Do "Player Traits" cost any "Ability Points"?

by Solaris, Sep 22, 2020


I'm planing to train some of my player few "Player Traits" but I'm not sure if it would be beneficial for them because I don't know whether "Player Traits" cost any "Ability Points" or not.

I'm talking about this:

Can someone enlighten me?



Solaris said: Can someone enlighten me?


Player traits don't cost any CA.

You can test it... just add all available Player traits to some player and you see that "Recommended Current Ability" won't change.

For instance, Kyle Walker's "Recommended Current Ability" is 151CA

and after I gave him all available traits

His "Recommended Current Ability" didn't change and stayed the same as before 151CA


Thanks, Eric. That's what I was looking for.


I remember "Shots With Power" was an overpowered and must have player trait for strikers in FM18(or FM17). Have anyone tried this player trait in FM20?


Poacher said: I remember "Shots With Power" was an overpowered and must have player trait for strikers in FM18(or FM17). Have anyone tried this player trait in FM20?

I think training your player "Shots With Power" only makes sense if he's got a high Long Shots attribute or a low "Finishing" attribute

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