+8? Interesting to see if you can maintain that in 4000 matches.
naul said: Yeah i see Haaland is Tactics haha

thank you ZaZ I used your tactic Blue on FM2022
It was an astonishingly massive tactic
Personally, if the day comes when FM can implement Manchester City's tactics, please create Manchester City's tactics Thank you ZaZ

check this out, apparently the role that john stone plays in the new man city tactic is not properly implemented in fm23.
naul said: King of FM22 tactics ZAZ! Nice to meet you

I have a question
The FM community in Korea did research with one topic Which formation and which tactics would be the most efficient and best in the 23.4 FM version

The results of our Koreans are
In the 23.4 version, the tactics using 2DM and a tall one-top striker with a good right to provide were the most efficient

ZAZ! What's your opinion?

Link to that formation?
Pumpkin said: This is what I personally use it's a mixture of ZaZ's training which is based of Evidence Based FMs research on what sessions maximise growth and uses this so I can use as many match practices as possible, also keep in mind I also follows ZaZ's advice on the rest setup

What made you choose match practice over physicals? Since physical is needed for pace/acceleration.
ZaZ said: Both.

Just tried doing this. Applied the table, set the intensity and been getting injuries all from training like once or twice a week.