Ratings file for Genie Scout based on FM-Arena Attribute Testing

by Pip, 5 days, 18 hours ago

Yea sure,  I'd love to see it
Yea but these players must be interested in playing in my club??


Bafici said: I can make a guide-like thread on how to use genie scout.

You don't need to create a shortlist. You load and search all the players in the game and then select from there.

Roles doesn't matter as you can see in this thread. You need to check the positional ratings of players.

Oh wow, I havn't seen that topic before. That just throws everything out of the window when it comes to my attribute knowledge. I knew about pace and acceleration and in some positions jumping seemed quite good, but the rest is a surprise to me. Is there any information on what we do need to look out for? Or are those in your screenshots from a copple of posts earlier.

Thanks btw, appreciate the extra lesson.


Kamas1 said: Yea sure,  I'd love to see it
Yea but these players must be interested in playing in my club??

Yeah, if you're managing a club with a lower reputation, it's a bit more work.

One way to do it is by filtering based on reputation in Genie Scout: start by checking your club's reputation in the clubs tab, then search for players with a slightly higher reputation (though this might take some trial and error).

But the method I use is:

1. In-game, go to the scouting tab.
2. Under the players section, select 'Players in Range.'
3. Add a condition for 'Interested in Transfer.'
4. Add all those players to a shortlist.
5. Load the shortlist into Genie Scout.
6. Then filter within that shortlist.


Acceleration: +49 – 100/100

Pace: +45 – 92/100

Dribbling: +25 – 51/100

Anticipation: +15 – 31/100

Jumping Reach: +14 – 29/100

Balance: +10 – 20/100

Stamina: +9 – 18/100

Finishing: +8 – 16/100

Long Shots: +7 – 14/100

Heading: +5 – 10/100

Crossing: +5 – 10/100

Strength: +7 – 14/100

Agility: +6 – 12/100

Work Rate: +6 – 12/100

Passing: +4 – 8/100

Concentration: +4 – 8/100

Determination: +4 – 8/100

Pace: -59 – 100/100

Acceleration: -48 – 81/100

Stamina: -16 – 27/100

Jumping Reach: -8 – 14/100

Balance: -8 – 14/100

Strength: -5 – 9/100

Agility: -6 – 10/100

Anticipation: -10 – 17/100

Work Rate: -10 – 17/100

Concentration: -8 – 14/100

Determination: -5 – 9/100

I created this table using chatgpt
you can adjust it to your position (for winger don't add jumping reach just a little more croosing etc.)

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