Uploaded Date
Mar 20, 2023
latest patchPatch 23.5.0 ( N )
WIN 46%
LOSE 54%
Patch 23.5.0
WIN 54%
LOSE 46%
Patch 23.5.0 ( N ) tests
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Test #1
Date: 27.04.2023
Test #2
Date: 27.04.2023
Test #3
Date: 27.04.2023
Patch 23.5.0 tests
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424 Volts into Undervolts III

Well after the shock of before going a bit back and trying CWB on attack..

Overlaps and focus flanks.. (gonna make one with cwb and underlaps o.o)


Here we go


Do you change the mentality of the team in different scenarios? for example, if ypu're losing, do you chage the mentality to positive or attacking?


klokan said: Do you change the mentality of the team in different scenarios? for example, if ypu're losing, do you chage the mentality to positive or attacking?

About mentality i can say just that :

Home : Balanced
Away : Cautious

If you're losing i would go VA

Positive seem useless at all this patch, i have to test attacking yet


This formation is so much easier to find players for compared to 4123, hope the tornado is kind to it!


Looks like 4-2-Facking_4 is back on the menu bois.


Please, some player instructions for us on console/iPads..


Turboheh said: Please, some player instructions for us on console/iPads..

here you go


Ok, made for the lols the 5 Worst Team around the top 5 serie of Europe :

I did healed all the player on the beginning and just runned vacation.

Those are Just XI pre-selected by AM(i guess) i don't even know if the players fit the tactic, didn't altered it in any way.


Lol, good stuff! Again 424 and 343 never goes out of meta because it’s so easy to find quality players in these roles.


Delicious said: here you go

Youre always fast to reply


Wing backs and inside forwards, excellent. Now if we can just get one to work with a lone striker...


@Zippo can you check what happened on run 12 is strange, ruining a score for something like that😭


Delicious said: @Zippo can you check what happened on run 12 is strange, ruining a score for something like that😭

Sadly, I haven't got free time for it right now but I can give you the end game saves

Check them and if you find anything suspicious then let me know

I just want to add that +/- 10-12 RNG between single runs isn't a rare thing, it really happens sometimes.

Also, 4 points correction between 1,920 matches and 5,760 matches is quite rare thing and most of time it's 1-2 points correction but as you can see even 4 points correction might happen. What can I say? Welcome to FM world! :D

P.S. Unforutanlty, the save numbers and the screenshot numbers might not match, which means you have to inspect every game save to find a game save that matches the result of the screenshot number #12


Save 12 final points from your download don't match the screenshots you've posted up so looks like you've made a mistake.  No beef as we are all human and all make mistakes :)


JustinCredible said: Save 12 final points from your download don't match the screenshots
Unforutanlty, the save numbers and the screenshot numbers might not match, which means you have to inspect every game save to find a game save that matches the result of the screenshot number #12

JustinCredible said: No beef as we are all human and all make mistakes :)
I don't upload anything. Our tactic testing is fully automated. The testing server handles everything.


Are you sure?  I checked save 1 against screenshot 1 and save 6 against screenshot 6 (and both matched) before downloading 12 (which also matched screenshot 12).  The odds of 3 of 12 screenshots randomly matching 3 of 12 downloads are incredibly unlikely!


should mention I'm a data scientist as well as avid FM player so have a keen interest in both fields :)


JustinCredible said: Are you sure?  I checked save 1 against screenshot 1 and save 6 against screenshot 6 (and both matched) before downloading 12 (which also matched screenshot 12).  The odds of 3 of 12 screenshots randomly matching 3 of 12 downloads are incredibly unlikely!
Yes, I'm sure. :)

Some game saves and screenshot numbers might match and some might not so as I said to find some specific result you have to inspect all the game saves. Don't doubt, you'll find it.


Fair enough, you know your system!


Zippo said: Sadly, I haven't got free time for it right now but I can give you the end game saves

Check them and if you find anything suspicious then let me know

I just want to add that +/- 10-12 RNG between single runs isn't a rare thing, it really happens sometimes.

Also, 4 points correction between 1,920 matches and 5,760 matches is quite rare thing and most of time it's 1-2 points correction but as you can see even 4 points correction might happen. What can I say? Welcome to FM world! :D

P.S. Unforutanlty, the save numbers and the screenshot numbers might not match, which means you have to inspect every game save to find a game save that matches the result of the screenshot number #12

Is fine,i don't really care about that much to go inspect every game,isn't like i don't trust the results of our loved machine. Just felt weird to drop 4 points, it feel like we are playing FM-Lotto on this patch to be honest.


