Uploaded Date
Jan 25, 2024
Patch 24.4.0 (DB2.0) tests
Patch 24.2.0 (DB2.0) tests
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Double pivot 4231 high tempo short passing pass into space overlap
Step up more HUB and roam
Added FFBs
Good luck with 4,000 matches test
New king?! Need player instructions please!!
Rollerbob said: New king?! Need player instructions please!!

there you go
Can it survive 4К or not...

Nice! When does it get the 4k? it's been a while since 2400 matches test
. Congrats! It's curios how this tactic with better defence got number 2
alex said: It's curios how this tactic with better defence got number 2
It's been explained many times. By default, the tactics are sorted by "points" but the tables shows you the "rounded" numbers when the actual numbers are "64.3625" and "64.239".
Bear in mind, that even 4,000 matches tests still have 0.5-1.5 pts RNG.
In general, if tactics have the same "Rating" then there won't be any noticeable difference between them in a normal save, which means in a normal save a tactic 64pts(EXCELLENT) rating would work for you as good as a tactic 59pts(EXCELLENT). More info - https://fm-arena.com/thread/8922-understanding-the-results-of-fm-arena-tactic-testing/
Droid said: It's been explained many times. By default, the tactics are sorted by "points" but the tables shows you the "rounded" numbers when the actual numbers are "64.3625" and "64.239".
. It's just awkward
). If judging by the goal diff it should have won more games, but yeah there are other factors involved. It's just funny how football works 
Bear in mind, that even 4,000 matches tests still have 0.5-1.5 pts RNG.
In general, if tactics have the same rating then there won't be any noticeable difference between then in a normal save, which means in a normal save a tactic 64pts(EXCELLENT) rating would work for you as good as a tactic 59pts(EXCELLENT). More info - https://fm-arena.com/thread/8922-understanding-the-results-of-fm-arena-tactic-testing/
I know how it works, but thanks
alex said: I know how it works, but thanks
. It's just awkward
). If judging by the goal diff it should have won more games, but yeah there are other factors involved. It's just funny how football works 
It simply means that a tactic usually wins like 4-0/5-0 but wins less matches, instead the other one winning more matches with 2-1/2-0 results, we just have to find the compromise with Katana's attack and COSMOS' defence
Gianaa9 said: It simply means that a tactic usually wins like 4-0/5-0 but wins less matches, instead the other one winning more matches with 2-1/2-0 results, we just have to find the compromise with Katana's attack and COSMOS' defence

Yup, you're right. Interesting with that SK on support
Gianaa9 said: It simply means that a tactic usually wins like 4-0/5-0 but wins less matches, instead the other one winning more matches with 2-1/2-0 results, we just have to find the compromise with Katana's attack and COSMOS' defence

alex said: Yup, you're right. Interesting with that SK on support
Once more, even 4,000 matches tests have 0.5 - 1.5 RNG when it comes to the pts and -/+ 3 G.D. when it comes to the G.D.,
The above means that for example, if we take Katana tactic which scored "64" pts and "+17" G.D. and re-test it again for 4,000 matches then it might score as low as "63" pts and "+14" G.D., of course, if it hits a very unlucky RNG wave.
so is this a knap tactic
grahamc said: so is this a knap tactic
what gives you the impression that its a Knap tactic?
when you download the tactic it comes up as knap as the user
CBP87 said: what gives you the impression that its a Knap tactic?

probably, this
Sandro said: probably, this

Ooooo I hadn't seen that
thats why i was asking
Maybe his name is gerrard knap...not a bad name to be honest
grahamc said: thats why i was asking
Sorry mate, I didn't see the author of the tactic on download. You're right to question it
i think he just changes the name of the tactic
grahamc said: i think he just changes the name of the tactic
Nope, it isn't possible to change the original name of a tactic, the name that the game displays you.
You can check it, try to change the name of the file but in the game will keep the original name.
So Kanp just uses Gerrard nickname here, and why not? He doesn't break any rules, I guess it's his business what nickname to use here.
well the tactic looks very similar to a few 4231s out there, but the PIs are different. He may have used a Knap tactic as base and changed the roles to what currently works.
Only 1 person can explain why Knap is showing as the author
looks like this tactic
Knap's first name initial is G so it could well be the man the myth the Legend himself.
Mr Hough83 said: Knap's first name initial is G so it could well be the man the myth the Legend himself.

Mr H is correct
Gerrard said: Mr H is correct

Wow! I'm a big fan of you tactics, pal. Nice to you see here and this tactic is really amazing. Well done!