Adjustments to the tactic testing system

by Zippo, Mar 31, 2023


We've decided to make adjustments to the tactic testing system.

From now on, it should look like this:

- Every tactic gets 2 rounds(640 matches) by default and if after 2 rounds it hits 58 points or above then it gets 1 additional round for total 3 rounds(960 matches).

- If after 3 rounds(960 matches) it hits 60 points or above and also manages to get a place in the "Hall Of Fame" then it gets another 3 additional rounds for total 6 rounds(1,920 matches).

- If after 6 rounds(1,920 matches) it still holds 60 points or above and it also holds a place in "Hall Of Fame" then it gets another 6 additional rounds for total 12 round(3,840 matches)

At some point in the future for some top tactics in the "Hall Of Fame" the 12 rounds(3,840 matches) might be extended to 18 rounds(5,760 matches).


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