Delicious said: Is fine,i don't really care about that much to go inspect every game,isn't like i don't trust the results of our loved machine. Just felt weird to drop 4 points, it feel like we are playing FM-Lotto on this patch to be honest.

Yup, we've been noticing that the RNG has increased in 23.3.0 patch. Probably, +/- 0.5-1 points to what we had before.

Unforutanlty, we can't test every tactic for 5,760 matches to guaranty +/- 1 point RNG.

I don't know we might try to start testing tactics for 5,760 matches instead of 1,920 matches but I'm afraid that would make things even worse for people because the wait time will be too long.

Honestly, I really don't think we need to be that extremely precious like +/- 1 pts or some like that because in the real game you hardly can "feel" the difference between 58pts tactics and 66pts tactics.

I don't know maybe we should remove the points and leave only the rating? What do you think?


Zippo said: Yup, we've been noticing that the RNG has increased in 23.3.0 patch. Probably, +/- 0.5-1 points to what we had before.

Unforutanlty, we can't test every tactic for 5,760 matches to guaranty +/- 1 point RNG.

I don't know we might try to start testing tactics for 5,760 matches instead of 1,920 matches but I'm afraid that would make things even worse for people because the wait time will be too long.

Honestly, I really don't think we need to be that extremely precious like +/- 1 pts or some like that because in the real game you hardly can "feel" the difference between 58pts tactics and 66pts tactics.

I don't know maybe we should remove the points and leave only the rating? What do you think?

For me the only thing is "frustrating" is the high threshold(guess at the moment is 57 or something like that),since some tactic like the most loved 451(433/41221) can't even surpass the first games and we really strugling to understand if we making some progress or not.
And as we know, we trust if a tactic can reach 1920 games, not 640 games.
I do think that the system is really good designed already, people wanna know numbers towards tactics not just "rating" that is cool but honesly i do prefer pure numbers and is imho the icon of FM-Arena,only here you can really find those kind of test. I mean we can run 5,760 games only if the case is really needed(like i did asked for the 4123 with RPM).
Let this one behind,i was personally salty because of the drop, because i was happy that i'd found something working like i do suppose should (the wingsbacks on attack duty to overlaps, i don't really care if the final number is 62/66/100), when i did asked you what happened,was sincerely just because i was worried that something strange happened, like unfreeze etc,not because i was trying to accusing the validation of the test,i mean all the tactics i made are based from arena so would be stupid of me to even think something like that.

But now what let me perplexed is better with underlaps or overlaps?
I will make just more test like i did in the past.
Personally i would drop the threshold to like 55, because as you see, this one was really lucky on first 6 runs and with the "tornado" got the numbers fixed.
And imho even a lucky push is needed,for some tactics, to get some attention.

And as we said in the past RNG is literally a BITCH.

(I don't believe just 1 run made it drop 4 points)


Zippo said: Yup, we've been noticing that the RNG has increased in 23.3.0 patch. Probably, +/- 0.5-1 points to what we had before.

Unforutanlty, we can't test every tactic for 5,760 matches to guaranty +/- 1 point RNG.

I don't know we might try to start testing tactics for 5,760 matches instead of 1,920 matches but I'm afraid that would make things even worse for people because the wait time will be too long.

Honestly, I really don't think we need to be that extremely precious like +/- 1 pts or some like that because in the real game you hardly can "feel" the difference between 58pts tactics and 66pts tactics.

I don't know maybe we should remove the points and leave only the rating? What do you think?

I think the improvement recently made to tag tactics as “excellent” and “good” was a great step and I agree 100% that in game all there is very minimal difference between a 58 point tactic and 66 point tactic


Delicious said: About mentality i can say just that :

Home : Balanced
Away : Cautious

If you're losing i would go VA

Positive seem useless at all this patch, i have to test attacking yet

Ok, so you think even if I play as Liverpool versus Bournemouth, you suggest mentality should be cautious?


klokan said: Ok, so you think even if I play as Liverpool versus Bournemouth, you suggest mentality should be cautious?

Yup,i will make a guide about it later on.

IF you believe your team is really stronger then the opponent, you can even play on attacking,but that will just make you vulnerable to their attacks.


Delicious said: Yup,i will make a guide about it later on.

IF you believe your team is really stronger then the opponent, you can even play on attacking,but that will just make you vulnerable to their attacks.

okay man, thank you. Would you be so kind and tag me so I get a notification when you make a guide about mentality? :D

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