitting narrow is the only what distinguishes IWBs from WBs?

Mostly, yes.

Look at the screenshot below. You see how narrow Shaw ( Inverted Wing-Back ) sits.

When "in possession" he plays like a central midfielder or central defensive midfielder and it's an unique feature of Inverted Wing-Back role which can't be recreated in any other full back's role.

And that unique behavior of Inverted Wing-Back can only be activated if a specific condition is met and that specific condition is a free DM slot near the Inverted Wing-Back.


@Zippo  question if i have a WBR/L (position) and i have it on IWBS how works the code? They move inside if there is no CM role? Just to understand if they keep the same "logic" even on WBx position


Delicious said: @Zippo  question if i have a WBR/L (position) and i have it on IWBS how works the code? They move inside if there is no CM role? Just to understand if they keep the same "logic" even on WBx position

In case you put IWBs into WBR/L slots then it still only checks the state of DMs slots.

The sate of CMs slots is irrelevant in both cases.


Zippo said: In case you put IWBs into WBR/L slots then it still only checks the state of DMs slots.

The sate of CMs slots is irrelevant in both cases.

Wow.. Thanks for the info



Zippo said: In case you put IWBs into WBR/L slots then it still only checks the state of DMs slots.

The sate of CMs slots is irrelevant in both cases.

Delicious asked a question that occurred in my mind as well, but frankly, I was surprised by the answer.


Guys, I forgot to mention that if there're 3 central defenders in your tactic then Inverted Wing-Backs are also hard-coded to play as regular Wing-backs with "Cuts Inside" and "Stay Narrower" PIs


Zippo said: Guys, I forgot to mention that if there're 3 central defenders in your tactic then Inverted Wing-Backs are also hard-coded to play as regular Wing-backs with "Cuts Inside" and "Stay Narrower" PIs

I feel that if we gathered this kind of pill information about match engine coding under one title, we could get closer to the perfect tactic. :angel:


pixar said: I feel that if we gathered this kind of pill information about match engine coding under one title, we could get closer to the perfect tactic. :angel:

Better yet, we should invite a SI developer here on the forum to explain it all to us in details. :D


Zippo said: Guys, I forgot to mention that if there're 3 central defenders in your tactic then Inverted Wing-Backs are also hard-coded to play as regular Wing-backs with "Cuts Inside" and "Stay Narrower" PIs

Ok... Ok... I agree IWBs are hard :D

We all should blame Pep Guardiola for that, it was him who brought them to live. :goofy:


Does something similar apply to Inverted Wingers and Inside Forwards and free or occupied AM slots?


Rrred said: Does something similar apply to Inverted Wingers and Inside Forwards and free or occupied AM slots?

No, the above only applies for Inverted Wing-Backs.


First of all, thanks for this valuable information.

I recently realized that inverted wingbacks also act as regular wing backs when they are lone wide players. At least this seems to be the case for the FM 21 Touch version which I am currently playing.

I used the VOID ~ ver. 2.0 ~ tactic and made small adjustments to prove the above statement. First I played the tactic with inverted wing backs only and then I played the tactic with inverted wing backs and wingers. You can see quite clearly that in the latter case the wing backs take a much narrower position when in possession of the ball than in the latter case.

If somebody would be willing to confirm my findings (e.g. for latter game versions), I would appreciate it.

I think this was partly discussed in this thread but I was wondering if there is any other role (Half backs, F9, wide playmakers) which have a similar hard coding regarding their field position. Does anybody have information on this?

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