Uploaded Date
Nov 10, 2023
latest patchPatch 24.4.0 (DB3.0)
not tested yet
Patch 24.2.0 (DB2.0)
Patch 24.2.0 (DB1.0)
Patch 24.1.0 (DB1.0)
Patch 24.2.0 (DB2.0) tests
Patch 24.2.0 (DB1.0) tests
Patch 24.1.0 (DB1.0) tests
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Changes in the defensive midfield combination,BWMD+VOLA→DLP+DM,How did the defense work out.
65? so fast
I'm an FMT user, so can you give me some personal guidelines?
Atleti said: I'm an FMT user, so can you give me some personal guidelines?
In fact, it is basically the same, letsgo has been posted in the AM4 post, where the DMS setup is only fierce and adventurous passing. Sorry, I can only use translation software, so communication is a little difficult.
And tactics or instructions to hold the result in the last ten minutes? When I arrive with one-nil at the end of the game, I often score the equalizer in an isolated play. Do you have any tips? Since such tactics will never be in the rankings, because the objective is only to secure the result.
How should mirror tactics be set up, please? The kind that puts the wingers on the right side.
How does this tactic perform with a AM on attack as opposed to a SS?
SirKnowsalot said: How does this tactic perform with a AM on attack as opposed to a SS?

you should put it on a test
I’m too new for that sort of involvement 😂
Cool! Now, try a Libero-Defend on the left side. =)
Preferences on the preferred foot of the left winger and AM?
Pi's I'm on xbox??
A Smile said: Changes in the defensive midfield combination,BWMD+VOLA→DLP+DM,How did the defense work out.
Player instructions please
player instructions?
game is pretty unrealistic at the moment or tactics are too good, two top tactic used here one with attacking mentality home and one with standard for away. only one transfer done.
White Europe said: game is pretty unrealistic at the moment or tactics are too good, two top tactic used here one with attacking mentality home and one with standard for away. only one transfer done.
"Positional Play" breaks the game
White Europe said: game is pretty unrealistic at the moment or tactics are too good, two top tactic used here one with attacking mentality home and one with standard for away. only one transfer done.
I agree 100%, literally, you can take any tactic and then add some meta TI and that's it. I feel like PI and Roles matter very less right now.
White Europe said: game is pretty unrealistic at the moment or tactics are too good, two top tactic used here one with attacking mentality home and one with standard for away. only one transfer done.
this is very smart sir
what are the individual player instructions
Pi's please I want to use this tactic
Dylan935 said: Pi's please I want to use this tactic
Forwards, wingers and center backs have the same PIs
Mirrored version
Which side's striker is the higher scorer in the tested formation?
letsgo9 said: Mirrored version
I think this one should be tested as well. We have to see if there are differences between the sides of the attack and how much of a difference if there are any
alex said: I think this one should be tested as well. We have to see if there are differences between the sides of the attack and how much of a difference if there are any
@dzek alrdy make these kinda of comparisons, I think he can describe it better for ya
alex said: I think this one should be tested as well. We have to see if there are differences between the sides of the attack and how much of a difference if there are any
I tried both cause i had more lefty players in my team, surprisingly i had worse results, when i went back to the original one it returned to be amazing, don't know why
letsgo9 said: @dzek alrdy make these kinda of comparisons, I think he can describe it better for ya
The truth is I haven't tried it in this year's version. Last year (though I believe the same is true this year) I came to the conclusion that for some reason the left side is somehow more efficient than the right. @alex
Here are my tests from last year:
Left - https://fm-arena.com/thread/6199-fm23-the-last-dance-v1-7-left-by-dzek/
Right - https://fm-arena.com/thread/6200-fm23-the-last-dance-v1-7-right-by-dzek/
I also saw other evidence in my own tests of this in addition to the results above.
But we can, if anyone wants to of course, try it again this year maybe something has changed.
Gianaa9 said: I tried both cause i had more lefty players in my team, surprisingly i had worse results, when i went back to the original one it returned to be amazing, don't know why
Did you change focus play and overlap instructions too or only positions of your players?
dzek said: Did you change focus play and overlap instructions too or only positions of your players?
yes, i swapped PIs, roles and TIs
Gianaa9 said: yes, i swapped PIs, roles and TIs
If you can, put it up for test on FM-Arena; mentioned the original creator and changes