Uploaded Date
Jan 30, 2021
Patch 21.4.0 tests
Patch 21.3.0 tests
Patch 21.2.2 tests
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Can you test this tactic?
@salzby, I might be blind but I don't see any tactic attached to your post... where are the tactics?
additional stuff:
I was (still I'm ) a reader of FM base or Si Community page, Not big fun of Knap though - guy is producing "fuckilions" of tactic every single year, doing his tests within 1 hour, diff form etc - huge respect for him for still doing this. TTFF- hmmm guy was goood in 2017-18... but he liked to be the best too much. For me the best game breaker tactics creator were Mr. Langvatn or Mr Hough. Single tactic /formation - game breakers- improved by creators or forums members.
take a look at Si forum - dominated by KNAP ... that's why I've log in into FMarena and decide to write something we need fresh look and tests like "attributes impact"
Pierluigi @Droid - added sorry and THX
salzby said: Pierluigi @Droid - added sorry and THX

Why did you name your tactic AP & DM ? I see on the screenshot it uses BBM and RGA?
It might be you uploaded a wrong tactic or a wrong screenshot ? Or just the name is misleading ?
Name is APDM_S MOD - as I say I'm not a original creator of tactic, which is Magician. APDM MOD-ification is being done by healumth - _S means I've altered set pieces (corners mainly) - and MOD means I've changed APDM into B2B_reg. Have Been member of FM base SI for too long to "catch" any benefits form original creator of tactic for someone else. My tactic is just a modification of:
Magicani Phoenix 1.0 > Haelmuth mod APDM>
I think all forums (FM base, SI) should work like this.
Guys like Knap TFF (hmm) , should find best formations for given FM edition - then just relay on forum guys to modify/tinker. From my experience every single cm/FM edition has a game breaker Plug&play tactic - diablo like (2004 - right?????) Overall goal is to win everything either it will be top 10 world clubs or 6 tier san marino league (egh - no:-)
salzby said: Name is APDM_S MOD - as I say I'm not a original creator of tactic

Just for the record, healmuth's AP&DM tweak is literally Phoenix v1.0 tactic with 2 tweaks:
1) DPL(S) was changed to DM(S)
2) CM(A) was changed to AP(A)
If you changed AP(A) to BBM(S) and DM(S) to RGA(S) then there's nothing left from healmuth's APDM tweak
Probably, that's why people asking you why you named your tactic APDM tweaks if there's nothing left from that tweak
It makes sense to name your tactic Phoenix v1.0 BBM(S) & RGA(S) tweak or something like that.
I t will make sense to call it whatever you want If it get score 7.1.:-)
@Zippo could you please also test healmuth APDM mod I think deserves a test.
salzby said: @Zippo could you please also test healmuth APDM mod I think deserves a test.
Changes CM-A to AP-A and DLP-S to DM-S have been tested already
CA-A and DLP-S setup got 6.9 rating - https://fm-arena.com/tactic/732-zaz-red/
AP-A and DM-S got 6.7 rating - https://fm-arena.com/tactic/745-zaz-red/
Regarding your tactic... the opening post looks messy, it's very hard to understand what tactic you tweaked and what changes you made, please, clean it a bit and I'll take a look once more.
First game with the tactic, looking good.
Ok OP changed.
My tactic has B2B & Regista at CM and DM positions.
Wingers on support Vs Defensive wingers in other tested tactics.
Other Differences between my tactic and those already by you:
Mentality - Positive vs Attacking in other tactics
In Possession:
Shorter passing vs Slightly shorter passing
Run at defence unmarked vs Run at defence marked in other tactics
Above hasn't been tested yet.