Uploaded Date
Jan 14, 2024
latest patchPatch 24.4.0 (DB3.0)
not tested yet
Patch 24.2.0 (DB2.0)
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This is the test tactic referenced here:
This will be used to check if there's any benefit to this tactic using a taller but slower striker.
Hey, @svonn.
With only 1 striker as TF, I doubt that the difference can beat the RNG even after 2,400 matches.
Edit the tactic and make both striker to be TF because it's the only way to see a difference that can beat the RNG after 2,400 matches.
Let me know when you're done.
Two Target Forwards does not make sense and does not fit the custom coding SI did for TFs. All the settings about "To Target Forward" only works properly with one from what I've seen, and in addition to that you need the AI to select one fast and one tall striker. Please try it with this tactic, I think without a tall one it will be terrible enough to clearly notice the difference despite rng.
Yep, looks bad enough, I think if the AI uses some target forward archetype as I've proposed in that TF spot and does not manage to beat RNG in this test, it's not worth it even thinking about adding that archetype @Zippo