Love this tactic! Testing a few tactics simultaneously, and so far this is the stand out.  Will let you know how it goes after i finish up the next run
Markizio said: If you run your test for the same tactic about 6 times then you'll see the points and the goals can fluctuate by 30%. With the same tactic the highest points might be 320 points and the lowest points might be 260 points so 1 or 2 runs isn't enough to confirm anything.

Not seen a 30% swing in point using the test setup im using.  At most its 10% between tests.  I'll do the third test and share the results
6 times!?!?!  I've done it two cycles, will do it a third not got the time to run it through 6 times today
Ran a test with a simple tweak, change PF > AF here are the results - so many goals!  PF is definitely the more stable and consistent, but a nice tweak for when you need a goal
Tests very well!
Looks good, im gonna try it.  BTW - where can i find a download of the CA165/CA140 Test League setup, i know i say it somewhere just cant remember where
Love this tactic, but is anyone else finding that the DMC more often than not gets poor-average rating?
After success with Phoenix dried up, i tried many tactics - the one that has been the most successful is Knaps 4-1-3-2-0 Dark Side of the Moon.  Can you guys test it and see it performs?
Downloaded : 247 times
Uploaded : Dec 27, 2020
Love the shape - I'll give a try!