I'm sure that many of you have noticed that almost in any successful 4231 tactic you can find that the Inside Forwards have "Sit Narrower" PI and the Full Backs have "Stay Wider" PI but what if we remove these PIs and see how it changes the result.
"Say Wider" and "Sit Narrower" PIs
GENERIC BASE TACTIC: PIs: "Dribble More", "Tackle Harder"
I'm sure that many of you have noticed that almost in any successful 4231 tactic you can find that the Inside Forwards have "Sit Narrower" PI and the Full Backs have "Stay Wider" PI but what if we remove these PIs and see how it changes the result.
"Say Wider" and "Sit Narrower" PIs
PIs: "Dribble More", "Tackle Harder"
I would suggest even testing dribble more with/without on fb's